GoN Enume Polarities: Adversity = 3 / Dissolution = -3 Mantra: OHT'FCI EMR-UGN
Archetypal Dichotomy: Synthesis / Inertia
The Numeric Egregore of Three is closely linked to the planet Saturn, which governs the 10th House in astrology. This house is associated with our personal achievements and the judgments we face from the outside world.
Saturn, the planet of discipline and prudence, profoundly influences the Numeric Egregore of Three. This influence is an organizing principle that brings practicality and ambitiousness to the thoughtform.
The challenging influence of three often leads individuals to become authorities in their fields. They may excel at careers that demand a strong work ethic, reliability, persistence, and responsibility.
These three-identifying roles could include management, government contractors, prison wardens, agricultural development, civil or material engineers, labor-intensive work like ditch-digging and fence-building, stone or ceramic miners industries, stonemasons, and the real estate market.
The Numeric Egregore of Three is all about overcoming obstacles, becoming in tune with the irresistible forces of karma, and the harsher aspects of life, including the challenges you will face as you earn your reputation and build your career status. Positive traits include self-control, release from time constraints, ease of independence, and being free from excess baggage, such as people and things that occupy your attention, time, and energy. Negative traits include selfishness, greed, and confronting your shadow self, something astrologists refer to as a Saturn Return.
Magickal uses and other operational faculties
The ideas and techniques that the Numeric Egregore of 3's subordinate eidolons instill in us
The Numeric Egregore of Three introduces us to fate and destiny, including fighting for your right to parity (or equality). When Saturn returns to its initial birth position in your natal chart (about every 30 years), its punitive or corrective influence offers you a reality check so that you're able to embrace the absurdities of life. Think of the Numerical Egregore of Three as a strict teacher who encourages you to avoid making the same mistakes.
- Planet: Saturn
- Basic Meaning: Limitation
- Chaostar Aura: Death Magic, Logos or Thanatos, Mind Control, Entropy, the Macrocosm (Black)
- Basic Symbol: The Triangle
- Basic Faculties: All business matters, delays, land dealings, oppression, cultivation of patience, endurance and stability, professional matters and one's profession, property, self-control, ambitions and career, and personal security.
Chod rites, Death posture, Death asana, Osiris mysteries, preparing for eternity through mock death, burial, and resurrection. Allow us a brief spat of word magic: "his struggle (agon) against an adversary, his death (teleute) and burial (entaphiosis), the search (zetesis) for his body, its discovery (heuresis), and its resurrection (anastasis)"
The Black Aura also deals with avoiding premature death, and the relevance of rites of destruction or entropy are under the Numeric Egregore of Three's jurisdiction. The old sense of the phrase hexing or cursing doesn't hold water. It's a Hollywood effect people are searching for. And ultimate end to meet their ultimate suffering at the hands of their victim. Hogwash. We send auto-self-destruct cues to the deep mind, allowing one's self to trip up and cause our own injury or demise. As we mentioned Saturn is one of two planets that deal with luck and karma (the other is Jupiter, usually the less malefic of the two) and this comes along with the knowledge that every act and every thought has a price on the material plane. Karma is not spiritual retribution for dirty deeds done dirt cheap. Rather, the acknowledgement of karma allows us the view that our action build up a momentum that can be balked by the multiverse or aided by it. No moralistic cries from the white light bedwetters about always being on the "good" side of karma, sometimes the operation calls for a little mischief and maybe even some violence or mortality. That's the price of karma. Fuck with someone who's in karma's good graces and you just may wake up buried up to your chin in cement.
Liber Kaos
Part 2: The Psychonomicon, Chapter 4: Eight Magics - Black Magic
by Peter J. Carroll (1992) via Samuel Weiser
Surrounding himself with all the symbols and paraphernalia of death, the magician invokes his Death-self in a Chod rite for one of the two purposes. Firstly the experience of the Death-self and the black gnosis brings the knowledge of what it feels like to begin dying and thus prepares the magician to resist the manifestation of actual premature death in himself and perhaps others by, as it were, knowing the enemy. A demon is just a god acting out of turn. In the course of various Chod rites the magician may well experiment in shamanic style by invoking into himself the visualised entities and symbols that he associates with various diseases, to practice banishing them. Thus the Death-self has some uses in medical diagnosis and divination.
Secondly, the death-self may be invoked as a vantage point from which to cast destruction spells. In this case the invocation takes the same general form but the conjuration is usually called an Entropy Rite. One should always look for any possible alternative to the exercise of destructive magic, for to be forced into the position of having to use it is a position of weakness. In each case the magician must plant in his subconscious a mechanism by which the target could come to grief and then project it with the aid of a sigil or perhaps an evoked servitor. Entropy magic works by sending information to the target which encourages auto-destructive behaviour.
Entropy magic differs from Combat magic of the Red Gnosis in several important respects. Entropy magic is always performed with complete stealth in the cold fury of the black saturine gnosis. The aim is a cold blooded surgical strike of which the target is given no warning. The magician is not interested in getting into a fight, merely in a quick and efficient kill. The supreme advantage of such attacks is that they are rarely perceived as such by the targets who have nothing but themselves and blind chance to blame for the disasters which even magnanimity in victory does little to assuage. One disadvantage however, is that it is rather difficult to present invoices to clients for effects that appear to be due entirely to natural causes."
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The planetary atu is the primary correspondence to be referenced directly
- ZZ Planet Atu: 21. The Matrix
- ZZ Planet Atu Alt: Multiverse or Reality Tunnel or Bardo Tellus Server or Macrocosm
- ZZ Planet GoN Enume: V = -8
- ZZ Planet: Saturn (Earth)
- ZZ Planet Archetypal Dichotomy: Synthesis/Inertia
- ZZ Planet Jungian: The Shadow / Wise Old Man / the Self
- ZZ Planet Greek deity: Hermaphroditus
- ZZ Planet keywords: Synthesis, completion, patience, perseverance, realization, fulfillment, heroism, holiness, orgasm. Delay, opposition, inertia, difficult beginning, imprisonment, feeling stymied, the universe reaching its limit.
Religioccultural minutia referencing the number three (3)
- In the Gematria of Nothing EQ systems, the three exoteric ciphers are:
- GoN-1 - the Ma'atian Atu
- GoN-2 - the Atu of Zos Kia
- GoN-3 - the GoN-ALW or New Aeon GoN
- all of which use negative integers and in the case of GoN-1 also a value for zero.
- The transformative alchemy of three is demonstrated by its power of multiplicity:
- One gave rise to Two:
- Two gave rise to Three:
- Three gave rise to all numbers:
- 3+1=4
- 3+2=5
- 3+3=6
- 3+4=7
- 3+5=8
- 3+6=9
Thus, in addition to being a number of good fortune, three is also the number of multiplicity and alchemy among other things. Three is where we encounter the first hint of a pattern since the triangle (plane) is the most basic form in geometry aside from the even more basic circumference (0), point (1), and line (2).
- In Zoroastrianism, the personality principles of humanity are:
urvan (soul), baodah (mind), and ahu (energy).
- "The urvan corresponds to our English word "soul." It is a moral power, by which man exercises his free choice between good and evil; it shares with the following element (the baodah) his responsibility, and so must undergo judgment and consequential reward or punishment after death. The baodah indicates "consciousness," or "intelligence." The ahu is the life or vital force, which comes into being with the body and perishes with it."
- L. C. Casartelli, "Philosophy (Iranian)" in Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
- In Zoroastrian tradition, life is a temporary state in which a mortal is expected to participate actively in the continuing battle between Asha and Druj. Prior to its incarnation at the birth of the child, the urvan (soul) of an individual is still united with its fravashi (personal/higher spirit), which has existed since Ahura Mazda created the universe. Prior to the splitting off of the urvan, the fravashi participates in the maintenance of creation led by Ahura Mazda.
- In Zoroastrianism, húmata (good thoughts), hükhta (good words), and húvarshta (good deeds) are a threefold motto of virtuous qualities. They are evidence for the faithful to recoginize divnity in others.
- If their light and brilliance shines through in a person's "húmata hükhta húvarshta," then they act as a unifying factor for the community, and are the basis for far-reaching charity and philanthropy. It simplifies our ancient religion into a very sincere belief in an ALL WISE and ALL GOOD GOD, who insists on the purest essence in thoughts, words and deeds, and shapes the faith of the individuals in this world and the next, according to their thoughts, words and deeds.
- In the Haδōkht Nask 2.24-25 the Daäna (inner eyes or insight) of a righteous person, is identified with their good thoughts, words, and deeds; by which the soul has been made beautiful/shining/brilliant; and (2.33-34) the virtuous ascend through the three stages of "húmata hükhta húvarshta," into the eternal lights, and then the celestial house of music and songs of Ahúrá Mazdá.
- In both Zoharic and Lurianic Kabbalah, the three levels of the soul remain mostly standardized as Nefesh (animalistic instincts, theriomorphic realm), Ruah (spirit; mind and reasoning powers, anthropomorphic realm), and Neshama (intellect/awareness; highest aspirations of the soul, seraphomorphic realm)
- In the earlier Zoharic speculation (13th Century) the sequence was one of increasing levels of consciousness or stages of spiritualization and transcendence: first, the personality/physical consciousness (nefesh), then the spiritual/moral consciousness (ruah), and last the Divine consciousness (neshamah).
- In the later (16th century) Lurianic movement, we have a different sequence: first what could be called the lower self or "animal soul" (nefesh behemis), then the middle self or intellect (ruah), and finally the higher or divine self (neshamah). Two even higher princiiples are also added.
- In Judaism, the three daily prayers are Shacharit, Mincha, and Maariv and the three pilgrimage festivals are Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot.
- In Alchemy, the agents of the primary triplicity are mercury (exalting, spiritual), sulphur (quickening, active), and salt (heavy, sluggish)
- In Greek myth, the sons of Cronus (Saturn) are Zeus (Jupiter), Poseidon (Neptune), and Hades (Pluto) and their three consorts Hera, Amphitrite, and Persephone.
- Kore, Demeter, Hecate. The Moirai, the three sisters or furies, the fires of destiny. Hecate is three-fold; the Erinyes are three-in-one as Erinys, as are the Gorgons as Medusa. There are three charities and three graces. There are 3 sirens, Horae, Hesperides, Graiai. Cerberus is a triple-headed hound and Scylla has a 3 bitch tail. The Chimera has a three part body. Three, four and their sum, seven are sacred to Aphrodite/Venus as queen of the three worlds and four elements. Orphic symbols have the triad of Being, Life, Intelligence.
- The formula for IAO brings together three Gods from ancient Egypt, Isis (mother), Apophis (murderer), and Osiris (martyr).
- In Thelemic religion, the central scripture, Liber AL vel Legis (known to Thelemites as the Book of the Law) consists of three chapters, corresponding to three divine narrators respectively: Nuit, Hadit, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
- the shamanic worlds of journeying: the upper (realms of birds; branches), middle (realms of animals; trunk), and lower (realm of the ancestors; roots). Whereas the leaves, fruit, and other foliage remind us that all things are temporary, making every moment of life precious. The upgrowth in spring is a monument to the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Patience is often rewarded, but haste sets the pace, yet can sometimes lead to needless waste.
- The three Pure Ones of Taoism.
- The three treasures, the basic virtues in Taoism.
- In Buddhism, the triple Bodhi (ways to understand the end of birth) are Budhu, Pasebudhu, and Mahaarahath.
- The Three Jewels of Buddhism (three things that Buddhists take refuge in)
- In Hinduism, The Trimurti consists of Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. They have three consorts Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kali. Of course, Kali is known as Creator, Perserver, Destroyer lending to the notion that it takes three men to do the job of one woman. Men are just not multi-taskers.
- In the Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy, the three Gunas are concepts in esoteric lore, which can be translated as "quality, peculiarity, attribute, property." These three guṇas are called: sattva (goodness, calmness, harmonious), rajas (passion, activity, movement), and tamas (ignorance, inertia, laziness).
- The three paths to salvation in the Bhagavad Gita are named Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga.
- In Catholicism, the Christian Trinitarian formula is evoked in signum crucis or the Sign of the Cross prayer: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen," which involves (un)crossing one's self (auto-blessing) with one's right hand making the sign of an upright or Greek cross across one's upper torso. One touches their forehead (pituitary gland; 3rd eye), then solar plexus (thymus gland and pancreas), and finally the left and right shoulders (possibly a reference to the dual testes/ovaries and adrenal glands) to complete the cross. As with most Catholic prayer (Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostle's Creed, Our Father, Memorare, etc.) the ritual is often done a number of times.
- Three represents the Trinity, the soul, the union of body and soul in humans in the church. There were three gifts of the Magi to Christ as God-King-Sacrifice; three figures of transformation, temptations, denials by Peter (one of the 12 Apostles (1+2=3). There were 3 crosses at Calvary, He died on The Hills, there were 3 days to the death process for Christ, and there were 3 appearances after his death. There were 3 Marys, and there are 3 qualities or theological virtutes being Faith, Hope, Love or more commonly known as Charity. The number 3 gives meaning to the embracing Godhead - Father, Mother, Offspring.
- Three is evident in the Triple Goddess (maiden, mother, crone) throughout all examples of European Traditional Witchcraft symbolizing the ternary cycles of Nature. For example, there are usually three new and three full moons per season. Three is in every nook and cranny of Nature: body, mind, and spirit; life, death, and rebirth; past, present, and future; beginning, middle, and end; Sun, Moon, and Earth; and the threefold co-creative process described as thought, word, and deed. The creation process as described in the Vedas is unfolding, maintaining, and concluding as in birth, life, and death. There are innumerable trinities and triads throughout mythology and religious traditions.
- The often misunderstood Wiccan Threefold Law which says that everything you do to others will return to you threefold, so it only makes sense to output positive actions or intents or thoughts or emotions. Don't even get us started on the grave misunderstanding between the Wiccan rede and the concept of karma in Hindu philosophy. Karma is not a form of spiritual retribution for misdeeds, instead it is seen as the actions or intent of those deeds. It's quite based as the kids say. A real hot-button debate among occultists.
- The Thrice Greatness of Hermes Trismegistus is an important theme in Hermeticism because the Emerald Tablets of Hermes the Atlatean are said to be written in a ternary cipher that can only be decrypted by an elegantly elevated elect elite.
- Prior to Ragnarock, there will be three hard winters without an intervening summer, the Fimbulwinter.
- Odin endured three hardships upon the World Tree in his quest for the runes: he hanged himself, wounded himself with a spear, and suffered from hunger and thirst.
- Bor had three sons, Odin, Vili, and Ve.
- The three Fates known as The Norns in Scandanavian countries: Mani, Nyi and Nithi, who denote the full, new, and waning moon.
- The Theosophical Society has three conditions of membership.
- Gurdjieff's Three Centers and the Law of Three.
All triple digit numbers like 111, 333, or 555 always add up to 3, 6, or 9. 111 as 1+1+1=3, 222 as 2+2+2=6, 333 as 3+3+3=9, 444 as 4+4+4=12 then 1+2=3, etc. Contemporary vulgar numerologists call these triple digits "Angel numbers" for some unknown reason. There is certainly no precedent for this line of thought in the annals of Enochiana.
Just FYI, Nikola Tesla NEVER authored the quote, "If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." It is an Internet meme traced back to a white lie from a single IP address, propelled by hearsay and phraseological drift.
So, next time someone says Tesla said something about 3, 6, and 9, smack them in the mouth with your poo-ridden sneaker because it's unsourced bullshit.
It is even disputed on Wikiquote that Tesla ever said: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration," that often accompanies the same 3, 6, 9 tripe typical of spiritually bypassing memecults. It's from motivational Internet memes, the demonstrative source of children's online education.
- Element: Earth
- Condition: Cold & Dry
- Fluid: Feces (Black bile)
- Alchemical Agent:
- Zodiac: Capricorn (January)
- Zodiac GoM: (Control) Control [Fermentation] L/T3
- Season: Imbolc (Candlemas-Brigid) February 1-2
- Metal: Lead
- Stone: [Blue Sapphire] Tourmaline, Jet, Arfvedsonite, Black Agate, Black Anatase, Augite , Black Barite, Basalt, Biotite, Carborundum, Cassiterite, Black Chalcedony, Black Coral, Black Dendrite, Epidote, Melanite, Hermite, Black Jade, Black Jasper, Black Kyanite, Black Obsidian (Apache Tears), Onyx, Morion, Black Sardonyx, Scoria, Black Specularite, Black Spinel, Hematite, Hypersthene, Tektites
- Aroma: Musk
Basic Color: [Black] which symbolizes protection, power, elegance, and sophistication. Black mystifies, seduces, secures, and intimidates. It represents formality, strength, prestige, and authority. But also depression, sadness, pessimism, and dominance. Far more than a foreboding color, black is also powerful, striking, and a source of security. #000000 #131313 #1C1C1C #212121
- Great Old One:Nyarlathotep
- Pesedjets: Geb (earth)
- Ouranian: COOX
- #ppl: 002 / 006
What follows is from Thelemapedia.org:
- Tetractys: Triad
- Proportion: Plane
- Tautology: Symmetry in Motion
- Ratio: 3:2
- Interval: Perfect fifth
- Note: All notes
- Geometry: Triangle
- Euclidean isometries: Rotation
- Platonic Solid: Dodecahedron
Psychology & Psychiatry
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The zodiacal atu is an auxillary correspondence to be referenced parenthetically
- ZZ Zodiac Atu: 15. The Officer
- ZZ Zodiac Atu Alt: Overseer or Slave Master or Agent Smith or the White Devil or the Hegemonic Demons of the 1% or the Infernal Luminary
- ZZ Zodiac GoN Enume: P = -2
- ZZ Zodiac: Capricorn
- ZZ Zodiac Archetypal Dichotomy: Friendly Beast/Theriomorphic Menace
- ZZ Zodiac Greek deity: Pan
- ZZ Zodiac keywords: Hard work; endurance passion; sexuality; money; creativity; adoration; going beyond the norm; progressiveness; work in the depths. Blind impulse; unscrupulous ambition; temptation; obsession; secret plan; discontent; materialism; dependency; drugs.
The Magician's Dictionary:
An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings
by Edward E. Rehmus (1990) via Feral House
3 - Evolution; Space; Unanimity, Unity, the ALL, multiplication, Saturn; Binah (object); vav-Yetzirah. Egyptian djed. (Grant assigns 3 to Set and Satan.) Synthesis, construction. Abundance, fruitfulness. The apparent "difference" of things in the Gurdjieffian sense -- the template in the mind. 3 also is the emblem of infinity.
the Thoth Tarot deck
written by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris (w/ her commentary)
Thoth Tarot Planet: XXI. the Universe ת (Tau = 400) Saturn
- Essential questions. Synthesis. Delay. Completion. Opposition. Inertia. Perseverance. Patience. Crystallized thinking.
This card is attributed to the letter Tau. Together with the first card, the Fool, the word ATh is spelled, meaning Essence. Thus all reality is comprised in the series of which these two cards are the beginning and the end. The letter Tau symbolizes a fourfold extension, applicable to the transcendence of space and time by a continually self-compensating change. The letter is further attributed to Saturn, the slowest of the planets, and on that account associated with the element of Earth. Saturn is the old god, the god of fertility. The presence of the letter Tau upon the Tree of Life indicates a state of equilibrium between change and stability.
The glyph on the card, therefore symbolizes the completion of the Great Work.
The image of the Universe is a maiden, the final letter of Tetragrammaton. She is represented as dancing with the Great spiral-forming Serpent or Sun. She is surrounded by ten symbols. About her is an ellipse composed of seventy-two circles for the quinaries of the Zodiac. At the corners of the card are the four Kerubim, showing the established Universe. In the centre is the Wheel of Life, initiating the form of the Tree of Life, which is visible only to those of pure heart. On the lower part of the card is the late J.W.N. Sullivan’s well known map of the chemical elements.
Saturn. Earth. Tau. The universe is represented as a maiden dancing with a great spiral serpent. She holds the Moon in her hand and the Sun is merged in the Eye of God. These two planets typify the positive and negative forces. Behind her is a geometrical solid by Moebius. Around her are all the stars of the Zodiac, the curved seventy-two lines stand for the quinaries and are also an attempt to convey movement and to give the fourth dimension of time. Beneath her is Sullivan’s map of chemical elements. At the Four corners are the Cherubim or Winds of Heaven, the bull, the lion, the eagle and the man.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
Thoth Tarot Zodiac: XV. the Devil ע (Ayin = 70) Capricorn
- Blind impulse. Irresistibly strong. Unscrupulous. Ambition. Temptation. Obsession. Secret plan. Hard work. Endurance. Discontent. Materialism. Fate.
The Devil is here represented in the traditional form of the Goat. The cult of the Goat represents the impulse to reckless creation without any regard for result. Behind the Goat stands the Tree of Life, which pierces the Heavens in a medley of fantastic forms, recalling the markings on the planet Mars, always associated with the fiery material energy of creation. In the transparent roots the sap is seen, seething and leaping in every direction. The ring at the top is one of the rings of Saturn or Set, the Ass-headed god of the Egyptians. The spiral shape of the horns is an allusion to the highest and most remote things. Zoroaster defines God as "having a spiral force."
Capricornus. Ain. As this card is governed by Capricornus, we have the traditional goat. On his forehead is the Eye of God, his curved horns represent the spiral force in nature, that is wanton creation, and his abandonment is emphasized by the bachanalian bunch of grapes. Beneath him are his votaries in two dividing cells, stressing the doctrine that all sin is division. The background is designed from the marking on the planet Mars. The Goat is supported on the Caduceus. At the top of the Tree of Life at the back of the card is the ring of Saturn.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
from Rodurago.net:
"Trinity, diversity, creativity, growth, forward-looking movement that transcends the duality, synthesis (1 + 2, the Male and Female). Three is the triad. The power of three is universal and is the tripartite nature of the world: heaven, earth and water. It is the human body, mind and spirit - birth, life and death - beginning, middle, end - past, present and future. The three phases of the moon. The alchemical Trinity: mercury, sulfur and salt - spirit, soul and body. The harmonious number three performances the will and takes place in the world of the Divine. It consists of three main areas, the bright sky of the gods, the underworld of darkness and the dead man of the earthly world. The three-in the ancient world: Europe, Asia and Africa."
