The Numeric Egregore are storehouses for essential qualities that encompass the totality of subjective experience and objective vacancy within our multiverse.
These thoughtforms persist throughout the physical, non-physical, and metaphysical expressions cosmic infinitude among the toroidic spatiotemporal vacuutinuum in which we exist.
The creator of the Numeric Egregore concept, Infek bin Laden, once mentioned a trick where he enumerated a word, cleared his mind, and then guessed a second word or series of words that numerically match his first. We had to try it out.
Grasping Infek's technique didn't take all that long. We caught memorable sweeps of fruitful guesses on the first day. That was enough to keep the lexical effluence going, in an attempt to spit guesses in a mindless trance for hours. These presumptive streams of consciousness didn't pay off, especially not when we would land on a matching result.
It seemed as though the excitement of a match derailed our ability to conjure the trick consecutively. It could be run-of-the-mill self-fulfilling self-sabotage, or a diminishment of the mechanism of hyperstition, the likes of which only Mercury RX can assail from us.
Infek had described it as a tendency to become driven and or misled by numeric correspondences via the exhilarating engine of a hyper-inflationary Choronzon-fueled ego.
Regardless of our insurmountable loss record, we were catching a whiff of something that tickled our competitive spirit. We were competing with ourselves is what we first assumed.
We kept getting these hints of pathological flow states into which we could tap. Throughout the week, we encountered a few patterns of recurring quasi-psychic intrusions that we might call numerically accordant thoughtforms promoting trends among the 'Digital Qlippoth,' i.e., electronic enumerations.
It was only surface-level contact, but we relished every victory in those days. We couldn't summon it at will (nor could Infek), but our practice had intensified since the first attempt. Following that initial bond, we've established numerous connections to these circuits, making their interaction deeply personal and engaging to this day.
One of many profound correlations came to us spontaneously while practicing Infek's trick. This experience renewed our awe and wonder, deepening our fascination with the Numeric Egregore.
We'd been on a short streak when it seemed to shift abruptly, but we wrote down the verbiage, continuing the exercise. Then, while comparing the numerical results, we assumed they were failures, but instead, we detected a pattern:
- two of the last three enumerations each added to seven,
- SORRY = -25 (2+5=7) and COMPASSION=16 (1+6=7)
- the digits from the first two combined enumerations equaled seven,
- ADORING=30 and WARMING=13 (3+0+1+3=7)
- and we guessed three sevens although one was negative and one was seventy.
It was an auspicious event. We were picking up on something, revealing itself by repeating an algorithm. It was an aspect of the Numeric Egregore that dealt with the frequency with which foundational numbers (0-9) appear in the results as matching entries.
How many other enumerations showed evidence of this matching foundational number occurrence? Going back through our results, we found several instances where matching foundational numbers were added to our results. We realized the egregores were more substantial than we reasoned.
This trivia led us to an understanding of the Numeric Egregore to include foundational numbers. As such, we were inspired to identify these foundationally significant entities.
After some years with them wriggling around our cerebellum, we decided to experiment with whether these dogs would hunt or stunt. In 2012, we'd cast digital sigils for them, mentally encapsulating specific details of their qabalistic natures. We sketched ten sigils (0-9) with ten corresponding mantras as itemized fetishes arranged in a sortilege scheme. We randomly chose an egregore and set out to seize its energetic signature.
Most evocations are not performed under such vague conditions, but we were confident we could make it work without a formal description. Our approach was akin to summoning from a spirit catalog of pre-existing entities, except that we wrote the catalog.
If these memeplexes existed, we'd find a means to reach them.
We looked for an entry point beyond simple mathematics or numerological stereotypes that may restrict our conjuring agility or the egregore's phenomenological motility at our disposal.
We negated confirmation biases that would limit our reach. In the end, it would come down to more than intellectual masturbation...

Wishing you AL the beast,
Z(enseider)'s consanguinity of archscribes