Phonetic Resolvancy of the Digital Qlippoth
their recursive reign amid the Furies and Fates

Ternary locks of the Superior Beard: 13, 0, and -6

In an attempt to detail the patterns that the GoN-I cipher possesses, we decided to draw them out by replacing the numerals in the cipher with their phonetic equivalents. This exercise let us review the sub-numerical proto-linguistic configurations inherent to the cipher's algorithmic geometry.

With patient veneration, we set out to catalog whatever lexical patterns the cipher was composed of (or would communicate to us) that lie cloaked beneath its more obvious body of enumerations which had been the focus of our analysis for several years prior.

We were not content with our findings during that period of information gathering and experimentation. Although the assembly of our haphazard and often erroneous CSV database is a facet of our research that provides few satisfactory corollaries, it is an element of our efforts that will be methodically corrected, reordered, and re-deployed in a future GoN calculator's accompanying data server.

Here, we have the GoN-I cipher remodeled into its phonetic equivalencies:

  • A = 013 = 13
    B = 012 = -3 = 43 = 0
    C = 011 = 21 = -15 = 62 = -43 = 29 = -9 = 43 = 0
    D = 010 = 3 = 14 = 8 = 21 = -15 = 62 = -43 = 29 = -9 = 43 = 0
    E = 009 = 14 = 8 = 21 = -15 = 62 = -43 = 29 = -9 = 43 = 0
    F = 008 = 21 = -15 = 62 = -43 = 29 = -9 = 43 = 0
    G = 007 = 5 = 14 = 8 = 21 = -15 = 62 = -43 = 29 = -9 = 43 = 0
    H = 006 = -10 = 32 = -32 = -3 = 43 = 0
    I = 005 = 14 = 8 = 21 = -15 = 62 = -43 = 29 = -9 = 43 = 0
    J = 004 = -4 = 25 = -9 = 43 = 0
    K = 003 = 14 = 8 = 21 = -15 = 62 = -43 = 29 = -9 = 43 = 0
    L = 002 = -16 = 31 = -8 = 50 = 4 = -4 = 25 = -9 = 43 = 0
    M = 001 = 8 = 21 = -15 = 62 = -43 = 29 = -9 = 43 = 0
    N = 000 = -8 = 50 = 4 = -4 = 25 = -9 = 43 = 0
    O = -01 = 37 = -11 = 50 = 4 = -4 = 25 = -9 = 43 = 0
    P = -02 = 13
    Q = -03 = 43 = 0
    R = -04 = 25 = -9 = 43 = 0
    S = -05 = 43 = 0
    T = -06 = 19 = 26 = -33 = 27 = -18 = 68 = -6
    U = -07 = 34 = -20 = 6 = -10 = 32 = -32 = -3 = 43 = 0
    V = -08 = 50 = 4 = -4 = 25 = -9 = 43 = 0
    W = -09 = 43 = 0
    X = -10 = 32 = -32 = -3 = 43 = 0
    Y = -11 = 50 = 4 = -4 = 25 = -9 = 43 = 0
    Z = -12 = 26 = -33 = 27 = -18 = 68 = -6

A · P · T · Z   are the only letters in the cipher that do not resolve back to 0.

Only the most meticulous Digital Qlippoth Enthusiasts (and perhaps other Shinning Tzars entangled in Nuit's Joke) can even remotely overstand the full implications and significance involved in this series of four letters (A, P, T, Z) with which we exalt the GoN's first novel tetragrammaton.

13 = A   ·   -2 = P   ·   -6 = T   ·   -12 = Z   one positive and three negative integers. That's 1 and 3, or 13 (or 1+3=4).

The number 13 is the apotheosis of the cipher because when you enumerate the 26 letters of the English alphabet all at once they equal 13 in the GoN-I system. The reason is simple, when we enumerate the 24 letters running B through Z (excluding N which equals 0) they cancel each other out.

(The word "APOTHEOSIS" equals 13 in the GoN-I system, by the way.)

Whereas with most other English Qabalistic schemes you'd get a sum of 351 for the entire alphabet so long as the addends used in the numeric cipher ran 1 through 26 as with EQ-A1 and New Aeon EQ.

A quick sidebar regarding the New Aeon EQ we'd like to unveil:

Crowley was struck by the implication that a cipher was concealed within the text of Liber AL although he never determined (or openly published) the cipher during the course of his life. In 1976, James Lees divined that the key to the hidden cipher was based on the mystical number 11, so he took every eleventh letter of the alphabet as the sequence, and assigned to them ordinal values:

A=1 L=2 W=3 H=4 S=5 D=6 O=7 Z=8 K=9
V=10 G=11 R=12 C=13 N=14 Y=15 J=16 U=17 F=18
Q=19 B=20 M=21 X=22 I=23 T=24 E=25 P=26

This intelligence remains a chronicle of ancient history documented far and wide. However, the meme-bearers of Z(enseider)Z were struck by the possibility that the letter "A" is not where the encoded cipher should begin. What if the cipher starts on the 11th letter, "L," for example? It would throw this well-established ALW cipher way off its track, as "A" would become the final letter instead of the first:

L=1 W=2 H=3 S=4 D=5 O=6 Z=7 K=8 V=9
G=10 R=11 C=12 N=13 Y=14 J=15 U=16 F=17 Q=18
B=19 M=20 X=21 I=22 T=23 E=24 P=25 A=26

Recently, we found that "MOUNTAINEER" is an anagram for "ENUMERATION" and thought it a quaint sync. We had always suspected, "Cool Mountaineer," the first track off Bad Brains' genre-defiant 1995 album, "God of Love," (produced by Ric Ocasek) was written about Crowley although it seemed kind of unlikely. Nothing was certain when dealing with the band's lyricist and vocalist, H.R., who had a reputation for being highly unpredictable. Nevertheless, since our anagram discovery, the notion has been toying with us more and more.

We have a phonetic rubric that explains how we arrive at each enumeration through their phonetic equivalents, but suffice it to say every number is transformed into its literal word form i.e., C = 11, Eleven = 21, Twenty-One = -15, Negative Fifteen = 62, Sixty-Two = -43, Negative Forty-Three = 29, Twenty-Nine = -9 (W), Negative Nine = 43, Forty-Three = 0 (N)

It should be apparent that we're making full stops at the numbers 13, 0, and -6 because they embody their own mirrored finalities according to these phonetic designs. As the above work has shown, THIRTEEN equals 13, NEGATIVE SIX results in -6, and even ZERO quickly resolves back to 0, so we're simply saving ourselves some repetitive toil by ignoring redundancy:

(N = 0) = -8 = 50 = 4 = -4 = 25 = -9 = 43 = 0

Let's examine the letter patterns that are native to the GoN-I scheme phonetics:

  • 013 = A
    012 = B · Q · N
    011 = C · W · N
    010 = D · K · F · W · N
    009 = E · F · W · N
    008 = F · W · N
    007 = G · I · F · W · N
    006 = H · X · Q · N
    005 = I · F · W · N
    004 = J · R · W · N
    003 = K · F · W · N
    002 = L · V · J · R · W · N
    001 = M · F · W · N
    000 = N · V · J · R · W · N
    -01 = O · Y · J · R · W · N
    -02 = P · A
    -03 = Q · N
    -04 = R · W · N
    -05 = S · N
    -06 = T
    -07 = U · H · X · Q · N
    -08 = V · J · R · W · N
    -09 = W · N
    -10 = X · Q · N
    -11 = Y · J · R · W · N
    -12 = Z · T

The evident patterns show us:
QN (5), WN (16), and SN (1) are the most common (22) ways a pattern will end.

To elaborate a bit further, the endings of:
QN (1) are BQN (1) and XQN (3)
WN (1) are CWN (1), FWN (7), and RWN (7)
SN (1) is all by its lonesome.

Only A and T stand alone while PA and ZT are shown as components.

Now, let's examine what patterns our work above have provided us:

  • 3 total 6-letter patterns:
    • L · V · J · R · W · N
      N · V · J · R · W · N
      O · Y · J · R · W · N

  • 5 total 5-letter patterns:
    • D · K · F · W · N
      G · I · F · W · N
      U · H · X · Q · N
      V · J · R · W · N
      Y · J · R · W · N

  • 6 total 4-letter patterns:
    • E · F · W · N
      H · X · Q · N
      I · F · W · N
      J · R · W · N
      K · F · W · N
      M · F · W · N

  • 5 total 3-letter patterns:
    • B · Q · N
      C · W · N
      F · W · N
      R · W · N
      X · Q · N

  • 5 total 2-letter patterns:
    • P · A
      Q · N
      S · N
      W · N
      Z · T

  • 2 total 1-letter aspects:
    • A

At this point, we would prefer to allow the viewer their own reflections instead of us yammering on at the mouth like we did in the previous examples. Often, when something is so painfully evident it becomes unseeable when one tries to sift through its glaring obviousness with a fine-toothed comb.

It is probably best just to leave the obvious alone and let the reader decide what they see.



Alphanumeric Mental Maps

GoN Ciphers · English · Theomatic · Hebrew · Greek


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