The Unbinding Rite


There are times in every person's life where an attachment has been formed that is no longer needed or desired, and in fact can cause psychological and psychic distress. The most common example would be the end of a love relationship, but undesired attachments can also be to platonic friendships, teachers, families, and even such things as certain times and places in one's life.

The Unbinding Rite is designed to bring such emotional/psychic attachments to a definite end, by symbolically "cutting the ties" that bind one to an undesired person, place or thing, and at that crucial point, inducing gnosis by using the instinctive fear of falling over backwards to drive the intent into the subconscious.

Materials Needed:

- Materials to create a graphic sigil
- Black candles
- A sharp dagger, with a way to hang it from a belt worn by the operator
- 25 feet of strong nylon rope
- A 12" square of black cloth
- A means to attach the rope to a strong support -- strong enough to hold the weight of the operator, such as a large eye-hook driven into a solid wall, or a support post that the rope can be securely tied around. There must also be at least 12 feet of clear space in front of the connection point.

The procedure of this rite calls for the operator to fall over backwards. To prevent injury, a couple of strong friends capable of catching the operator is strongly recommended. There is also value in the psychological effect of being "supported" by one's friends. If it must be performed alone, a cushion or mattress should be placed behind the operator to prevent injury.


A sigil is prepared to represent that from which the operator wishes to break away. In the case of a person, their name can be converted into a sigil by the graphic method.

The power of the rite can be enhanced by the use of a "fetish" constructed out of items that have a powerful connection to the relationship. For example, if it was a love affair one could use a letter, photograph, personal momento, etc. of the other person to create a small "collage", over which is fastened the sigil. Then the entire construction is attached to the wall or support where the rope is to be tied. If an eye-hook is used it can be driven directly through the middle of the sigil.

Finally, one end of the rope is attached securely to the support point, and the rope is laid out on the ground. The belt with the dagger is donned.

The Rite:

1. A banishing is performed, with emphasis on "sealing" the templespace from outside influence. The black candles are lit.

2. A statement of intent is recited:

Example: "It is my will to be set free from my attachment to _____________, which I no longer need nor desire!"

3. The rope is taken up, and tied securely about the chest. While doing so, the first incantation is recited.

(I am bound to you. Heart to heart, mind to mind, we are connected.)

4. The operator steps back, drawing the rope taut. The operator strains at the rope, and recites the second incantation:

(I am restricted. I cannot move or grow. This connection is no longer my will.)

5. The operator leans backwards, allowing the rope to support their full weight. At this point, those who would catch the operator should get into position. The operator draws the dagger and raises it, holding it over the taut rope. The attitude is to channel all of the frustration, anxiety and pain the restriction of the attachment has caused INTO THAT ROPE. It is a symbol of it all and should be despised accordingly.

The third incantion is begun:

(I will be released!)

This is repeated, faster and faster, with deep inhaling and exhaling of the breath. The object is to attain a trance state via hyperventilation and emotional excitement. The operator allows all of the emotion wrapped up in the situation come to the surface, and feels the frustration and restriction that craves release. When the emotions reach a fever pitch, the dagger is brought down with force on the rope, slashing it in two.

6. When the rope breaks, the operator will fall VIOLENTLY backwards with surprising force. This will induce an involuntary reaction -- fear of falling -- with the attendent rush of adrenaline. This is the gnosis "flash" that empowers the rite.

7. The operator is caught and gently lowered to the floor. No attempt at conversation should be made until the he or she has had time to recover from the shock, and then only perhaps some small words of encouragement and support.

8. The operator unties the piece of rope from around the chest and casts it away. The sigil is taken down from the wall and burned with the flame from a black candle. The ashes, along with the pieces of rope, are tied into the black cloth. It should be buried in the ground before the next sunset.

9. Close the magical space and banish with laughter.


The kind of barbarous words to be used is entirely open to choice. Instead of the backwards words Enochian or Ouranian could be used, but it would be equally effective in Klingon or Pig-Latin.

The falling backwards is the crucial element, for it induces gnosis with a stab of instinctive terror. The operator must lean WAY back and surrender all his or her weight to the support of the rope. Keep the hand not holding the dagger out and away from the body and the feet together to further accentuate the effect.

In performances of this rite, a standard nylon clothesline (1/8" dia.) snapped almost instantly when slashed with a well-sharpened dagger. Caution: There is some small danger concerning the sharp dagger flailing around in the hand of a falling person, but tests have shown that the operator tends to grip it tightly -- no one has dropped one yet. Long swords are probably not advisable.

[anti-copyrite] AutonomatriX
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