GoN Enume Polarities: Synchronicity = 0 / Will = 0 Mantra: ZRU-GTHI EM'NFO
Archetypal Dichotomy: Dilettante / Savant
The Numeric Egregore of Zero corresponds to the planet Uranus, which rules the 11th House in astrology, embodying our contribution to our community and the future.
Uranus, the planet of sudden change and progress, profoundly influences the attributes of the Numeric Egregore of Zero. Its ground-breaking force, a catalyst for originality and independence, infuses the thoughtform with tribulations of folly and unexpected urges.
This unique influence can make Zero-identifying people trailblazers in their fields and may lead them to careers in new technologies, progressive invention, and other areas where abstract, unconventional thinking is valued.
Zero-identifying individuals might find themselves as research engineers, gadgetry inventors, social reformers, political revolutionaries and soceital rebels or cultural mutineers, web developers, computer programmers, and domestic or international humanitarians to impoverished areas.
The distinguishing characteristics of the Numeric Egregore of Zero are originality, idealism, and eccentricity. Positive traits include new beginnings, free-spiritedness, optimism, spontaneity, and trust. Negative traits include impulsiveness, recklessness, ignorance, carelessness, and immaturity.
Magickal uses and other operational faculties
The ideas and techniques that the Numeric Egregore of 0's subordinate eidolons instill in us
The Numeric Egregore of Zero introduces us to meaningful coincidence or Synchronicity, concepts like paradigm-shifting, and workings such as the Faith-Cracker ritual. It also illustrates the use of parenthetical gnosis or letting one's mind go blank and allowing a given enchanment to swirl around one's skull in a vacuous trance state.
- Planet: Uranus
- Basic Meaning: Sudden Change
- Chaostar Aura: Pure Magic, Kia or Spirit, Higher Will, the Microcosm (Octarine)
- Basic Symbol: The Spinning Cross
- Basic Faculties: Study of astrology, higher intellect, intuition, inventiveness, miracles, Magick and esoterics, sudden promotion, willpower, one's wishes. Also aids convulsions, cramps, disagreements, spasmodic diseases, disruptions, drugless healing, fits, and hiccups
Within the viscera of the Numeric Egregore of Zero, we explore the incongruous partnership of feigned culpability between the psychopomp and the stork. They're secretly in league with one another through a backstage underpass that leads beneath the surface of the atrazine manufacturing facility floor. These freakishly timed acausal moments separate inevitable sedentary extinction from the premise of autophagic incubation.
The word Ain, in the phrase "Ain Soph Aur," is the diaphanous and elusive component of the ternary veils of negative existence. It is translated as 'nothing'; or not, it is absolute emptiness, the opposite of existence. It is a kangaroo court with a stark absence of ethical assets for the plaintiffs, vacuous proceedings for the innocent witnesses, and not a shred of humane empathy for the plight of the traumatized victims.
Zero is the place value (without value) that precedes all numbers and separates negative integers from positive. By the same metric, Chaos ushered in night and darkness, among the knowable references of this microcosmic shit show. Long before a shadow was cast or a nightly gloam had amassed, the titan Chaos appropriated her stomping grounds in near-endless eons prior.
Zero represents the formless essence of matter in its most implicitly unconditioned state.
Zero complements foundational numbers to elucidate their acclivity to higher-order ontogeny amid the mass psyber-gentrification of species phylogeny.
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The planetary atu is the primary correspondence that's referenced directly
- ZZ Planet Atu: 0. The Mark
- ZZ Planet Atu Alt: Neo or the Microcosm
- ZZ Planet GoN Enume: A = 13
- ZZ Planet: Uranus (Air)
- ZZ Planet Archetypal Dichotomy: Dilletante/Savant
- ZZ Planet Jungian: Synchronicity / The Jester / The Caregiver
- ZZ Planet Greek deity: Dionysus
- ZZ Planet keywords: Latent genius, discoveries, inventions, and radical politics, as well as individuality, new and unconventional ideas, and sudden and unexpected changes. Chaos, freedom, irrationality, liberating force, joie de vivre. Naivety, unguarded trust, folly, eccentricity.
- Element: Air
- Condition: Hot & Wet
- Fluid: Blood (Red bile)
- Alchemical Agent: ?
- Zodiac: Aquarius
- Zodiac GoM: (Significance) Moment [Multiplication] ML
- Season: New Moon
- Metal: Platinum, uranium (aluminum or zinc may be used)
- Stone: Bismuth, Euclase, Labradorite, Angelite, Datolite, Cryolite, Purple Opal, Trolleite, Galaxyite, Stichtite, Amazonite, Azurite, Neptunite, Hilutite.
- Aroma: Nutmeg
- Aura Color: [Octarine] implies spirituality, Synchronicity, recurring numbers, one's essential nature, and it's the antithesis of the ego so expect expressions of egolessness, humbleness, and abasement. The actual hue of Octarine depends entirely on the observer's choices of auric gnosis, but we recommend starting with White for those unaware the auric system on the Chaostar.
- Basic Color: [White] which symbolizes cleanliness, purity, innocence, and perfection. White refreshes, balances, purifies, and simplifies. It stands for goodness, hope, clarity, and openness, but it can also be boring, cold, empty, and distant. Represents comforting, deliberate silence, and acts of love and devotion shown without resorting to unrequited displays of romance, physical affection, clinginess, or cringe sexual nuisancy.
- Other Basic Color: [Electric Blue] Hex: #7DF9FF
- with one related color (#89e5ed)
- Other Color: [Uranian Blue] Hex: #AFDBF5
- with five related colors (#a2efed or #bdddf2 or #c1e6f6 or #abcdf0 or #b7dce5) and it and they look a lot like Electric Blue. Yaye!
- Great Old One: Ubbo-Sathla
- Pesedjets: Atum
- Ouranian: QACHOB
- #ppl: 000
Zero is incarnated by the Thelemic deity, Nuit, the first speaker in The Book of the Law, who personifies the infinite extension of space ever-reclining amid the vast emptiness of the fugitive pre-cosmic firmament. She lies eternally outstretched amid the celestial expanse of the multiverse known to us as the macrocosmic infinitude of an ever-surrounding, ever-binding, ever-permeating toroidic spatiotemporal vacuutinuum.
In contrast, her counterpart, Hadit, is the infinitely protracted point—illustrating the degree to which all unverified personal gnosis is dredged through the void and brought to bear upon our karmic deeds like the delicate nubile pubis of a fresh-faced neotenous plaything.
A stray amusement that wandered into our territorial threshold. She was blessed with the fragile rarity of androgynous genitalia. Her visibly aroused flesh betrayed her coy stare while her fervent lusts prompted an anticipatory trickle of kalas gently spilling from between her pale inner thighs. Our calloused palm acquainted its palpates with the brief pablum of her sopping crevice's tenders.
These two forces engaging in their playful yet pivotal choreography effectively result in the simulacrum of all manifested reality.
Crowley often described this interaction in sexual terms, "Nuit is the centripetal energy, infinitely elastic because it must fit over the hard thrust directed against it by Hadit, the centrifugal, ever seeking to penetrate the unknown." [source]
When juxtaposed with Nuit, Hadit represents each unique point-experience. These point-experiences in aggregate comprise the sum of all possible experience, Nuit. [source]
- Tetractys: Nonad (or non-point or zero-point)
- Proportion: Circumference
- Tautology: None / Space / Emptiness
- Ratio: 0:0
- Interval: None
- Note: None/Any
- Geometry: n/a (vacuum implosion?)
- Euclidean isometries: Non-Identity
- Platonic Solid: Torus
An anima or animus projection engenders some bizarre and discomforting behavior to digest. This psychosis exists within an unknowable formlessness that we contend dead to rites that we will resist for the duration of our visit.
Antero Alli wrote on his FB feed some years ago, which we believe went into his book Last Words in a section titled "Anima Attacks!" because we can no longer find it on his page.
"Many emotionally immature men suffer Anima Attacks by their absolute conviction it's the woman they're madly in love with. Their obsession, of course, is not with the woman but the result of an unconscious projection of the autonomous Anima archetype that has them strung out [and] possessed in a seething frenzy.
The highly eroticized and fiercely independent women who sublimely embody the Anima archetype - the "Anima women" - are also victimized by acting as a screen for these projections and the inevitable backlash when Anima turns to animosity."
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The zodiacal atu is an auxillary correspondence that's referenced parenthetically
- ZZ Zodiac Atu: 17. Flow State
- ZZ Zodiac Atu Alt: Stream of Consciousness or Parenthetical Gnosis or the Hippocampus Awakening
- ZZ Zodiac GoN Enume: R = -4
- ZZ Zodiac: Aquarius
- ZZ Zodiac Archetypal Dichotomy: The Force/Matrix Glitch
- ZZ Zodiac Greek deity: Pandora
- ZZ Zodiac keywords: Hope, unexpected help, clarity of vision, spiritual insight, chance, inspiration, music or song, finding one's place, celebrity, nostalgia, polyamory, androgyny. Dreaminess, disappointment, waste, being stuck in the past, unexpected pregnancy, old wounds that won't heal.
The Magician's Dictionary:
An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings
by Edward E. Rehmus (1990) via Feral House
0 - Zero, the Void, The Goddess, Infinite Nuit, the Unmanifest. The "number" out of which everything comes. In the Tarot it's called "The Fool" because it obeys its own mysterious, unknowable rules and is not subject to analysis. It's the Great Mother, the Void, that which lies beyond Alpha and Omega; Original Mind.
the Thoth Tarot deck
written by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris (w/ her commentary)
Thoth Tarot Planet: 0. The Fool א (Aleph = 1) Uranus
- In spiritual matters, represents ideas and thoughts, which endeavor to transcend earth. In material matters, reveals folly , eccentricity, even mania. It represents a sudden, unexpected impulse.
the Air or Vacuum or Puissant Innocence. He holds the male element of fire, the female element of water, the sword of air, and the disc of earth. He is the Green Man of Spring, the great Fool of the Celts, Daluah and Parsifal. He is also Zeus Arrhenothelus, Dionysus Zagreus, Bacchus Diphues and Baphomet.
Air. Aleph. The Fool is Air. Emptiness, also Potential Purity. He holds the Wand of Fire, the Cup of Water, the Sword of Air, and the bag of planetary Disks. Round him is the rainbow issuing from and returning to his heart, he wears the fool’s cap, the horns of Bacchus, he stands on Harpocrates, the Egyptian symbol of adolescent Fertility, he is unconscious of the tiger tearing at his side, he is the Green Man of the Celts, Daluah and Parsival. This is the moment of divine consciousness.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
Thoth Tarot Zodiac: XVII. The Star ד (Dalet = 4) Aquarius
- Hope. Unexpected help. Clarity of vision. Spiritual insight. Dreaminess. Disappointment.
Every form of energy in the card is spiral; this is in anticipation of the present Aeon, that of Horus, the crowned and conquering Child, successor to the "dying god," Osiris. The departing Aeon is shown in the rectilinear forms of energy issuing from the lower cup. These forms stand for the now abandoned Euclidean geometry. The figure of the goddess may be taken as a manifestation of the surrounding space of Heaven.
Aquarius. Daleth. This is built up as a design on a spiral to show the rising force of a new age. The woman holds two cups, the north and south poles of magnetic attraction. Above her a new star is rising, beneath her are the crystallizing dogmas of a former Age.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
from Rodurago.net:
Non-existence, non-being, the non-manifestation, the unlimited, the eternal, the lack of any quality and quantity. Kabbalah: boundless light; the Ayin. Pythagoras: the perfect form, the monad, out of which everything is included. The zero stands also for the world-egg, the primordial androgynous, the full. Before the one, there is only the emptiness and the non-being, the idea of the last mystery, the incomprehensible absolute. The character resembles an open mouth, which is the primal word (In the beginning was the word).
