GoN Enume Polarities: Transition = 1 / Mutation = -1 Mantra: FTI-MGHE OC'NRU
Archetypal Dichotomy: Nascent Caterpillar / Mature Butterfly
The Numeric Egregore of One corresponds to the planet Pluto, which rules over the 8th House in astrology, which deals with our shared resources and individual goals.
Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, profoundly influences the attributes of the Numeric Egregore of One. Its regenerative force, a catalyst for rejuvenation and revitalization, infuses the thoughtform with intensity and willpower.
This intense influence often propels One-identifying individuals towards careers in psychology, research, and other fields that uncover hidden truths like epidemiologists, ghost writers, crypto regents, database technologists, plastic surgeons, morticians, and fraud investigators, making them pioneers in their fields.
One-identifying individuals often find themselves in diverse career paths, from monopolies (e.g., Visa, Google, Monsanto, Amazon, et al.) to roles as stockbrokers, accountants, bankers, gangsters, miners, demolition experts, data entry clerks, psychiatrists, and jobs in waste management, recycling, and environmental services.
The transformative power of the Numeric Egregore of One brings about the manifestation of intense desires and a strong sense of purpose. These elements can inspire individuals to pursue their goals with determination and focus. It also leads to positive traits such as revelations, new ambition, refreshed purpose, and awakenings. However, it can lead to negative traits such as opportunities lost, regret, self-pity, unease, and negativity.
Magickal uses and other operational faculties
The ideas and techniques that the Numeric Egregore of 1's subordinate eidolons instill in us
The Numeric Egregore of One introduces us to necromantic endeavors including ancestral veneration and devotion to our beloved dead, the use of the masses in enchantments through peripheral attention, and the less-than-indomitable psyche of our sexuality, which can cause dysfunction. It also illustrates the anathema of transmogrification or transubstantiation alongside the more literal Extreme Unction or final enchantment of rebirth amid the spirit realm with the aid of a psychopomp or a carefully programmed servitor.
- Planet: Pluto
- Basic Meaning: Elimination
- Chaostar Aura: Metamorphosis, Anathema of Transmogrifcation, Transubstantiation, Extreme Unction (n/a)
- Basic Symbol: The Phoenix
- Basic Faculties: Investigations of life after death, discovery (esoteric and magical secrets), use of hidden forces, legacies, self-purification, spiritual and mental regeneration. It also aids amnesia, sexual problems, guilt complexes, discovering that which is lost, and getting rid of that which is unwanted.
Pluto’s position in the birth chart is a governing force that oversees profound changes, such as the regeneration of our energetic resources and an exploration of the mysteries of our genetic code. It symbolizes the bottomless human psyche and it influences areas where intense transformation and deep-seated empowerment occur.
Poetic license
Rebirth brings copious near-death escapes that all occur along a highway drowning in witch water, which is replete with furious volcanic lavaflow and the sorrows of exhausted expirations. Are our lives no more than the flip of a coin by deranged and insatiable agents of intrigue and plague?
When we cry out for a rite of passage to mark the selective emergence from our stale routines of mediocrity, we tend to populate our proprietary parlance with posthumous placation of purpose. To some, it's a finality of fatalistic assailant's retorts at one's own expense and no one else's more. We make our way up and out of our comfort zones with gumption in our soles and grit in our teeth for what's about to transpire.
We're unsure whether we'll freestyle about stopping Dr. Oppenheimer in his boots or informing on his questionable cahoots with the 4th estate's teller of inconvenient truths. This performative kinetic art piece functions like a mercenary brigade that silently declares war on some dumbfuck's dictatorial triple-trillion-dollar installation. A location that continues to assert that it's only a 'passionately privatized' start-up enterprise making software apps that count your every lie and selling experimental downloads that infect devices with random amnesia modules from the inside.
The unity that is the mother of numbers which possesses the cunning and guile of a fierce nurturing unit in the animal kingdom, hazarding probability in all its forms, tethered to its offspring like a polyethylene cord of maternal instinct that enables the brood with the best of its food, water, shelter, warmth, and other effects. Making due for itself with whatever it can scrounge.
Relentless mutation, biological evolution, ontological revolution, vicissitude; spiritual dedication ruling over the circumstantial flux of our character role cuts.
Some of the following was researched with and incorporated into our dataflow from:
Basic Magick: A Practical Guide
by Phillip Cooper (1996) via Samuel Weiser
The Numeric Egregore of One is the death egregore, it oversees our ability to get rid of the old to make way for something new. Death is heavily regarded with fear, but nothing is final. Matter can not be created or destroyed; it can only shift its phase of being or alter its current state and convert to a new mode of existence. When we burn a piece of wood, it is not being destroyed, it is simply remodeled into light, heat, and ash. The wood does not cease to exist; it has merely transformed its condition. This demonstrates precisely how the Numeric Egregore of One behaves, performs, and interacts.
The same way a snake sheds its skin and becomes a butterfly, the most intelligent carnivorous mammal on the ocean floor.
Fears, phobias, and similar misconceptions can become barriers to using the Numeric Egregore of One positively. Unscrupulous individuals have discovered that fear can be a powerful tool for controlling others. However, we can transform this negative energy into a force that drives us towards success and purpose. We should be motivated to pursue our goals with the same determination and focus as a predator stalking its prey.
The Numeric Egregore of One helps us rid ourselves of unwanted thoughts, beliefs, habits, and actions. For some, there is an easy shedding of the old and unwanted, while for others, it is more complicated or traumatic. Shedding skin only becomes difficult when the pre-conditioning of unusable dead skin gets in the way. One identification can sometimes lead to selfishness, an inability to let go of people, places, situations, and states of mind that no longer benefit us. Our lives, pathwork, and career paths should be our primary areas of attention, interest, time, and energy. We sometimes forget that only by letting go and eliminating ineffectual circumstances can anything new be allowed to move in and propagate.
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The planetary atu is the primary correspondence that's referenced directly
- ZZ Planet Atu: 20. The Seed
- ZZ Planet Atu Alt: the Scion or Heir or New Era or Cicada
- ZZ Planet GoN Enume: U = -7
- ZZ Planet: Pluto (Fire)
- ZZ Planet Archetypal Dichotomy: Nascent Caterpillar/Mature Butterfly
- ZZ Planet Jungian Archetypes: The Soul (Metamorphosis) / The Rebel or Outlaw / Water (rebirth, rejuvenation, recreation, cleansing) / The Orphan
- ZZ Planet Greek deity: The Psychopomp
- ZZ Planet keywords: Closure; resolution; definitive action; vocation; calling; birth and rebirth; renaissance; consciousness; transcendence; music; work of a couple; emergence of something buried; sublimated devil; refusal to act one's age.
- The first thing that came into existence was called the "monad," which begat the dyad, which begat numbers, which spawned a point, begetting lines or finiteness, etc., then culminating in the four elements earth, water, fire, and air, from which the rest of our world is built up.
- Pythagorean and Platonic philosophers like Plotinus and Porphyry condemned Gnostics for the way they treated the monad or one. In the philosophy of Plotinus and several other Neoplatonists, one is the ultimate reality and source of all existence. In another theory, one is the impossible beginning of everything coming out of the void.
- One represents an isolated intelligence or one's chosen privacy and the alienation of genius as the 1968 Harry Nilsson single regales us, "One is the loneliest number," a song which was later performed and made famous by Three Dog Night.
- Element: Fire
- Condition: Hot & Dry
- Fluid: Urine (yellow bile)
- Alchemical Agent: ?
- Zodiac: Scorpio (November)
- Zodiac GoM: (Transformation) Momentum [Separation] ML/T
- Season: Samhain (Halloween-November Eve) October 31st-November 1st
- Metal: Tungsten (iron may be used)
- Stone: Stibnite, Moldavite, Kunzite, Spirit Quartz, Quartz, Lava Rock, Cinnabar, Zebra Calcite, Orthoclase, Astrophyllite, Hypersthene, Indigo Gabbro, Kammererite, Axinite, Realgar, Hilutite, Quantum Quattro, Amegreen, Fuji Lava Stone.
- Aroma: Lily of the valley, Pennyroyal for inducing miscarriage, patchouli for the odor of the dead, and wormwood to commune with the dead.
- Basic Color: [Ultra Violet] Hex: #64619E
- with seven related colors (#765494 or #686296 or #687396 or #716b9a or #62549e or #6160a6 or #776aa8) or use Violet (see below) or luminous blue.
- Other Color: [Purple Mountain's Majesty] Hex: #9D81BA
- with seven related colors (#8f6ec1 or #9f8cb6 or #b181c1 or #8f91a6 or #9583cd or #9e6dc6 or #a98dba)
- Another Color: [Mauve] which symbolizes innovation, motivation, care, and intuition. Mauve uplifts, supports, motivates, and intrigues. It is inspirational, empathetic, modest, and enchanted, yet standoffish, distant, sensitive, and withdrawn. Mauve is a courteous color that relishes alone time.
- Hex: #BC54FF #C976FF #D492FF #E0B0FF
- Other Basic Color: [Violet] which symbolizes creativity, wisdom, sensitivity, and spirituality. Violet inspires, motivates, balances, and uplifts. It is creative, encouraging, considerate, and intuitive as well as fragile, timid, raw, and arrogant. Fortunately, the good usually outweighs the bad.
- Hex: #4B0098 #5F00BD #6E00DC #7F00FF
- Great Old One: Hastur
- Pesedjets: Shu (air)
- Ouranian: THETES
- #ppl:
The number one (1) also relates to the major Thelemic deity, Hadit, who is the infinitely contracted point or point-experience.
What follows is directly from Thelemapedia.org:
Hadit, "the great god, the lord of the sky," is depicted on the Stele of Revealing in the form of the winged disk of the Sun.
Hadit is the principal speaker of the second chapter of the Book of the Law, where he identifies himself as the point in the center of the circle, the axle of the wheel, the cube in the circle, "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star," and the worshipper's own self. Hadit has been interpreted as the inner spirit of man, the Holy Ghost, the sperm in which the DNA of man is carried, the Elixir Vitae.
- Tetractys: Monad
- Proportion: Point
- Tautology: Whole / All
- Ratio: 1:1
- Interval: Fundamental/Unison/Drone/Key Center/Root
- Note: Db/C#
- Geometry: Regular polygons
- Euclidean isometries: Radials
- Platonic Solid: Sphere
According to Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, men have a female Anima soul, and women have a male Animus spirit. He believed these components symbolized The Self archetype.
These archetypal components transcend the human personal psyche.
Anima and Animus are the anthropomorphic, primary functions of the unconscious.
While Ego and Shadow are the theriomorphic, auxillary functions of the unconscious.
Anima and Animus comprise the Syzygy as a confluence of ontological nuances about which Jung spent the remainder of his professional career developing postulates.
The etymology of Syzygy derives from the Late Latin sȳzygia ("conjunction") as well as from the Ancient Greek suzugía ("union, yoke, pair").
In Jungian psychology, Syzygy is an archetypal pairing of contra-sexual opposites, symbolizing communication between the conscious and unconscious minds.
"Jung defended his concept of Animus and Anima by reference to the idea of the Syzygy, concluding from the evidence in many different mythologies of the divine couple, united by a sacred marriage, that this motif is as universal as the existence of men and women. He postulates that in the Syzygy, the archetypal union of the parents is expressed."
---Renos K. Papadopoulos (p. 117) The Handbook of Jungian Psychology (2006)
Anima/Animus reconciliation is much more difficult than that of Ego/Shadow integration because Anima/Animus reconciliation isn't just an intellectual feat that we can rationalize. It's a sensory experience that pits us against the chauvinistic ideals of gender identity and sexual orientation that ultimately exalt their sapient reflexivity unto one another.
- On the whole, we might say that "ONE" represents:
- Ego + Shadow = Soul metamorphosis / Spirit recapitulation = new You
- Anima or Animus + new You = Syzygy (unto Coniunctio)
- They're equally puzzling and uniformally dichotomous
It seems more likely that the conjunction of "ONE" is embodied in what Jung called Individuation, initially with the theriomorphic integration of Shadow and Ego, which transcends the personal psyche. As this Shadow integration is achieved, one's Anima or Animus can be reconciled, similarly transcending the personal psyche and then embodying the primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious.
In Anthony Stevens' graceful tome On Jung (1990), Jung astutely declares:
"If the encounter with the shadow is the apprentice-piece in the individual's development, then that with the anima [or animus] is the master-piece."
Individuation is a form of vulgar yet clinical hierarchic initiation into the mysteries of The Soul, The Spirt, and the all-too-terchnical propriety of the Self that we empty into voluminous receptacles. These receptacles symbolize the stages we undergo when ridding ourselves of heirloom property, bodily filth, garish garments, emotional baggage, intellectual holdings, or unwanted psychic vestiges of residuum.
Individuation is the metric by which we divide our results from the sophistic efforts of machine elves who march against us in a surreal cadence of automatonic merriment. It typifies concentric rings of brightly striped rubber orange cones meticulously stacked in Fibonacci sequences to ascertain obscure reality from distinct hyperbole.
Individuation is our Mission Improbable, where we embody the monomyth of The Hero's Journey in the context of our life's work and our creative pursuits.
Very little, if anything, was ever concisely advised within Jung's research catalogs regarding transgender identity and queer sexual orientation even though he immersed himself in the greater codex of alchemical corpora extant in countless research facilities the world over.
Alchemy is overflowing with the hyper-frenetic particulars of androgyny, intersexuality, and gender-fluid coital appropriation. Yet, only a celibate smattering of detached sterility can be found among Jung's scrawlings and tracts.
Leading one to presume that he avoided those subjects out of a deep personal allure of erotic proximity to his well-kept secret longings and closeted yearnings, which must've gatecrashed his heteronormative upbringing, causing him to feel penetrant, enthralling lusts toward the taboo flesh-scape of his fellow masculine-presenting peers and homologs.
As Joseph Campbell explained, the monomyth is the ultimate narrative archetype, it is not a mythological ideatum or a supposed mytheme that re-occurs throughout the world's religioccultural minutia. Contrary to much garbled sentiment, Campbell was not trying to combine all the world's mythologies into one syncretic montage that gets recast throughout every myth pattern that ever was or will be.
It has become part of the Tao of Chaos to borrow and steal from every who, what, when, where, and how, leaving no stone unturned and no room for tutelary specters within the paradigmatic reverence of a purposely pirated approach to poach from the forlorn fauna of the ethereal wildlife thriving off our terror and strife such as phantoms, revenants, shades, wraiths, and amorphous wights.
A syllabary purist should remain aware of the damaging influence of occultural appropriation and relentless solicitation from assorted diasporic agencies outside their originating venues. It's crucial to be cautious yet respectful when approaching a tradition that is alien to you, especially when they're extraterrestrial kosher kitchen witches living in cottage-core villages infested with typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, and leprosy.
As award-winning writer and filmmaker, Phil Cousineau, describes in the revised 1990 introduction of The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work:
"the monomyth is, in effect, a meta myth, a philosophical reading of the unity of mankind's spiritual history, the Story behind the story."
Claude Lévi-Strauss' terminology reminds us, the 17 stages of the monomyth are the individual mythemes "bundled" or assembled into the structure of the monomyth. A mytheme is a fundamental unit of narrative structure from which myths are constructed.
Campbell's 17 monomyth stages derive from his 1949 tome The Hero with a Thousand Faces
As par for the course, we'll reduce the 17 monomyth stages into a 3-unit allegory.
- Departure (or Separation from all the reluctant Hero once knew by answering a call to some greater duty, quest, or task)
- Initiation (often subdivided into the Descent and the Launch) is when our Hero must travel to unknown, untold worlds where they'll face their (outermost and) innermost ordeals (to fulfill the pact, oath, or vow that aligns with their duty, quest, or task) to, in turn, overcome an obstacle or defeat an enemy and then undergo the ontological evolution of apotheosis (i.e., Individuation), thereby gaining a reward in the form of some treasure or other magickal provision or artifact that increases the Hero's power, prowess, and posture).
- Return (wherein the Hero rejoins the mundane world now equipped with a magickal profit, fetish, or yield (the just wages of noble toil). This profit allows the reluctant-to-return Hero to award benefits unto his fellow human beings. The Hero, stuck between the ordinary and magical worlds, finds that their ordeals have been transformative. They have gained wisdom, insights, and power over both worlds, including the trite compulsions of everyday affairs where most humans remain gleefully trapped. The samsara of drama, gossip, and drudgery.
You can lead a mare to water but can't make her drink, yet here are some tips:
- drape a dry blanket and embower her to keep the elements at bay
- offer her chamomile flower or kelp powder as a welcome treat
- provide for her a shower so that you may groom and scour her
After a bit of this TLC, she may be less finnicky about taking a drink.
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The zodiacal atu is an auxillary correspondence that's referenced parenthetically
- ZZ Zodiac Atu: 13. the Hitman
- ZZ Zodiac Atu Alt: the Nothing or Eraser or Soul-reaper or Sin-eater or Sentinel
- ZZ Zodiac: Scorpio
- ZZ Zodiac GoN Enume: N = 0
- ZZ Zodiac Archetypal Dichotomy: Survivor/Sadist
- ZZ Zodiac Greek deity: Hades
- ZZ Zodiac keywords: Transformation, sudden or unexpected change which is voluntary or involuntary, mutation, rapidity, cleansing, death as God's cosmic mask, harvest. Illusory death, release through destruction, the need to eliminate what's outmoded or superfluous, mourning, eradicating old ways to make way for the new.
The Magician's Dictionary:
An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings
by Edward E. Rehmus (1990) via Feral House
1 - Every Creation; Ultimate Power, God, Hadit the point, Uniqueness; the Manifest (Set, Sirius B), Pluto; the gods; Kether; Cosmic Consciousness; Yod-Atziluth; Archetypal world; Aleph; Reason. Egyptian ankh. Fire. The most powerful of all magical numbers. Number of the individual and the unique. All miracles are possible once. One is the impossible beginning of everything coming out of the void. Musically bearing stress: ONE-two-three
the Thoth Tarot deck
written by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris (w/ her commentary)
Thoth Tarot Planet: XX. The Aeon ש (Shin = 300) Pluto
- Closure. Resolution. Definitive action
THE ANGEL, or THE LAST JUDGMENT. The card is girt about with the body of Nuit, the star goddess, representing unlimited possibility. She surrounds the globe of fire, her mate, Hadit, standing for eternal energy. In the middle sits their child, Horus, also a solar deity, who is the incarnation of the New Aeon. The left hand, extended and empty, reminds us that the God has destroyed the old Universe, but is, as yet, too young to form its successor. At the bottom of the card appears the Hebrew letter, Shin, that is attributed to this card. The three Yods are occupied by three human figures arising to partake of the Essence of the New Aeon.
ANGEL or LAST JUDGMENT. Fire. Shin. In the centre of the card is the child Horus, who is the incarnation of the New Age. His left hand is open, signifying that the old universe has been destroyed and he is too young to formulate a new one. He is surrounded by the figure of Nuit, the Star goddess, and beneath him is the winged point Hadit.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
Thoth Tarot Zodiac: XIII. Death נ (Nun = 50) Scorpio
- Transformation. Change, voluntary or involuntary, perhaps sudden and unexpected. Illusory death. Release through destruction.
The alchemical sense of Death is not so much destruction as change. Thus we have, in this card, the Scorpion, representing primitive energy always ready to commit suicide (according to the legend) when heavily beset, but prepared to undergo any transformation which will permit its continued existence in a different form. Thus potassium, thrown upon water, becomes ignited and accepts the embrace of the hydroxyl radicle. The fish and serpent, here represented, have been objects of worship in cults which taught the doctrines of resurrection or re-incarnation.
The central figure is executing the Dance of Death (skeleton and scythe are both Saturnian figures), and on his head he wears the crown of Osiris. The influence of Saturn is expressed in the negative aspect of Death as representing those essential forms which are not destroyed by the ordinary changes of nature; the positive and creative side is seen in the sweep of the scythe, which calls into being bubbles, symbolizing new lives.
The highest aspect of the card is the Eagle, which represents exaltation above solid matter.
Scorpio. Nun. This card means redemption through putrefaction, the seed in the ground decays, but rises again to new life. Death, crowned with the headdress of Osiris, is raising from his scythe the reincarnating bubbles of life. Behind him is the eagle, symbol of immortality, and below him are the embryonic amoeba.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
from Rodurago.net:
Primordial unity, the beginning, the Creator, the first mover, the sum of all possibilities, absolute being, the Indivisible, which is still in the germ. The principle, which leads to the duality and diversity, and therefore back to the final unit. The monad. Within the one the spirit of the pure zero densifies itself to the world of matter. One is the point. The first dimension. It is neither prime nor is it even or odd, or even square root. It rests in itself and is embodied in all other figures. Concerning this, the one makes counting necessary. It shows the man which has become aware of its forces and possibilities, to recognize them.
