The Consumption of Jupiter -- A Blue MagickRitual

I inadvertantly stumbled upon this rite when a co-worker ofmain was trying to find a way to purchase his own business. Ona whim, I sigillized his Suzy-Q™ snack cake and made himchant the Juptier chant. He was soon able to quit his job andstart his business. I have modifed and enhanced this ritual anduse Quaker™ RIce Cakes instead of Suzy-Qs; rice cakes makea perfect pentacle. Warning: if you are diabetic, do NOT try thisrite! The author is not responsible for sugar shock!


- Quaker Rice Cakes (any flavor), one per participant plusone more for an offering
- Blue icing of cake decorating frosting; in a pinch white canbe used
- Blue Kool-Aid™ of Blue Curaco™ or any other blue tinted,potable liquid
- A blue candle for each participant
- Jupiter incense

The Rite:

1. Light the Jupiter incense on the altar. Open with a banishingsuch as Vortex or Thunderbolt

2. Statement of Intent: "It is our Will to invoke andingest the power of Jupiter!"

3. Everyone lights their candle in front of them. One ricecake per participant is placed in front of the candle.

4. All take a deep breath, ground, then start the Jupiter chant:"Emurt Inum" and visualize a clear, sky blue or cobaltblue light surrounding the group and filling all the participants.

5. While chanting, pass around the blue icing. In a large groupit's best to have two or three tubes to pass around. Each participantdraws the planetary sigil of Jupiter on their rice cake with theicing.

6. When everyone is done, the chanting stops, and one by oneeveryone raises their sigilized rice cake aloft and says, "Imanifest and ingest the power of Jupiter!" and eats the cake.

7. The fearless leader of the evening then sigilizes the offeringcake with the icing and it is passed from hand to hand. As eachperson takes the cake, s/he says "Xiqual Jupiter!" Wheneveryone is done, this cake is placed on the altar as an offering.

8. The leader then pours the blue liquid into a goblet, takesa sip and then passes it around. When all have sipped the remaineris placed on the altar as an offering.

9. Close the space and banish with laughter.

Note: This particular offering should be buried, not burnt;not only the pentacles grown from the earth and make a good earthoffering, a burning rice cake makes a concrete-like blob thatis impossible to remove!


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