Health Servitor

Sorcery Evocation


Fema Clay: Earth Colors

Stones: Malachite & Tigerís Eye

Herbs: Kava Kava, Cayenne, Ginger, Goldenrod, Peppermint, Uva Ursa

Oils: Dragonís Blood

A deck of tarot cards

Incense, salt and water

One pot and good fertile earth

A throne for the creature



The statement of intent is to create a spirit whose purpose is to bring you good health, heal you, and general promotes an amazing constitution. Let yourself enter into a light trance state through 10 minutes of pranyama: 4-fold breath


Step One: Card Charging

First feed the cards incense. Then lay out the following cards in a wheel. Choose a signicator card and lay it down. Then a base of the aces in a cross shape. I then made a wheel of cards: 6 pents, 10 pents, 3 pents, and 8 pents. Forming the foundation of working hard and achieving material results and success. Then form a third layer atop it for the planetary powers that are to be evoked into the spirit: empress (Venus, Sun (sun), Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter), and I added the Star to complete as a symbol of the union of my mind/body/spirit self. I placed the Queen of Pentacles on top of that to show my progression towards earthly health and as the signicator for the spirit. You can altar this signators progressions if you would like. Then place the 8 of wands and six of wands besides the signicator for the fire of healing and passionate victory. In this way we are incorporating fire as a way to increase the immune system, metabolism, and healing process. Let your eyes unfocus and roam the layout; letting it sink into your consciousness, moving the energy and shaping it, letting its energies wash over you and crystallize in form and shape. When I felt the card spell reach that moment where all the different cards were now in unity. I did a basic charging of the cards through breath work.

Step Two: Formation of entity


Get a cookie sheet to place overtop the cards that will be your workspace. You can use any flat not sticky flat surface you can find. Then place all of your items on the sheet and begin your work. Center your mind on the goal of health for yourself and what it means to be healthy. Let yourself roam in visions of what your healthy self would be like. Let the spirit of the energies you have melded with the cards manifest through your hands. As sorceric magick, is about directly working with energies. Created a dwelling place for the spirit by melding together a four chambered heart in red fema-filling it with a combination of herbs and hair and nail clippings and sealing it with your personal magickal sigil. This actually ended up becoming the head of the go figure. It will end up where it needs to be. As you ware forming the spirit, be in touch with its consciousness as it grows. Feed it energy much like you would a young child and continued to work with it, then gave some of your life breath to the creature through three breaths, visualizing the heart and brain made alive and active. Then feed the creature food and incense. Let the spirit sit out overnight on top of cards. Carve the runes: kenaz, fehu, and uruz into the creatures form vibrating the names. Theses symbols are respectively for: hearthfire (digestion), earthly power (vitality), and fortitude (constitution).

Step Three: Creation of throne

The next step is to paint the throne. The throne is meant to be a reservoir of power and place for the spirit to charge its energies. With that in mind, I first painted the reiki symbols of healing in red. I can not share those but they are in printed form for those that are interested. I then painted the throne black overtop the reiki symbols, to draw in energy around it and then transform it, then painted in green a pentacle of manifestation. Pentacle with downward pointing triangle in the center, inside the triangle, a vortex. Consecrate and charge it using dragonís blood oil. Now that that was complete. Feeding and then I covered both items with black cloth. I moved to the next step. I used the three-legged plastic table you get in a pizza box. I decided it was the perfect size for my newly created elemental, however, use whatever you would like.

Step Three: Sigil Formation and Naming of the newly born child


I created a sigil. I started with the SOI: To bring total health. I then crossed out all repeated letters.

I took the letters and created a sigil. Which I will draw below. I then moved the letters around to create a name. This is what I got: Light Bear ON. This is two things. Light Bear: On as in turn on or as the light bear named ON. ON has numerous magickal correspondences of course. It could also be looked at Light Bearon. (baron) LBON is the abbreviation of that. I am pronouncing it <La-BONN) It is interesting that Bear came out as that is a animal of well known for healing energy. To create one for yourself, simply put your own magickal sigil and body parts into the head. The same spirit LBON can be used. S/he has been constructed to be able to play well with others. You can create your own sigil anyway you choose. It is my intent that each of us calls upon a slightly different aspect of this spirit and bond with it in the sigil preparation.

Then; the next step is giving birth and then naming the spirit. Charge item with sexual fluids. then bury the spirit in a pot of earth for one evening to gestate. The earth representing the womb of the mother. The throne at the same time will be put outside in order to collect the powers of the sun and moon for 24 hours. The next morning at sunrise; I will wake up and go outside. Gather the throne and pot. For this I will prepare a small outside altar for consecration. Chant the spirits name over and over..calling out to it to be be alive, here is an example..but let the spirit move you. Dance with the Pot as the sun rises, be happy your health is now assured!! Fill yourself with ecstasy and magick till you feel the power of life coursing through your veins. When you are ready, draw the sigil overtop the earth in deep green and glowing orange.

"LBON, LBON. Arise, Awaken. LBON LBON Arise, Awaken


You have been fed and nourished, given life by the power of the gods

LBON, LBON. Arise, Awaken. LBON LBON Arise, Awaken

You are LIGHT BEAR ON. "

Reach into the cool damp earth and draw out the spirit. Carve the sigil lightly on the bottom of the spirit form once again in deep green and glowing orange.

"You are born. LIGHT BEAR ON. You are complete and whole; sentient. LBON! LBON!

You are bound to me by the powers of three times three until such time as I do set you

Free. By word and deed, by song and dance. You are alive, I do decree"

Consecrate spirit with salt and water (water and earth) and incense (air and fire). Charge it with the energies of the rising sun.

Place spirit on throne and then feed spirit with a small helping of food as a gesture of your commitment.

"This throne is where you come to charge yourself, it is where you will be fed and nourished.

This is where you will replenish your energy. "

"IT is done! Your task is given, the pact is made. Ever mindful of the ancient ones by which

we came. By their power and mine own, the magick spell is hereby sewn. SO MOTE IT BE!

Take spirit and find a place for s/he in your bedroom, where you sleep. It will work on you there every night you are sleeping and can also be called from a distance through sigil and sign. Feed and care for it. Begin to communicate with it and develop your relationship, see where it takes you.

[anti-copyrite] AutonomatriX
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