Chaos Eye

1) Stand in star shape. (Arms outstretched, feet apart)

2) Do funky breathing thing though whole ritual. Meaning, do whatever breathing exercises you prefer.

3) Start feeling weightless.

4) I then visualise an eye in my torso, stretching from my groin to chin. The eye is lying on its side, meaning, it's vertical instead of horizontal.

5) I then "look out" from the eye, and see the Earth below, in the realms of space.

6) I then, "move away" from the Earth, towards the Sun.

7) I then "move into" the Sun, into the centre, in the midst of all the fiery chaotic eruptions.

8) I then "Look out" from the eye, and "see" my statement of intent being accomplished.

9) After that, laugh like hell....

[anti-copyrite] AutonomatriX
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