sulfurous lightning in a lachrymal vessel

xenopomorphic preter-nagualism

wielding the wilder weirding ways of the wyrd

entering ecstatic trance during the jackal's dance


mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur


stoic pranksterhood in the aeon of Nuit's joke.





penetrate the veil of the electronic aether

success in psybermagickal enterprises & e-commerce


Bodhisattva of New Bangladesh



The Ultramagnetic Philthy Phew

The Great Octarine Sibilinghood of the Z.'. Z.'.


Warning: Psychohazard

Immunomemetic Inoculation


dark mother of the old gods

metastasized in the muddled milks of malkah


last updated @ 8:06 PM Tuesday, August 27, 2024



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