GoN Enume Polarities: Reality = 8 / Horror = -8 Mantra: UHF-OTRNI OMGE
Archetypal Dichotomy: Scientist / Serial Killer
The Numeric Egregore of Eight corresponds to the planet Mercury, which rules over the 3rd House in astrology, dealing with our immediate environment and learning.
Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, profoundly influences the Numeric Egregore of Eight. This influence is analytical, bringing quick thinking and versatility to the thoughtform.
This witty influence makes Eight-identifying people teachers in their fields and may lead them to careers in education, writing, journalism and other areas where data analysis and editing/marketing are valued. They often find themselves as public speakers, stand-up comedians, and negotiators of business deals.
The distinguishing characteristics of the Numeric Egregore of Eight are nerve, wit, and concentration. Positive traits include adaptaility, talent, hyigene, strong willpower, and alertness. Negative traits include trickery, stagnancy, self-doubt. deception, and insecurity.
Magickal uses and other operational faculties
The ideas and techniques that the Numeric Egregore of 8's subordinate eidolons instill in us
The Numeric Egregore of Eight teaches us about a French conecpt, savoir-faire, which means 'the ability to act or speak appropriately in social situations.' [Source], but along our research journey we learned that there are several other phrases of this nature that explore some of the same concepts in a different light. We will be exploring three.
- Planet: Mercury
- Basic Meaning: Communication
- Chaostar Aura: Thinking Magic, Fear, Nerve, Wit, Logic (Orange)
- Basic Symbol: Caduceas
- Basic Faculties: For improving all nervous ailments such as absentmindedness, amnesia, anxiety, headaches, indecision, stammering, vertigo, worry, and so forth, for enhancing the mind generally, for example by better concentration, more extraordinary ability to learn, better speech and writing abilities, stronger nerves. Also covers installment payments, credit/finance agreements, brothers and sisters, contracts, coughs, education, gossip, slander, hearing, hygiene, interviews, intestinal troubles, letters, mail, lung complaints, memory, neighbors, relatives, rumors, theft, and transportation (local and short distances).
Additional magickal uses, occultural references, auto-written stream of consciousness, further expansion on the correspondences of the egregore, etc.
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The planetary atu is the primary correspondence to be referenced directly
- ZZ Planet Atu: 01. The Hustler
- ZZ Planet Atu Alt: Morpheus or Smooth Operator
- ZZ Planet GoN Enume: B = 12
- ZZ Planet: Mercury
- ZZ Planet Archetypal Dichotomy: Scientist / Serial Killer
- ZZ Planet Jungian: The Magician or Wizard / Trickster
- ZZ Planet Greek deity: Hermes
- ZZ Planet keywords: Volition; activity; elasticity; the wisdom of adeptness; cunning; possibly esoteric intelligence or capability; silence; magic; unconscious will; savoir-faire; concentration; femboy; financial transactions. Learning or intellect impeding with the main affair.
Religioccultural minutia referencing the number Eight (8)
- Element: Air
- Condition: Hot & Wet
- Fluid: Blood (Red bile)
- Alchemical Agent: ?
- Zodiac: Gemini (June)
- Zodiac GoM: (Knowledge) Power [Fixation] ML2/T3
- Season: Litha (Summer Solstice) June 19-23
- Metal: Brass
- Stone: [Emerald] Green Aventurine, Marcasite, Blue Lace Agate, Ruby Fuchsite, Green Onyx, Blue Calcite, Fluorite, Rosasite, Fuchsite, Larimar, Gyrolite, Gem Silica, Indicolite, Blue Topaz, Blue Scheelite, Tourmalinated Quartz, Arfvedsonite, Blue Kyanite, Chrysocolla, Lodolite, Hilhutite, Blue Onyx, Chalcanthite, Blue Barite, Kiwi Jasper, Aurichalcite, Yttrium, Yellow, & Blueberry Fluorite,
- Aroma: Lavender, Bergamot, Catnip, Meadowsweet, Mint, Mullein
- Great Old One: Nyarlathotep
- Pesedjets: Set
- Ouranian: AXOL
- #ppl: 003
Savoir Faire, Savoir Vivre, and Savoir-Être
Entry: Savoir faire noun
: capacity for appropriate action
especially : a polished sureness in social behavior
Accurate Synonyms for savoir faire
TACT, ADDRESS, POISE, SAVOIR FAIRE mean skill and grace in dealing with others.
- TACT implies delicate and considerate perception of what is appropriate.
- example: questions showing a lack of tact
- ADDRESS stresses dexterity and grace in dealing with new and trying situations and may imply success in attaining one's ends.
- example: brought it off with remarkable address
- POISE may imply both tact and address but stresses self-possession and ease in meeting difficult situations.
- example: answered the accusations with unruffled poise
- SAVOIR FAIRE is likely to stress worldly experience and a sure awareness of what is proper or expedient.
- example: the savoir faire of a seasoned traveler
Savoir Vivre
: ability to live elegantly : observance of the usages of fashionable society
Etymology: French savoir-vivre, literally, knowing how to live
Savoir vivre is social skill, social grace(s), urbanity, urbaneness, suaveness, suavity, finesse, sophistication, poise, aplomb, grace, adroitness, accomplishment, polish, style, smoothness, tact, tactfulness, diplomacy, soft skills, discretion, delicacy, sensitivity, assurance, confidence, knowledge, or know-how, savvy.
Antonyms: awkwardness and gaucheness (i.e., crudeness, inelegance, ineptness)
Savoir vivre is a French term that means "knowing how to live". It refers to the ability to live a life of elegance and enjoyment, and to behave with good manners, poise, and respect in social, professional, and family situations. It's about being gracious and polite, and about striving to be a better person.
Savoir vivre is about more than just etiquette and good manners, it's also about having an appreciation for quality in all aspects of life. It's a way of being, not just a way of doing, and it can be the difference between success and failure in many areas of life.
Some examples of good manners include: Chewing with your mouth closed, Using proper utensil technique, Making eye contact, Being punctual, and Actively listening without interrupting.
From Duckduckgo's GPT-4o mini generative AI
savoir-faire -- skills, artistry, know-how
savoir-vivre - good manners, etiquette
savoir-être -- interpersonal skills
The terms "savoir-faire," "savoir-vivre," and "savoir-être" are French expressions that refer to different aspects of knowledge and social skills:
- Savoir-faire: This term translates to "know-how" in English. It refers to the ability to handle situations effectively and with skill, particularly in practical or professional contexts. It encompasses practical knowledge, expertise, and the ability to navigate challenges successfully.
- Savoir-vivre: This translates to "knowledge of living" or "social etiquette." It refers to the understanding of how to behave in social situations, including manners, customs, and the ability to interact gracefully with others. It emphasizes the importance of social norms and etiquette in various contexts.
- Savoir-être: This translates to "know-being" or "self-awareness." It refers to the ability to understand oneself and to exhibit emotional intelligence in interactions with others. It encompasses qualities such as self-confidence, empathy, and the ability to adapt one's behavior to different social situations.
In summary, while all three terms relate to knowledge and skills, "savoir-faire" focuses on practical skills, "savoir-vivre" emphasizes social etiquette, and "savoir-être" pertains to self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
- Tetractys:
- Proportion:
- Tautology:
- Ratio:
- Interval:
- Note:
- Geometry:
- Euclidean isometries:
- Platonic Solid:
Z(enseide)'s oracular keys of the Ergi Seidr heuristica
The occultural neophilia of an archetypal arcanum that is recreated, recompiled, and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Speculative Ma'athematics of the GoN via modern parlance
The zodiacal atu is an auxillary correspondence to be referenced parenthetically
- ZZ Zodiac Atu: 06. The Pair
- ZZ Zodiac Atu Alt: Symbiotic Hierogamy
- ZZ Zodiac GoN Enume: G = 7
- ZZ Zodiac: Gemini
- ZZ Zodiac Archetypal Dichotomy: Power Dynamic Soulbaits / Trauma-Bound Autotoxic Swim Drains
- ZZ Zodiac Greek deity: Paris & Helen of Troy
- ZZ Zodiac keywords: Doing what you love; social life; emotional domain; new union; first steps in learning the joy of living; friendships; beauty; innocence; attraction. Emotional conflict; separation; dispute; incestuousness; self-contradiction; instability; indecision; superficiality; infatuation.
The Magician's Dictionary:
An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings
by Edward E. Rehmus (1990) via Feral House
the Thoth Tarot deck
written by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris (w/ her commentary)
Thoth Tarot Planet: # TITLE HEBREW (Letter = #) PLANET
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
Thoth Tarot Zodiac: # TITLE HEBREW (Letter = #) ZODIAC
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet documentation )
from Rodurago.net:
