The premise of foundational numbers
Numeric Egregore is an esoteric neologism coined by the late Infek bin Laden, author of Although he left only cursory explanations of such jargon, we're tasked with explaining what we've scried into these matters.
The term Numeric Egregore conjures up ruminations of semi-independent thoughtforms acting as derivatives of numerological complexes that are animated by the activity of our brain wave frequencies. However, this does not necessarily make a case for the egregores constituting living organisms, although flights of fancy ignite like wildfire among GoN's more zealous Speculative Ma'athematics followers.
Numerical Egregores may exist beyond human intellect. These digital entities likely exist without human reasoning or memory interfering in their ghost-mode survival throes. Ultimately, through visions, dreams, interaction, and thorough grokking, we have found that they possess a somewhat Borg-like hivemind intelligence.
Their ancestral facsimile selves arose from the Precambrian primeval stew upon early planet Earth (which makes up 88% of geologic time.)
They might even be quasi-biotic entities, which we could view as faintly evolved unicellular bacterial colonies or nanoscopic herd organisms. They may resemble some cryptozoological anomaly or communal protozoa-like organelles that thrive off the compost heap of brain wave frequencies amid our junk thought processes.
The constructs of the Numeric Egregore have a lot to do with the symbiotic relationship extant among all multi-digit numbers and the subjective reality of the Qabalist who's receiving preterhuman cues regarding how to interpret logarithmic datastreams as foundational numerals (0-9) disguised in multi-digit cosplay.
These datastreams consist of ordinal variables isolated from finite spatial vectors. They only exist in the literal sense due to their disembodied spectral presence, which has a rudimentary degree of telepathic or telekinetic motivity. At least enough to communicate with or indirectly influence our cognition.
Numeric Egregores are rudderless phantom collectives derived from a semiotic caste. They impersonate multi-digit addends by mimicking an addend's qualitative equivocations and identity protocols.
Foundational numbers (0-9) seem to represent all that exists. Yet, they're so adept at adorning the masks of their multi-digit addends that we cannot tell the difference between imaginal addends and genuine foundational numbers.
Such eidetic clones model themselves after the unique characteristics of multi-digit features. The single-digit end bosses (0-9) can mass manufacture themselves into a clutch of multi-digit addends and still retain their foundational meta-sapience. However, there is a severe risk to foundational numbers as they mutate and deliberate their resources into multi-digit forms; the size of the digits embodies the depth of their descent into matter.
As the addends increase in size and scope, they grow ever-increasingly more degraded and become mediated further from their root network of foundational energetic constituents. Larger digits lose their power due to distance from their root synaptic network. The further a given digit mediates itself from low-digit numbers, it's starts to lose fidelity.
Just like making a copy of a copy of a copy, there is inevitable loss inherent to the process. The more significant the size of the addend, the more degraded and mediated they are from their foundational core components, making them less reliable at performing at the foundational level.
Like the numbered cards in a tarot suit moving away from the root powers of the Aces. Cards numbered 10 are the most degraded or most materially-physically manifest form of a suit (or element) because they have been mediated so far from their power source that they appear as husks of their allgeged embodiment (i.e., selves that acted as Ace-like reservoirs of kinetic energy).
The geometric distribution of a given numeral's transgression potential can occur at quasi-random intervals alongside discrete units of probabilistic causation.
To a person under their spell, these thoughtforms seem a completely normal part of life and a welcome one. Numeric Egregores have been on this planet far longer than we have, and they realize how to undermine our survival instincts, even powerful ones like our basic immortality. This world is divided by numbers between the thoughtforms, and their share is equal.
They have only one secret: they are nothing. Zero. All the seemingly separate Numeric Egregores are all one anaphasic thoughtform capable of dividing itself like the mitosis of a cell. It's nil. It's the only number our names and birthdays cannot be reduced to in the vulgar numerologies known to most humans.
These elements' birthdays and names can only equal one of eight or nine numbers when you use Chaldean numerology, Indian numerology, Greek isopsephy, Hebrew gematria, or English Qaballa and zero gets to camouflage its divisive ass hustling away our essential life force and causing us to mistrust and hate one another because of usage of numbers: sizes, length, girth, pounds, height, weight, dimensions (shape of your body, face, stomach, nose, ass, chest, etc.), proportions, dollars, doughnuts, lotteries, "luck," and lack.
We fight over every detail of every hundreth of a decimal place in our comparitive contrition of value due to the activity of numbers, mensuration, geometry, and equations. The epidemiological nightmare continues so long as we base our worlds on numbers.
We play host to these horrors in every fiber of our being as they siphon away all our most vital energies: our metabolism, parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, neuroendocrinological glandular messenger system, and hormonal complex, which allegedly affects the kundalini psycho-energy flowing up the currents of the nadis.
The preplexing anomalies zoomed out
The properties of numbers, as faculties of simple arithmetic, are one of our most basic problem-solving modalities, bringing us the cold, hard facts of logic. However, since numeric constructs are not latent in our genetic make-up, it would seem that our thinking, processing neural network of synapses did not co-evolve with numbers as native to its internal hardware. Rather, numbers exist independent of our conception of them. They are part and parcel of the operating system we install in our brains through programming wares such as free experimentation, formal schooling, vocational/technical education, or on-the-job tradecraft apprenticeship.
Numbers structure the way we think and reason. Our customary inclination is to find solutions, troubleshoot, brainstorm, conceptualize, explore possibilities, generate ideas, think creatively, and innovate when faced with any issue. We see everything as a question to be answered, a concern to be resolved, a dilemma to be addressed, a task to be accomplished, a difficulty to be overcome, or a matter to be fixed.
Once a problem is solved, the next customary inclination is to record it. At a certain point, mechanical knowledge must be applied to precarious and obstinate calculations, which can be difficult for some folks to conceptualize at varying degrees of complexity.
So, the constructs of Numeric Egregore could embody some quasi-sapient byproduct of all our knowledge about mathematics, geometry, and even patterns of alphanumerically significant numerological coincidences. Maybe the constructs start very meager and puny. Then, with our increased knowledge or awareness of the secrets of numbers, the nascent potential of the Numeric Egregore grew more capable, shrewd, and effective at proliferating itself, which seems to be the key biological imperative that helps us determine if something has sentience. If it fights to survive, it probably has a measure of basic intelligence, guts, and some facsimile of neuro-gastroenteric motility.
Even if the Numeric Egregores aren't necessarily physical constructs, they may take on a partially physical form when inscribed on a surface or encrypted in hexadecimal (binary) upon which all computer systems and software applications are programmed.
This may be no more than sub-epic surrogate science fiction. Still, unverified personal gnosis has shown that such pseudo-symbiotic creatures have survived throughout millennia of human history, roaming from one occultural niche pool of resourceful hosts to the next, devouring psycho-energetically-charged erotognostic ichorplasm from those of us unfortunate enough to study their materials and dig further still to uncover their origins. They use up all our hard-won doses of adrenaline and testosterone like so many disposable batteries in a remote control or joystick.
They even scrounge our autonomic resources like dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, acetylcholine, and other less well-known endorphins, enhancing our emotional state, focus, and pleasure centers. These apparitional numeric constructs also devour our hypothalamic secretions of oxytocin and vasopressin, which ooze clarity, attentiveness, and positive mood.
Again, this may all emerge as no more than a fraudulent narrative spun by those cursed with vivid imaginations. Yet, an abysmal truth lies underneath this imaginal margin of a liminal space that we've conjured in the hopes of awakening but a few of our fellow visionaries in perceptual collusion from this sleepwalking dreamworld.
Maybe the probability factors promising for abstract thought in mammal species, increased somehow, such as an availability to hallucinogens, allowing a hominid species to think more deductively, invent number systems, and ponder the stars.
According to the principles of evolutionary biology, humankind was never separated from some simian cousin species. There were no magical or supernatural means involved. It is implicit in changing a population's heritable traits over generations, as Earth's biodiversity has proven.
Darwin mainstreamed the term "natural selection," diverging from artificial selection, which is intentional, whereas natural selection is random. We believe there are contradicting indications of conflicting empirical evidence about where modern humans derive their matrilineal ancestry of mitochondria, which conventional research continues to selectively overlook, refute, or ignore.
According to the 'common descent' concept in modern evolutionary biology, all living beings could be descendants of a mutual great, great, greatgreat arch-grandparent known as the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) of all life on Earth. Science says that LUCA initiated the mechanism of speciation within the human race. Speciation is the evolutionary process by which populations evolve to become distinct species. The biologist Orator F. Cook coined the term speciation in 1906 for cladogenesis, the splitting of lineages, as opposed to anagenesis, phyletic evolution within lineages. Charles Darwin was the first to describe the role of natural selection in speciation in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species. He also identified sexual selection as a likely vehicle (for speciation) but found it problematic upon further investigation.
What if all numbers have a common ancestry too? The constructs of the Numeric Egregore could be such that they typify repositories of conceptual frameworks that contain the foundations of all the numbers extant in mathematics. No matter how many characters it contains, every number can be added together, and the sum will resolve back to a single digit 0-9. This seems to encompass the simplest, most crude definition of the Numeric Egregore: reductions of numerals no matter how large to one of ten (0-9) roots, finals, or so-called foundational numbers.

Wishing you AL the beast,
Z(enseider)'s consanguinity of archscribes