GoN Enume Polarities: Therapy = 5 / Neutrality = -5 Mantra: RTE'FMO UNG-VHI
Archetypal Dichotomy: Treasure Map / Endless Maze
The Numeric Egregore of Five corresponds to the planet Mars, which rules the 1st House in astrology, illustrating our self-awareness, outward personality, and appearance.
Mars, the planet of action and energy, profoundly influences the Numeric Egregore of Five. This influence is assertive, prompting courage and initiative in the thoughtform.
This enterprising influence makes Five-identifying individuals leaders in their fields and may draw them to careers in sports, the military, and entrepreneurship, plus other areas where an enterprising and do-it-yourself attitude are valued. Also, sectors that require a strong stomach or involve cruelty like butchers, taxidermists, or surgeons.
Five-identifying individuals often find themselves as athletes, olympiads (wrestling, discus, etc.), soldiers, police, firefighters, first responders, private security; chemical, electrical, or mechanical engineers; construction workers or contractors, personal trainers or physical therapists, steel and iron-workers or metallurgists.
The distinguishing characteristics of the Numeric Egregore of Five are ambition, competitiveness, and inner fire (or drive). Positive traits include being in shape (or fit), outgoing, and confident. Negative traits include agressiveness, destructiveness, disasterousness, and fear of sacrifice.
Magickal uses and other operational faculties
The ideas and techniques that the Numeric Egregore of 5's subordinate eidolons instill in us
The Numeric Egregore of Five introduces us to abilities such as exceeding our anaerobic threshold, the activation of our fasting metabolism, and the fine points of excitatory gnosis such as martial arts, and high-performance hyperventilation techniques like holotropic breathing
- Planet: Mars
- Basic Meaning: Energy
- Chaostar Aura: War Magic, Hate/Anger (Red)
- Basic Symbol: Pentagram
- Basic Faculties: Courage, powers of decision, self-defense, powers of determination, solving disputes, dealing with enemies, self-confidence, strength, vigor, virility, health (appendicitis, lowering blood pressure, boils and eruptive diseases, cuts and bruises, fractures, hernias, pain, rashes, scalds and burns.) Rules your ability to express yourself through the use of energy and activity. Adverse conditions like tiredness, lassitude, and general low spirits may be worked on magically and/or by using herbs and vegetables, such as garlic, nettles, cabbage, spinach, or non-toxic vitamin tablets containing iron.
Additional magickal uses, occultural references, auto-written stream of consciousness, further expansion on the correspondences of the egregore, etc.
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The planetary atu is the primary correspondence to be referenced directly
- ZZ Planet Atu: 16. Conspiracy
- ZZ Planet Atu Alt: Twin Towers, 9/11, or Fake 4th Estate (Fox and Newsmax) or The 1% Elevated Elect Elite Elluminazi
- ZZ Planet GoN Enume: Q = -3
- ZZ Planet: Mars
- ZZ Planet Archetypal Dichotomy: Endless Maze/Treasure Map
- ZZ Planet Jungian: The Ruler or Warlord / The Regular Guy / Animus
- ZZ Planet Greek deity: The Daedalus
- ZZ Planet keywords: Ambition; courage; escape from prison and all that it implies; construction; joy; overflowing; liberation; revealed secret; ejaculation (sometimes premature); theatrical decor. Quarrel; combat; danger; ruin; destruction of plans; sudden death; shock; rupture.
Religioccultural minutia referencing the number Five (5)
- In ancient Egypt, the five parts of the human soul are the heart (ib), shadow (sheut), name (ren), personality (ba), thought (akh), and vital spark (ka);
- The five traditional elements in the Chinese philosophy of Wu Xing known as the five phases, agents, movements, processes, or steps/stages: wood, water, fire, metal, earth.
- The god Shiva has five faces and his mantra is also called the Panchakshari (five worded) mantra.
- There are five elements in this universe: Dharti, Agni, Jal, Vayu, Akash (Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Space respectively).
- The Five Tattvas
- In Discordianism, 5 is seen as a very important number. This is demonstrated in the Law of Fives, as well as in the Pentabarf, which contains five rules. Each page of the Principia Discordia (the primary religious document in Discordianism) is labeled with five digits.
- The Torah contains five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) which are collectively called the Five Books of Moses, the Pentateuch (Greek for "five containers", referring to the scroll cases in which the books were kept), or Humash (Hebrew "fifth").
- The Khamsa, an ancient symbol shaped like a hand with four fingers and one thumb, is used as a protective amulet by Jews; that same symbol is also very popular in Arabic culture, known to protect from envy and the evil eye.
- The five pillars of Islam (in Sunni tradition they are Shahada (Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakat (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
- According to Shia Muslims, the Panjetan or the Five Holy Purified Ones are the members of Muhammad's family: Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn and is often symbolically represented by an image of the Khamsa.
- The five sacred Sikh symbols prescribed by Guru Gobind Singh are commonly known as panj kakars or the "Five Ks" because they start with letter K representing kakka in the Punjabi language's Gurmukhi script. They are: kesh (unshorn hair), kangha (the comb), kara (the steel bracelet), kachhehra (the soldiers shorts), and kirpan (the sword). Also, there are five deadly evils: kam (lust), krodh (anger), moh (attachment), lobh (greed), and ankhar (ego).
- The Nation of Gods and Earths, an African American religious movement, call themselves "Five-Percenters" because they believe that only 5% of mankind is truly enlightened.
- Element: Fire
- Condition: Hot & Dry
- Fluid: Urine (yellow bile)
- Alchemical Agent: ?
- Zodiac: Aries (April)
- Zodiac GoM: (Spontaneous Act) Acceleration [Calcination]
- Season: Beltane (Walpurgis-May Eve) April 30th-May 1st
- Metal: Iron
- Stone: [Red Coral] Crocoite, Hematite, Sardonyx, Uvarovite Garnet, Moldavite, Onyx, Garnet, Carnelian.
- Aroma: Anything heat inducing and actively protective (saturn is passively protective) --- Peppers, Cinnamon, Dragons Blood, Garlic, Ginger, Marjoram, Holly
- Basic Color: [Red] keywords
- Great Old One: Cthulhu
- Pesedjets: Geb (Earth)
- Ouranian: LYOTH
- #ppl: 001 / 002
Quincunx is a pattern of fifths, it has no relation to the circle of fifths in music theory.
The following was researched and adapted into our dataflow from:
In layperson's terms, a quincunx is an arrangement of five objects or marks, one at each corner of a rectangle or square and one at the center.
It is also what people called a Roman brass coin of five unciæ.
It is also a shrine (or reliquary) in the shape of a cross, the four parts of which can be folded over the central area.
The following was researched and adapted into our dataflow from:
In contemporary vulgar astrology, a quincunx aspect, or inconjunct ("hard aspect"), is when two planets are 150° degrees apart (each sign is 30° across) or when two planets are five zodiac houses apart. If the sun is in Virgo (6th H) and the moon is in Aries (1st H), they form a quincunx as they're five houses apart.
A "hard aspect" means that the two placements involved have a tense relationship. When people think of "hard aspects," they usually think of squares or oppositions. A quincunx is also a "hard aspect" because of the distance between the two signs. They have almost nothing in common, so finding common ground is difficult.
Signs in quincunx or that are inconjunct one another:
01. Aries |
Virgo |
02. Taurus |
Libra |
03. Gemini |
Scorpio |
04. Cancer |
Sagittarius |
05. Leo |
Capricorn |
06. Virgo |
Aquarius |
07. Libra |
Pisces |
08. Scorpio |
Aries |
09. Sagittarius |
Taurus |
10. Capricorn |
Gemini |
11. Aquarius |
Cancer |
12. Pisces |
Leo |
The following was researched and adapted into our dataflow from:
Quincunx is a geometric pattern found in metals' atomic structures. It has a long-standing place in the teachings of alchemy, the art of self-realization through the transmutation of base qualities into refined works of art and testaments to pseudoscience.
Since ancient times, the Quincunx pattern has been considered a geometric symbol of a sanctified universe and an ordered world. It can be seen everywhere, from planting trees in an orchard to building domes atop churches. Quincunx denotes that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. It also signifies the ability of an individual to ascend from the essential four physical elements to the elevated and enlightened fifth. The five points in the pattern symbolize the five human senses, and their encircled arrangement represents the higher energies that bind and protect us. The five-fold symbol has several powerful meanings in varying cultures and is generally associated with conscious integration, mind expansion, and a journey toward higher empathy.
Quincunx is a trendy tattoo design (five dots arranged like a die face) with different meanings in different cultures. It is supposed to symbolize time spent in prison, the bonds of close friendships, and our inherent aloneness in the world.
Quincunx is also used interchangeably in astrology with "inconjunct," the term denotes potential that is not easy to realize and is often considered challenging.
- Tetractys: Pentad
- Proportion: Evolution
- Tautology: Spirals
- Ratio: 5:4
- Interval: Major Third
- Note: Gb / F#
- Geometry: Pentagon
- Euclidean isometries: Glide reflection
- Platonic Solid:
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The zodiacal atu is an auxillary correspondence to be referenced parenthetically
- ZZ Zodiac Atu: 04. Dog, Cur, Bro
- ZZ Zodiac Atu Alt: Cypher or Studs for singles and Sires for fathers
- ZZ Zodiac GoN Enume: E = 9
- ZZ Zodiac: Aries
- ZZ Zodiac Archetypal Dichotomy: Noble King / Petty Tyrant
- ZZ Zodiac Greek deity: Zeus
- ZZ Zodiac keywords: Stability and mastery of the material world; responsibility, rationalism, support, government, economic equilibrium, uprightness, exercise of the law, masculinity. Questions concerning sexual potency, patriarchy, power abuse, tyranny, and a dictatorship rooted in matter.
The Magician's Dictionary:
An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings
by Edward E. Rehmus (1990) via Feral House
5 - Consciousness; the hand, pentagram, man; Mars; Geburah. Moons of Uranus. Chinese elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal) -- Earth is the fifth element, yellow and central. The number of mediation, hence: Humanity . Sin, error, but also progress and knowledge. Without 5 there is no human evolution or purpose. Courage. Achievement.
the Thoth Tarot deck
written by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris (w/ her commentary)
Thoth Tarot Planet: XVI. Tower פ (Peh = 80) Mars
- Quarrel. Combat. Danger. Ruin. Destruction of plans. Ambition. Courage. Sudden death. Escape from prison and all that it implies.
This card is attributed to the Hebrew letter Pe, which means a mouth. The card, which admits of two interpretations in one, is a manifestation in its rudest form, of pure destruction, the destruction of the old-established Aeon by lightning, flames, and engines of war. The other interpretation is drawn from the cult of Shiva. At the top of the card appears the Eye of Shiva. According to this, the card represents perfection, the perfection of annihilation by emancipation from the prison of organised life. The dove and the serpent represent the feminine and masculine impulses. In the language of Schopenhauer, "The Will to Live and the Will to Die."
Mars. Peh. Here is purification through fire, lightning, flames, war. The open mouth at the base of the card alludes to the Hebrew attribution Peh meaning a mouth, the eye is the Eye of Shiva. The card is designed on the form of a carbon crystal, the figures falling from the tower are made of carbon, the serpent on the right is the symbol of the active will to live, the dove on the left is passive resignation to death.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
Thoth Tarot Zodiac: IV. Emperor צ (Tzaddi = 90) Aries
- War. Conquest. Victory. Strife. Power. Stability. Originality. Government. Energy. Ambition. Arrogance. Megalomania. Rashness.
This card means Government by means of two contrasting symbols. These are the Ram, which, when wild, is solitary and courageous, and the Lamb, which is docile and cowardly, and is, in fact, the Ram tamed by authority. The posture typifies Alchemical Sulphur, the fiery element of the universe. The Red Eagle represents the Red Tincture of the Alchemists, which is of the nature of gold.
Aries. Tzaddi. Again, he is seated according to tradition. His legs form a right angle, typifying rule through unyielding law and order. The goats behind him show he is governed by Aries, creative dominating force. The bees on his costume may have originated from French tradition, but more probably they typify the bees of the Secret Doctrines in the Indian Upanishads. The heraldic red eagle is the fiery sulphur of Alchemy. The lamb is, possibly, a reminiscence of the Knights Templar.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
from Rodurago.net:
The human microcosm. A human being with outstretched arms and legs forms a pentagon. The Pentagon, which is without end. The five is a circular number, which, if it is potentiating creates always itself as the last figure of the result. As the circle symbolizes the Pentagon and the whole thing is the number of the center and the gathering of heaven and earth and the four cardinal directions with the center. The Five is also the the main creator of the four great powers. The five pillars of Islam: faith, prayer, alms tax, fasting, pilgrimage (Haj and Umrah). It also symbolizes meditation, religion, intermediary service, effectiveness, the five senses. Five flowers and leaves five stand for the microcosm. The five-star, like the Pentagon, the integrity and individuality is also of intellectual and educational aspirations, if it shows up. The downward symbol stands for magic and black magic. The five fingers formed the first computing mechanism.
Now read this next bit to see where Rodurago.net might've borrowed its ideas
from Crystalinks.com:
Five is the symbol of human microcosm. The number of the human being. Human forms --- the pentagon when arms and legs are out stretched. The pentagon is endless --- sharing the symbolism of perfection and power of the circle. Five is a circular number as it produces itself in its last digit when raised to its own power. The pentacle, like the circle symbolizes whole, the quincunx being the number of its center and the meeting point of heaven, earth, and the four cardinal points plus the center point. Five is also representative of the Godhead - Central Creator of the four fours plus itself equaling five.
Five is the marriage of the hieros gamos as combination of feminine and the masculine. Feminine being even, as 2, in frequency and masculine being odd as 3 in frequency = 5. The number five symbolizes meditation; religion; versatility. It represents the five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing) everywhere except in the East. In the East there are six---the extra being Mind. We find meanings to five in the five petaled flower, five pointed leaves--especially the ROSE. The Rose has much symbolism, but also the lily, vine, all of which represent the microcosm. The five pointed star depicts individuality and spiritual aspiration, and education when it points upward. The five pointed star pointing downward represents witchcraft, and it is used in black magic. Noted: There is a very broad difference between witchcraft and black magic. The number five formed the first counting process from which all else came.
