The Corpus Fecundi of the AutonomatriX

cor-pus [ kor' pes] {lat.} n.  A large collection of writings of a specific kind or on a specific subject. 

fe-cun-d [ feh' -kund] {lat.} adj.   Productive; fruitful; fertile.

The Corpus Fecundi is the AX's grimoire, our "Book Of Shadows" -- and more. It contains a collection of over 200 original works. The majority of them are ritual magic texts; records of the actual work done by Working Groups and individual members of the AX. It also includes essays, poetry and other writings by AXons, and reports and collections of data assembled by AX Project teams. The Corpus also encompasses the AutonomatriX Contacts Listing and the Index of Authors.

The Corpus is not some mystical repository of ancient secret knowledge, that only by humble petition to the mighty AX, successors to the Great White Brotherhood of Ancient Adepts™ (and handing over your money) can you, you puny uninitiated nothing, you novice, have access to it. (Pardon us while we gag...)

The Corpus was not discovered on ancient parchment scrolls we found by turning over a rock in the desert, nor was it "channeled" from the Ascended Masters™ -- the knowledge in the Corpus was acquired the old fashioned way: by DOING IT. This also happens to be the same way one "studies" magic: by DOING IT.

These workings have all been worked  by the people who created them and their chosen associates. No guarantees are given as to their effectiveness or applicability. They are records of experiments in magic. Your mileage may vary. In fact, the best possible use for them is to inspire you to create your own.

The ritual procedures are laid out in clear, concise language, without obfuscation. A list of required materials is included, and in many cases extensive background information and references as well. The Index to the Corpus is divided into categories of interest for efficient access. Clicking on an entry in the Index takes you to the document.

The works are displayed without reference to individual authors -- the Corpus is not a vehicle for overactive egos to get their names in print. However, the Index of Authors contains a list of those who created each work -- if they chose to reveal themselves. By reference to the Contacts List, inquires about application or specifics of a particular ritual or other work will be forwarded to the author(s) of the work in question. It is then up to them if they wish to discuss their work in correspondence. You know how magicians are...

In "Web" parlance, this is known as content, and it is what separates the AutonomatriX's Internet presence from that of most of the various "magical orders". A quick survey of other groups websites (links to many sites are available under our "Links" category in the title page) will show the difference. For the most part, these sites consist of very little content and much self-aggrandizement. Our site does offer information on membership in the AX, but unlike most others, it is not the primary reason for it's existence. It is a vehicle by which we can offer freely, to all the world, our "inner secrets".

In the past, full access to the Corpus Fecundi was available to AX Initiates only. Occasional works appeared on Member's home pages or in postings to Usenet newsgroups and various BBS's. But at the 1996 AX Conclave it was decided by the active membership to release the contents in toto to the general public. This is only proper for a Guild that is founded on the concept of freedom of information. We challenge other magical organizations to follow our lead and freely disseminate their own Magical knowledge. The time of secrets for secrets sake is over. In the face of the 21st century's explosion of information, it has not only outlived its usefulness, but is an exercise in futility.

So instead of mystical mumbo-jumbo, sales pitches for dues-paying members and/or begging for money, the AX offers knowledge. The contents are ANTI-COPYRIGHTED -- it is offered freely, without charge or restrictions on re-distribution -- with the only provision being that no one duplicate it for profit. Violations of this policy will result in sorcerous attacks upon the perpetrators. Be warned.

The Corpus Fecundi is the AX's contribution to human knowledge, given freely in the spirit that is the foundation of our Guild -- that information should, and must, be FREE. We welcome and encourage any feedback or accounts of how these rituals are used by others outside of our Guild. Our Commentary Project is available for this purpose.

May the fruits of our labor inspire your efforts on the path of Magic.

- The Members of The AutonomatriX

[anti-copyrite] AutonomatriX
Corpus Fecundi Index