
Ka'atas is an obscure Chaos deity, usually depicted as a green-eyed Asian sage bearing a staff. I've seen mention of a "cult" dedicated to him but have never encountered anybody who has even heard of him. Finding reference to him in only one small book (and only a passing reference at that), I resorted to divination, , meditation and invokation to further my knowledge. What I found was essentially a chaos-solar deity with aspects linked to the Heirophant card of the Tarot.

Ka'atas is described as a "Guide through the Chaotic Void" or some such- I would connect this to the concept of the Holy Guardian Angel. Granted, one could say that the HGA serves only as a convenient image used to represent a much larger concept, but the same could be said for any other deity. Ka'atas, oddly enough, seems to know that he's only a metaphor, and this lends to him a sly sense of humour, not unlike the typical image of a Zen master. He actually seems to exhibit a childlike, guiltless and playful quality, never taking himself too seriously.

As a solar deity, Ka'atas exhibits aspects related to other planetaries, acting as the center/nucleus around which the others revolve (heart chakra/HGA)- not unlike the Maatian Mask Dancer who possesses no particular qualities hirself but rather can take on any needed aspect- especially useful for Paradigm-Shifting- stability in change- in some ways Tzeentches opposite (but by No means "Enemy"). Undefined rather than undefinable. Balanced and "living from the belly"- centered, confident, calm and self-assured- the type of inner strength exhibited by one who, having no personal Ego to cling on to, has very little to lose and therefore is not particularly bothered by much. Here we find a novel approach to the Xtian "turn the other cheek" concept, not abject submission but rather refusing to give your enemy validation by direct confrontation and, perhaps, finding a more covert way to overcome hir without wasting energy by entering into the conflict on hir terms. "But these are honourable men"

Mercurial aspects would involve the "translating of mysteries into palatable form"- this would serve two purposes. Firstly as the function of language as a means to facilitate communication, secondly, as the unknowable teacher, showing "Truths" in the form of metaphor- providing a stressed environment in order to make the student work for hir gains rather than blindly accepting another's ideas and worldview (picture Atlas bearing the World upon his shoulders). This would also perhaps explain the HGA's Psy-Censor function. This would also suggest an aspect of the Chariot card- one must build one's own chariot, another's just won't work as well- as anybody who's had to drive someone else's car could probably attest to. This would also work in to the Heirophant's function of "approving and sanctifying the Emperor's (Mind's) law". If one subscribes to the viewpoint that we exist as a means for Universe to know itself ("I"/EYE") then the maxim of "learning by teaching" comes into play.

One could also see the Heirophant as manager/ritual co-ordinator- the employees/participants roles filled by the various selves (Heirophant as synthesis of the four preceding numbered cards or perhaps from another viewpoint the first four circuits) One should take note that Ka'atas would not preform his duties in an authoritarian way but rather following a more diplomatic policy.

Another Mercurial aspect comes into play in the relation of macro/microcosm and the revelation of the nature of Self derived therefrom. "The Macrocosm is in the Microcosm"- fractal reality. We also see communication tween deep/subconciousmind and conscious mind.

One handy side-effect of this process is an increase in overall awareness and intuition and Ka'atas makes an excellent Divinitory deity ("One Who Knows")- shedding light on previously hidden or unknown things. "Divine Revelation" and the like. Taking advantage of the centered "silent and still" state for Skrying/meditory purposes.

Here we encounter another aspect- the synthesizing of opposites and the negation of duality. Finding the common denominator that renders Thesis and Antithesis illusory. The Heirophant's Papal Cross , slightly modified, forms TOPY's Psychick cross ( suggesting union of the Xtian cross and its Satanic inversion). Altho I prefer to think of it more as a triple Cadduceus. We also have suggestions of such things as the cross-quarter Pagan holidays, HPL's "spaces between the stars", Spare's Neither-Neither. One could also recall that the Heirophant in some Tarot decks is depicted as being androgynous- union of Self and HGA-as-Secret Lover- suggesting the overcoming of fourth-circuit gender roles. Also, take note of the Middle Pillar and the Solar-Phallic aspects implied by its interpretation as the Shivalingham (perhaps seeing the other two pillars as legs- in one aspect as symbolized by male physiology, in another as implied by the High Priestess card)

Here we begin to encroach into Ecstatic territory :). Neurosomatic Rapture can be a wonderful thing. Summoning up/recapitulating this sensation, just basking in it and allowing one's self to be permeated by one's own radiant, warming glow (halo) can greatly facilitate Green magick (a little Moon-Glance here and there don't hurt either). The combination of Zen centeredness in the Eternal Now, ecstasy and the overcoming of fourth-circuit programming also implies aspects of Immediatism.

By opening one's self up and surrendering to ecstasy, one can tap into the Lakashic Rhythm, trusting one's self to Tao and aligned one's self with Universe. "Be ye ever virgin unto Kia". Self as all-inclusive alignment tween macro- and micro- cosms (works great in conjunction with trance-dancing). Here we encounter the only thing that approaches order- the spiral/cyclic fractal reality. In many ways, one could see ritual as a way of aligning one's self with these currents. Rythmic proportional dynamism.

In making oneself into a superconductor in order to better facilitate alignment with various forces, we encounter the illuminatory aspects of Ka'atas- enabling oneself to become "your own personal saviour"- removing obstacles that impede one's progress towards becoming more one's own self and less other's. "Save me from evil and from good". Healing and rejuvenating one's self like "Valis"'s antibody- recalling the Mass of the Phoenix's idea of cellular regeneration thru absorption of solar energy. I'd guess that this is the idea behind what $cientology refers to as "Clear".

Here we touch on my idea of the purpose of religion- finding one's own damn "Truth"- another aspect of Ka'atas-as-heirophant sanctifying the Emperor's law (in this case Emperor symbolizing society). A writer once said that all religions are a form of sun worship- essentially that all paths ultimately lead to the same goal (of course, the responsibility for actually getting there ultimately lies with the individual). Nothing is true because Truth is entirely subjective. During my Ka'atas invokations, I saw images of Chinese and Moorish temples. "Religion" simply means "way of life"- one's personal Chariot- the only true service is to Self.

And here we encounter Ka'atas role as Psychopompos/Guide. One could look at this from a macrocosmic perspective, guiding a "soul" ("sol") thru successive lives towards a common goal. One could also look at this as a process of Illumination- continually refining one's self and discarding old shells as needed ("sacrificing self to self"). The archetypal "Hero's Journey", shades of the Phoenix. The Initiator in Self-Initiation, peeling back the layers (Heirophant's raiments) to better access the source of one's latent power/energies & potential, as well as one's "purpose"/"True Will" (the sum total of all of one's desires at any given moment) and the drive/inspiration to realize it.

As a Jupiter/Blue magick deity, Ka'atas would more represent Dave Lee's "Wealth Consciousness" rather than money and/or prosperity in and of themselves.

Other uses for Ka'atas suggest themselves- he makes an excellent guide for pathworking, for overcoming adversity (he tends to regard problems as "new experiences" and takes great pleasure in solving them), his sense of humour helps in overcoming excessive self-importance and in putting things into perspective. He could also serve in a function similar to the Brotherhood of Saturn's GOTOS egregore- as an Ego-Ideal and/or power source. His appearance and functions suggest aspects of Odin, Legba, Ganesha and, perhaps Obatala.

Any questions, comments and/or complaints are, of course, welcome.


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