GoN Enume Polarities: Visitation = 2 / Transmission = -2 Mantra: UG'MFI ORTWC-NHE
Archetypal Dichotomy: Sacrificial Martyr / Creature of Nightmare
The Numeric Egregore of Two corresponds to Neptune, the most mysterious and esoteric of all the outer planets. Neptune reigns over the 12th House in astrology, the sidereal dominion of spirituality and dreams.
Neptune, the planet of inspiration and imagination, profoundly impacts the Numeric Egregore of Two. This utopia-insisting influence imbues the thoughtform with a sense of inner vision and a knack for manipulating the world of illusion.
Neptune's influence on Two-identifying individuals can open doors to unique career paths. These may include roles in the arts, healing professions, or any field that values generative novelty and intuition. This inspired spark can lead to lifestyles as mystics, mediums, healers, yogis/yoginis, fortune-tellers, actors/actresses, street performers, illusionists, magicians, witches, monks, visionaries, sailors, scuba divers, or recluses.
Two-identifying individuals often face challenges connecting with the outside world. Their perception of hidden magic in reality may lead them to retreat into their inner worlds in search of answers. This can result in frustration, as they may feel trapped and unfulfilled. However, this growing dissatisfaction can also be a powerful motivator, pushing them to explore new avenues for change, like opening an online store or an oracle reading business. These ventures provide an outlet for their creativity and passion, allowing them to regain control over their lives and financial futures.
The Numeric Egregore of Two is characterized by intuition, empathy, and the urge to seek deeper meaning in life. It embodies positive traits such as letting trivial things go, self-sacrificing, and fostering a sense of optimism through an imaginative, carefree, and full-of-hope demeanor. These traits can guide us toward a more fulfilling life.
This mindset has several negative characteristics. These include a transcendent sense of conceit and disregard for personal responsibility (aka "spiritual bypassing"), lack of focus, procrastination, escapism, illogical decision-making, susceptibility to get-rich-quick schemes, excessive daydreaming, and tendencies to avoid reality. Instead of working towards meaningful, long-term goals that require dedication and hard work, the negative mindset often leads to superficial approaches to life.
Magickal uses and other operational faculties
The ideas and techniques that the Numeric Egregore of 2's subordinate eidolons instill in us
The Numeric Egregore of Two introduces us to our dream self or "astral double," which exists beyond our physical body. It helps us learn about lucid dreaming and how to access our Body of Light. This allows us to experiment with out-of-body experience, enter the realms of shamanic journeying in the hypnagogic state, explore psyberspace without a terminal as an electron-based specter amid information fields, or navigate controlled remote viewing sessions that transport us to new frontiers.
Additionally, it increases our knowledge of chemognosis. This can involve entheogens and various psychedelic plants, fungi, and cactuses to explore one's mind. These include hallucinogenic substances, mescaline-spectrum research chemicals or Shulgin drugs, or poisonous non-consumables.
- Planet: Neptune
- Basic Meaning: Inspiration
- Chaostar Aura: Dreaming, Chemognosis, Mind Exploration (n/a)
- Basic Symbol: A Trident
- Basic Faculties: Clairvoyance, conscious expansion, crystal reading, divination, dreams, enchantment, Magick in general, mediumship, premonitions, psychic faculties, telepathy, trances, visions. It also helps with the confusion of the mind, deception, diseases of which the cause is hard to find, drug addiction, drunkenness, emotional depression, hallucinations, hysteria, inferiority complexes, neurosis, obsessions, paranoia, and lack of sleep
Traditionally, Witches in Europe have a history of using natural deliriants. Salves were prepared from poisonous tropane alkaloid ingredients listed by ethnobotanists, including belladonna, henbane bell, jimson weed, black henbane, mandrake, hemlock, and/or wolfsbane.
Most of these plants contain atropine, hyoscyamine, and/or scopolamine, the last of which can cause psychotropic effects when absorbed transdermally.
Many of these salves were called 'flying ointments' in Europe. Witches applied them to their underarms or vulva using broom handles, which may be where the imagery of witches flying on brooms derived. They were said to fly to an infernal sabbat where they would meet the Devil, other reputed demons, and often Diana of Greek myth (which is the appropriate term for the modern goddess-centered traditional witchcraft focused on female experience and empowerment, e.g., Dianic Witchcraft)
One possible key to how individuals dealt with the toxicity of the nightshades usually said to be part of flying ointments is through the supposed antidotal reaction that some of the solanaceous alkaloids have with the alkaloids of Papaver somniferum (opium poppy). The two exert antagonistic influences upon one another and are allegedly recommended and employed as antidotes in cases of poisoning.
However, in truth, combining preparations containing morphine or opiates with tropane alkaloid agents should be avoided as they have a synergic action with atropine; an appropriate antidote is, by contrast, the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine salicylate.
Due to its enhancement of the transmission of acetylcholine signals in the brain and ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, physostigmine salicylate is used to treat anticholinergic poisoning (poisoning by substances such as atropine, scopolamine, and other anticholinergic drug overdoses). Physostigmine is also the antidote for Datura stramonium, Atropa belladonna, and diphenhydramine poisoning. Although, physostigmine salicylate has been proven to have poor bioavailability.
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The planetary atu is the primary correspondence that's referenced directly
- ZZ Planet Atu: 12. The Junkie
- ZZ Planet Atu Alt: Self-Sabotage or the Narcoleptic Luminary
- ZZ Planet GoN Enume: M = 1
- ZZ Planet: Neptune (Water)
- ZZ Planet Archetypal Dichotomy: Sacrificial Martyr/Creature of Nightmare
- ZZ Planet Jungian: The Sage / The Innocent / Initiation
- ZZ Planet Greek deity: Prometheus
- ZZ Planet keywords: Redemption through sacrifice; new perspectives; rest; non-doing; ties to the family tree; deep meditation; to not choose; inner forces received through prayer. Punishment, loss, defeat, failure, suffering, delay, immobility, the moment to act has not come.
Religioccultural minutia referencing the number two (2)
- In Hegelian dialectic, the synthesis process reconciles two perspectives.
- In ancient Sanskrit, two are viewed as necessary because of the anatomical significance of 2 (hands, nostrils, eyes, legs, arms, cheeks, ears, rows of teeth, etc.)
- In Alchemy, two are the opposites, sun and moon. King and Queen. Sulphur and quicksilver, at first antagonistic but finally resolved and united in the androgyne.
- Element: Water
- Condition: Wet & Cold
- Fluid: Phlegm (Blue bile)
- Alchemical Agent: ?
- Zodiac: Pisces (March)
- Zodiac GoM: (Faith) Moment of Inertia [Projection] ML²
- Season: Ostara (Spring Equinox) March 19-23
- Metal: None, coral or anything from the sea is useful
- Stone: Creedite, Lepidolite, Turquoise, Celestite, Moldavite, Spirit Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz, Charoite, Smithsonite, Okenite, Covellite, Larimar, Botswana Agate, Danburite, Purple Opal, Muscovite, Larvikite, Goshenite, Blue Halite, Purple Jade, Afghanite, Aquamarine, Axinite, Blue Aventurine, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Kyanite, Canvasite, Iowaite, Hilutite, Violane, Dianite, Ametrine, Hyalite Opal, Blue Onyx, Cyanotrichite, Marialite, Amegreen, Veszelyite.
- Aroma: Anything slightly mind-altering or hallucinogenic --- neroli, lotus, lobelia, poppy, fennel, cannabis
- Basic Color: [Gray] which symbolizes compromise, neutrality, control, and practicalality. Gray stabilizes, calms, relaxes, and soothes. It is known for its reliability, maturity, intellect, and its conservative manner. Though it can be pessimistic, sad, indecisive, and unemotional. It melds dark with light and sorrow with hope to give it the perfect middle ground.
- Hex: #696969 #9A9A9A #BBBBBB #CCCCCC
- Other Color:[Turquoise] which symbolizes compassion, calmness, clarity, and the ability to communicate. Turquoise balances, clarifies, calms, and stabilizes. It stands for concentration, growth, peace, and empathy, but also narcissism, stress, secrecy, and boastfulness. Overall, turquoise is a mind-blowing yet mysterious hue.
- Hex: #299584 #31AEA2 #38C5B7 #40E0D0
- Great Old One: Abhoth
- Pesedjets: Tefnut (moisture)
- Ouranian: NAGUZ
- #ppl:
What follows is from Thelemapedia.org:
Hoor-Par-Kraat; Horus; Ra-Hoor-Khuit
- Tetractys: Dyad
- Proportion: Line
- Tautology: Bilateral Symmetry
- Ratio: 2:1
- Interval: Octave
- Note: F
- Geometry: Concentric circles
- Euclidean isometries: Reflection
- Platonic Solid: Icosahedron
Psychology & Psychiratry
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The zodiacal atu is an auxillary correspondence to be referenced parenthetically
- ZZ Zodiac Atu: 18. Initiation
- ZZ Zodiac Atu Alt: Asylum (Solitary; the Hole) or Paranoia or Gatekeeper & Keymaster
- ZZ Zodiac GoN Enume: S = -5
- ZZ Zodiac: Pisces
- ZZ Zodiac Archetypal Dichotomy: Mystery/Hysteria
- ZZ Zodiac Greek deity: Hecate
- ZZ Zodiac keywords: Illusion; intuition; dream; receptivity; deception; bewilderment; falsehood; voluntary change; poetry; mystery; cosmic mother. Hysteria, madness, uncertainty, daydreams, superstition, solitude, night terrors, energy vampire, unlimited request.
The Magician's Dictionary:
An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings
by Edward E. Rehmus (1990) via Feral House
2 - Matter; The Fall; Opposition; Good & Evil; Neptune; Chokmah (subject), Moons of Mars, Neptune; Heh-Briah; Dissention. Egyptian uas; the number of division and opposition, analysis and separation; Darkness and light; Good and Evil. Mystery.
the Thoth Tarot deck
written by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris (w/ her commentary)
- Thoth Tarot Planet: XII. The Hanged Man מ (Mem = 4) Neptune
- Redemption through sacrifice. New perspectives. Punishment. Loss. Defeat. Failure. Suffering.
Drowning or Dying God. The posture of the drowned or hanged man is of the greatest significance. The legs are crossed so that the right leg forms a right angle with the left leg, and the arms are stretched out at an angle of sixty degrees, so as to form an equilateral triangle. This gives the symbol of the triangle surmounted by a cross, which represents the descent of the light into darkness in order to redeem it. The whole idea of sacrifice is a misconception of nature, and the element of water to which the card is attributed is the element of illusion.
Water. Mem. This figure is Osiris or Christ and shows redemption through suffering. He is drowned in the waters of affliction, the attitude is traditional and involves a right angle and a triangle. His foot is bound to the Ankh of Immortality by the serpent of life. The complete symbol is a triangle and a cross.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
- Thoth Tarot Zodiac: XVIII. The Moon ק (Qoph = 100) Pisces
- Illusion. Deception. Bewilderment. Falsehood. Voluntary change. Hysteria. Madness.
This card represents the state of impure horror, hidden darkness which must be passed through before light can be reborn, The Moon is therefore, the most universal of the planets, partaking at once of the highest and the lowest. At the bottom of the card moves the Sacred Beetle, bearing the Sun through the darkness of night. Above is the evil landscape of the Moon. A stream, or path of Serum, tinged with blood, flows between two barren mountains. On the hills are dark sinister towers. On the threshold stands the jackal-headed god, Anubis, in double form; at his feet are the jackals waiting to devour those who have fallen by the way.
Pisces. Koph. This is the most sinister card. Through sorcery and witchcraft it is possible to get an understanding of the universe, but the path is dangerous. On each side of the picture are dark fortresses, the Anubis the gods of death are ready to seize the soul of the aspirant and jackals wait to devour those who have fallen by the way. The Sun is held by the Scarabeus Sacer under the water
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
from Rodurago.net:
Duality, twilight, discord, conflict, doubt, otherness, the static state, the roots, balance, stability, reflection, the opposite poles of the dual nature of man. Desire, because anything that is manifested in duality, exists in contrast pairs. As the one stands for a point, the two stands for a line. Two is crying and laughter. It represents the feminine principle of conception, the great mother. The feeling guides actions. The contrasts, sun and moon, the king and queen, sulfur and mercury, initially antagonistic, but in the end dissolved and united in the androgynous.
