Remember that party
Of old hollows eve?
The one that left scars
The kind that don’t bleed
It was a day like none other
And a night that will creep
When a dead man walked freely
Amongst men of sleep
The act was no drama.
Not the stage cry it seemed
That spirit has consumed all as un-hole as thee
That haunting still lingers
In stasis beyond
It's power has grown
From the time we've been gone
== 783 ==
Our thought is still a child As life span is a crawl
Take a step and then we fall
A maskling molded by what we see
Co-dependent bribery
Helpless under need of aid Let go of mother come of age
Many a second cord must be cut
Extracted from safety the sequel
Dis-attachment enables people To become their own personal keeper
== 783 [GoN]