Thee Glyph ov Disruption

Thee Glyph ov Disruption is a simple work of ritual magick designed when I was having a lot of personal problems and got myself completely enmeshed in a tangled web of desires, over time the working has proven to be a very useful and quick alternative to more lengthy banishing rituals.It is a simple ritual, consisting largely of visualizations, with some somatics and posturing.

The way it works is deceptively simple: you call up a glyph, which is charged with disruptive power and you use it to "slice" through whatever it is that's bothering you.

One way of doing it is thus:

0. Identify the source of your problem, find a good way of visualizing it. preferably some form of "living" organism that is perpetually chattering to you in an annoying voice.

1. Take three deep breaths and whisper: TAXCHASI (shut up)

2. Look slightly down and pull up your shoulders whilst keeping your elbows tucked to your side, clench both fists as hard as you can, visualize a ring of bright red flames flare up around you.

3. Whisper, slightly louder than last time:TAXCHASI

4. Clench you teeth, contract as many muscles in your body to produce "tense" posture. Visualize the ring of fire being "drawn" towards a point in front of you, forming a column of fire.

5. Shout out: TAXCHASI!! And let all of your muscles loose, swing your arms upwards and visualize a razor-sharp metal omega bursting out of the flames, you should feel able to control it with your hands.

6. Send the omega hurtling towards the target so fast it's a blur, then slice it as many times as you see fit (in general people will like to take 12+ slices) imagine a loud "shhhinggg" each time it passes through the "target"

7. When you are satisfied, send the omega flying upwards and away, visualize the target suddenly falling apart in an appropriate amount of slices.

8. Relax, breathe and say smugly: GRAHOR-NE-THRA (I warned you.)

9. (optional) jump up and down on the remains of the target, cackling madly.

This exercise can be done in less than a minute, and should be a very "energetic" event, the rage building up from stage 1 to 5 culminating with astral violence at step 6.

I have tried it on people, I suspect it to be VERY uncomfortable to say the least.

[anti-copyrite] AutonomatriX
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