An obscure yet accessible phenomenon, Numeric Egregores recapitulate a number's distinctive energy or spirit. At the dawn of the millennium, we were introduced to these abstract yet interactive concepts by their author, Infek bin Laden.
His commentaries lie towards the end of our indelible History of the GoN.
In our Introduction to the Numeric Egregore, we categorically dissect our reception of the GoN Khaobalah, a reading jaunt that should include our Conjecture about them.
Z(enseide) memes have been scrutinizing their implicit existence since 2000 and liaising with them more purposedly via enchantments, divinations, and evocations since 2012. The egregores seem to transcend their base numerical value, serving as symbolic avatars that orient the algorithim of each crowdsourced thoughtform.
They encapsulate the varied forces at work in our terrestrial and celestial realms.
The Numeric Egregore of Zero
0 : The Great kNOw Thing Naught, Null, Cipher, Nix, Zot
the Absence
GoN Enume Polarities: Synchronicity = 0 / Will = 0 Mantra: ZRU-GTHI EM'NFO
Archetypal Dichotomy: Dilettante / Savant
- Planet: Uranus
- Basic Meaning: Sudden Change
- Basic Symbol: The Spinning Cross
- Chaostar Aura: Pure Magic, Kia or Spirit, Higher Will, the Microcosm (Octarine)
- Basic Faculties: Study of astrology, higher intellect, intuition, inventiveness, miracles, Magick and esoterics, sudden promotion, willpower, one's wishes. Also aids convulsions, cramps, disagreements, spasmodic diseases, disruptions, drugless healing, fits, and hiccups
The Numeric Egregore of One
1 : Unity In Strength a fist is more powerful than five fingers
the Eminence
GoN Enume Polarities: Transition = 1 / Mutation = -1 Mantra: IFT-MGHE OC'NRU
Archetypal Dichotomy: Nascent Caterpillar / Mature Butterfly
- Planet: Pluto
- Basic Meaning: Elimination
- Chaostar Aura: Metamorphosis, Anathema of Transmogrifcation, Transubstantiation, Extreme Unction (n/a)
- Basic Symbol: The Phoenix
- Basic Faculties: Investigations of life after death, discovery (esoteric and magical secrets), use of hidden forces, legacies, self-purification, spiritual and mental regeneration. It also aids amnesia, sexual problems, guilt complexes, discovering that which is lost, and getting rid of that which is unwanted.
The Numeric Egregore of Two
2 : The Paradox of Duality The duplicitious interplay of opposites
the Ambivalence
GoN Enume Polarities: Visitation = 2 / Transmission = -2 Mantra: UG'MFI ORTWC-NHE
Archetypal Dichotomy: Sacrificial Martyr / Creature of Nightmare
- Planet: Neptune
- Basic Meaning: Inspiration
- Chaostar Aura: Dreaming, Chemognosis, Mind Exploration (n/a)
- Basic Symbol: A Trident
- Basic Faculties: Clairvoyance, conscious expansion, crystal reading, divination, dreams, enchantment, Magick in general, mediumship, premonitions, psychic faculties, telepathy, trances, visions. It also helps with the confusion of the mind, deception, diseases of which the cause is hard to find, drug addiction, drunkenness, emotional depression, hallucinations, hysteria, inferiority complexes, neurosis, obsessions, paranoia, and lack of sleep
The Numeric Egregore of Three
3 : The Tri-Unity The triad operation extant throughout all of Nature
the Confluence
GoN Enume Polarities: Adversity = 3 / Dissolution = -3 Mantra: OHT'FCI EMR-UGN
Archetypal Dichotomy: Synthesis / Inertia
- Planet: Saturn
- Basic Meaning: Limitation
- Chaostar Aura: Death Magic, Logos or Thanatos, Mind Control, Entropy, the Macrocosm (Black)
- Basic Symbol: The Triangle
- Basic Faculties: All business matters, delays, land dealings, oppression, cultivation of patience, endurance and stability, professional matters and one's profession, property, self-control, ambitions and career, and personal security.
The Numeric Egregore of Four
4 : Material Quadrality Squaring the Circle
the Tetrachotomous
GoN Enume Polarities: Business = 4 / Slavery = -4 Mantra: UHM'GTE NRI-OCF
Archetypal Dichotomy: Duty-Quest-Task / Pact-Oath-Vow
- Planet: Jupiter
- Basic Meaning: Expansion
- Chaostar Aura: Weath, Desire, Affluence (Blue)
- Basic Symbol: Equal-Armed Cross
- Basic Faculties: Expansion in all its forms, rules abundance, affluence, fortune, luck, prosperity, riches, wealth. Also rules long distance communication, long distance travel, legal matters, taxation, investments, higher education and academic matters, the deeper mind and all those who are in a position to help by providing opportunities.
The Numeric Egregore of Five
5 : Phive - The Quintessence The Flag (Dhvaja) of Life
the Pentance
GoN Enume Polarities: Therapy = 5 / Neutrality = -5 Mantra: RTE'FMO UNG-VHI
Archetypal Dichotomy: Treasure Map / Endless Maze
- Planet: Mars
- Basic Meaning: Energy
- Chaostar Aura: War Magic, Anger/Hate (Red)
- Basic Symbol: Pentagram
- Basic Faculties: Courage, powers of decision, self-defense, powers of determination, solving disputes, dealing with enemies, self-confidence, strength, vigor, virility, health (apendicitis, lowering blood pressure, boils and eruptive diseases, cuts and bruises, fractures, hernias, pain, rashes, scalds and burns.) Rules your ability to express yourself through the use of energy and activity. Negative conditions, such as tiredness, lassitude, and general low spirits may be worked on either magically and/or by using herbs and vegetables, such as garlic, nettles, cabbage, spinach, or non-toxic vitamin tablets cotaining iron.
The Numeric Egregore of Six
6 : Joy of Six Six is a perfect number 1+2+3=6
the Cubiculous
GoN Enume Polarities: Vitality = -6 / Paralysis = 6 Mantra: IXM'ERG UNSF-TCHO
Archetypal Dichotomy: Divine Twins / Infernal Duet
- Planet: Sol, the Sun
- Basic Meaning: Healing, vitality
- Chaostar Aura: Ego Magic, Charisma, Persona Mask, Laughter-Creativity, Self-image, Lower Will (Yellow)
- Basic Symbol: The Hexagram
- Basic Faculties: Gaining confidence, gaining fame, succeeding in gambling and speculation of all types, healing (both self and others), brining joy into life, increasing personal stature, organizing abilities, pleasure of all types, increasing popularity, increasing vitality. The sun also symbolizes gaining knowledge of the true self, and one's subconscious mind.
The Numeric Egregore of Seven
7 : Enchantment of the Virgin The profits of peace, the principles of pleasure
the Septence
GoN Enume Polarities: Consciousness = 7 / Psychosis = -7 Mantra: IMTHS OG-FRVU N'CE
Archetypal Dichotomy: Lawful Maiden / Chaotic Temptress
- Planet: Venus
- Basic Meaning: Attraction, harmony
- Chaostar Aura: Love Magic, Empathy, Aesthetics (Emerald Green)
- Basic Symbol: A Rose
- Basic Faculties: Gaining affection, associations with others, attraction to others, desires, earning and earning capacity, finances and financial gain, income, love and love affaris, money, peace, pleasure, professions, presents, the making of proft, relaxation, riches, social functions and success in this sphere, wages, and wealth.
The Numeric Egregore of Eight
8 : Silent Concentrations of Logical Audience
Cyclic Renewal Between Heaven, Earth, and the Law of Octaves
the Octence
GoN Enume Polarities: Reality = 8 / Horror = -8 Mantra: UHF-OTRNI OMGE
Archetypal Dichotomy: Scientist / Serial Killer
- Planet: Mercury
- Basic Meaning: Communication
- Chaostar Aura: Thinking Magic, Fear, Nerve, Wit, Logic (Orange)
- Basic Symbol: Caduceas
- Basic Faculties: For improving all nervous ailments such as absentmindedness, amnesia, anxiety, headaches, indecision, stammering, vertigo, worry, and so forth, for improving the mind generally, for example by better concentration, greater ability to learn, better speech and writing abilities, stronger nerves. Also covers installment payments, credit/finance agreements, brothers and sisters, contracts, coughs, education, gossip, slander, hearing, hygiene, interviews, intestinal troubles, letters, mail, lung complaints, memory, neighbors, relatives, rumors, theft, and transportation (local and short distances).
The Numeric Egregore of Nine
9 : Horizon of Completion Moonlight is refracted Sunlight
the Novence
GoN Enume Polarities: Success = 9 / Loss = -9 Mantra: EHR-NCI OT'GMFU
Archetypal Dichotomy: Chaste Bride / Queen of Darkness
- Planet: Luna, the Moon
- Basic Meaning: Response
- Chaostar Aura: Sex Magic, Eros (Purple)
- Basic Symbol: The Cup or Chalice
- Basic Faculties: Digestive complaints, domestic problems, emotional problems, female disorders, glandular problems, insomnia, pregnancy, self-protection, dealing with the public, the home and immediate surroundings, habits and mannerisms. From an esoteric point of view, it rules imagination and memory.
Books on numerology, magick, tarot, etc. ordered by publishing date
- D. Jason Cooper - Understanding Numerology c. 1990
- David Allen Hulse - The Truth About Modern Numerology c. 1993
- Steven Gibbs - Kabalistic Numerology c. 1993
- Phillip Cooper - Basic Magick: A Practical Guide c. 1996
- Rodford Barrat - The Elements of Numerology c. 1997
- Lon Milo DuQuette - Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot c. 2003
- David A. Phillips - The Complete Book of Numerology c. 2005
- Stephen Skinner - The Complete Magician's Tables c. 2006
- James A. Eshelman - 776 ½ Tables for Practical Ceremonial c. 2010
- Shirley Blackwell Lawrence - Big Book of Numerology c. 2019
URLs on musick, magick, EQ, web des & dev, numerology, etc.
- Z(enseider)Z co-creator, Blue Luke, is a GoN enthusiast, meme magnate, and brilliant magickal musick pioneer who can play the guitar like a motherfucking riot, to quote the late Bradley Nowell. Luke self-produced a 10-track LP of guitar-driven aural excrescences, The Numerical Egregores, in August 2014.
- While the Z(enseider)Z's musickal leg were close behind with their 10-track off-kilter noise and minimal LP of synchromystical maelstroms from September 2014 called Various Digital Qlippoth, which is also self-produced.
- The recurring exaltation of, w/o these guys we'd likely just cry.
- Luís Gonçalves adeptly talks about his work with many QBL ciphers of repute. There are only a handful of people blogging intelligently about EQ, he's one.
- Trans witch Toni Widmo's open-source free cultural magick:
- The NAEQ & GoN calculator uses selected or custom texts
- The bleeding-edge enchantment and divination engine
- The indelible rites, godforms, and bibliotechnomancy
- Scott Stenwick's blogspot is a treasure trove of modern ritual magick especially his ideas on the Operant Field. We will link to his author URL to ease our (ADHD-spec) Autismatic lack of impulse control, but his blogspot is far superior.
- Aidan Wachter's recordings from podcasts, many regarding his book trilogy:
- SIX WAYS (2018) intro to foundational practices of folk magic
- WEAVING FATE (2020) applying his spirit/info model concepts
- CHANGELING (2021) personal sovereignty & ontologic individuation
- We love Thelemapedia so much. We've watched it grow ever so slowly.
- Web-based gematria calculator at Mystical Internet online since the 1990s
- Mr. Bill Heidrick's work with Hebrew gematria in a vast numeric dictionary
- On the Llewellyn blog, D. M. Kraig wrote a short piece in 2013 called On Gematria which quickly discusses some of the finer points of Hermetic Qabalah. It has one disappointing deadlink to Thelesis Aura's catalog which has apparently been hijacked since the article was written. It's a shame, but the link led to a page selling Cartier’s Dictionary of Gematria by François Cartier which is a PDF of correspondences. It's a massive 539-page document, where the numerical relationships between key words in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek are connected through an elaborate system of internally-nested links with explanations in English, combined with extensive tables, indices, and interactive graphics. Want.
Spelling, Grammar, conventions, and other syntax errors along the way.
- We adore the vastly underrated, user-generated kitsch of
- Merriam-Webster, the gold standard of references, has a thesaurus and dictionary.
- The amount of synonyms on often outnumber other sites.
- Hold your applause for, an ad-ridden, janky-ass site that will likely make your browser barf bits and bytes. We are not even hyperlinking to it because it's the shittiest reference site you'll ever get stuck on. We only include it so we may verbally denounce it. Avoid it and its sister site,, at all costs.
URLs on AI-use, imagery, prmopts, rephrasing
- We use generative AI assistance via Grammarly which is a must if you write for a living. One glance at its Writing > Preferences is enough to save you hours of toil trying to adhere to APA, MLA, or Chicago citation styles. It can be adjusted to make one sound more fluent, confident, diplomatic, positive, and will help you avoid noun strings, passive voice, and a whole list of biased vernacular that will ensure your writing remains relevant to this century. There is no competition on the market that can contend with Grammarly's user-friendliness of which we're aware. Even the free version works miracles on sloppy copy.
- The website has also become dependant upon Sibyl as it has become a source for imagery and text prmopts as well as incoming text to rephrase. Nothing we do exclusively uses AI, we're always infringing upon the bland diction of the AI module.
Also, some of the more fringe AI mods that have come out as of late have been invaluable

Wishing you AL the beast,
Z(enseider)'s consanguinity of archscribes