Success is a green colored God

The statement of intent:

The intent of this ritual is to transform the term "Success" and all it implies into a Godform that through ritual and sigilization could be appeased and worshipped into granting its name or boon upon its followers.

This ritual will utilize sigilization as a tool and sexual gnosis as a technique.

Using the original created phrase "I am fully successful in all my businesses", reduced to its basic element, the letter "B" it becomes the one letter sigil. You may add additional symbols to the sigil paper that also convey your thoughts and feelings to make it more focused and concise. This is a ritual that may be repeated as often as you like. The Godform is visualized as a green colored creature similar to Gigers' alien with many arms.


4 green candles, brazier, matches, sword (or dagger type device), paper, and
a writing instrument.

The Ritual

Arrange and light the green colored candles upon the altar.
Breathe and clear mind of distractions, begin to immerse yourself with the ritual totally.
Concentrate and through the use of the sword visualize the black spinning chaosphere above the altar.
Begin evocation of Success as a Godform by prostrating yourself before the altar in a worshipful position (on your knees).

Begin the swearing of total allegiance of total self to Success.
Use your own heartfelt words of desire here. State how every part of you belongs to it and is desirous of it.
Introduce previous created sigil or create the sigil that explains your intent "B".

It is important to concentrate on this sigil throughout the ritual now.
Using sexual gnosis brought about through the worship act and devotion of whole self, mark the created sigil with your essence.
Use it to fully charge the sigil with your intent and desires.

Do this repeatedly until you reach your peak.
After reaching your peak and finishing marking it with your essence, fold it quite small.
Then using the sword place it into the brazier to burn the sigil.

This is in order to release it fully into the aeon and into Success.
Concentrate on the sigil as you are doing this.
Then using the matches, make sure the folded sigil catches fire and burns fully.
Once it is blackened into ash, thank the "Success" for its blessings and favor.
Meditate to clear mind and ground self.
Empty mind of focus to open self up to aeon and Success.
Visualize the chaosphere again over the altar with sword.
Blow out candles.
Banish remaining energy with laughter.

Corpus Fecundi Index