
The following rite is based upon an elemental paradigm. The idea is that each element has certain attributes that can be corresponded to the way in which we gather, store and manipulate information. We each have a tendency to process new data by following certain parameters that we have developed over the course of our lives. This rite's focus is learning how to retrain the brain to utilize other possible means of dealing with new information.

I have attempted to correspond certain parameters to elemental attributes. For example, I have a tendency to slowly accumulate information, chewing over it for long periods of time, and getting rid of virtually nothing. When I am unable to make a particular idea fit into my belief system, I will keep applying pressure to the idea in order to "make it fit". Thus, I follow very earth-like pathways when dealing with information.

By contrast, a person utilizing the fire attributes would rapidly consume information, burn it up, and leave ashes trailing behind. The data that they choose to use is food for the fire, so to speak. The waste is the ashes. If something doesn't fit, it is discarded.

Water and Air's attributes are more similar to one another. Imagine the mind as an ocean and information as grains of sand. The waves lap the sandy beach, sometimes depositing information, sometimes bringing it in. The various tides mull the information around. It is a slow process of erosion, always breaking things down.

Air caresses information. It picks up new ideas, flings them about, and sets them down. I like to imagine the process by visualizing a tree in the breeze. The wind tingles the leaves, occasionally it pick s one up, ponders it, and sets it down again. Water has a sense of more permanency than air.

In essence, one can see the elements as in a perpetual cycle of energy. At the same time, each element possesses dramatic forces. At an overload of information, the brain goes through rapid change. One can see these as the Earthquake (too much pressure, something has to give); Tidal Wave (A great release and regurgitation of information); Hurricane (utter confusion and release); and Fire Storm (A sudden rush of mass cumulating/ destruction).

The Rite:

1. Begin with a Banishing. I would recommend the Vortex, but the GPR, the LBRP, or the Star Ruby are alternatives.

2. Consecrate a large circle surrounding participants.

Participants face North and shout:
"We consecrate this circle in the name of Earth! NOBO!"

Participants turn to the West and shout
"We consecrate this circle in the name of Water! THALDOMA!"

Participants turn to the East and shout
"We consecrate this circle in the name of Air! DIJOW!"

Participants turn to the South and shout
"We consecrate this circle in the name of Fire! ASHARA!"

3. Statement of Intent: "It is our will to alter the way we process information."

4. Participants face North and curl up in fetal position, facing the ground. Imagine that you are a mountain. All chant "NOBO". While all continue with the mantra, the Main Operator (MO) recites the invocation:

We call upon the forces of Earth.
MOR-DIAL-HKTGA The Great Watchtower of the North.
MOR-DIAL-HKTGA We call upon you now.
Show us the force of Earth.
We are mountains
We are soil
We are rocks
We are the strong, steady, contemplating forces of Gaia herself.
We grow larger and larger, stronger and stronger.
We are intense pressure under increasing strain.
We break open and shake the very foundation.

At the conclusion of the invocation, participants cease the mantra and enter a death posture. Each should visualize the birth of the earthquake. Upon exhalation, all are encouraged to release with an earthquake.

5. Participants face the West and get up on all fours. Gently begin rocking whilst visualizing yourself as a vast ocean. All chant "THALDOMA". While all continue with the mantra, the MO gives the following invocation:

We call upon the forces of Water.
MPH-ARSL-GAIOL The Great Watchtower of the West.
MPH-ARSL-GAIOL We call upon you now.
Show us the force of Water.
We are oceans
We are streams
We are rain
We are the slow, steady, eroding forces of Water.
We rise up in a great swell, a wall of water, crashing down
and swallowing all.

At the conclusion of the invocation, participants cease the mantra and imagine themselves becoming a tidal wave, crashing over the earth as a great release.

6. Participants face the East and stand up. Begin dancing and/or spinning slowly. Imagine yourself as a gentle breeze. All chant "DIJOW". While all continue with the mantra, the MO gives the following invocation:

We call upon the forces of Air.
ORO-IBAH-AOZPI The Great Watchtower of the East.
ORO-IBAH-AOZPI We call upon you now.
Show us the force of Air.
We are wind
We are space
We are breezes
We are the whirling, exploratory, ever-present forces of Air.
We whirl faster and faster, gathering up all we touch.

At the conclusion of the invocation, participants cease the mantra and imagine themselves becoming a tornado, building up speed and releasing the pent up energy in a great swirling motion.

7. Participants move towards or face the South and remain standing. The participants should now moving quickly about. Either continue whirling in a circle or start running around the circle. Begin chanting "ASHARA". The invocation is then recited:

We call upon the forces of Fire.
OIP-TEAA-PDOKE The Great Watchtower of the South.
OIP-TEAA-PDOKE We call upon you now.
Show us the force of Fire.
We are flames
We are infernos
We are explosions
We are the flickering, perpetual, chaotic forces of Fire.
We burn with increasing intensity
Devouring all that is around us.

Participants are urged to burn themselves out. Running until they reach exhaustion and collapse on the ground. While on the ground meditate for a while about the cycle just completed.

8. Banish with a great HOOP-LAAAAA!


Please feel free to alter this rite as you see fit. One of the reasons that it follows such a "strict" format is to make such alterations easier. Thus, if you feel a stronger affinity with Egyptian Mythos, then use the god s and goddesses of the four elements instead of calling upon the Enochian gods. Also, the invocations do not really have to be memorized, feel free to use whatever symbolism that come to mind to represent each particular element.

Corrospondance Table:

Elements : Earth..... Water..... Air...... Fire

Attribute: Accumulate Assimilate Encompass Consume

Velocity : Slow ------>------->------>------> Fast

Energies : Cold ------>------->------>------> Hot

Strength : Earthquake.Tsunami... Tornado.. Volcano

[anti-copyrite] AutonomatriX
Corpus Fecundi Index