Ba gua


For Primal Heaven it's (going from 12:00 clockwise) Chien, Sun, Kan, Ken, Kun, Chen, Li, Tui

Later Heaven it's Li, Kun, Tui, Chien, Kan, Ken, Chen, Sun

For the Dance of Yu on the Circle of Later Heaven (mudras in parentheses) it's done in the order of

There's also a harmonizing movement at the end of each movement- cross wrists at about heart-level, palms in and fingers touching chest, then reverse hands to palms out, press wrists together, turn a slight sub-circle.

I do the Dance of Yu procedure on with the Later Heaven Circle while visualizing the Primal Heaven arrangement Trigrams on my Chakras/Circuits- as I do the mudras I inhale the Later Heaven Trigram in to the relevant Chakra (going from bottom up)- contemplating how the Primal Heaven becomes the Later heaven and also how the two Trigrams can combine to form a Hexagram and how these processes can aid in my own personal Work.

First stage-

Recent studies have led me to speculate on a connection between this process and the Alchemical process- the first seven stages connecting to Calcination, Solve, Coagula, Sublimation, Mortifacto, Separation and Conjunction, the 8th representing the final integration (passive/active Li receiving acktive Chien)

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