II - Priestess
( Moon in Scorpio in house 12, the moon as the symbol for lunar consciousness, Scorpio standing for the powers of the unconscious. House 12 stands for the mysteries. )

Zodiac: Luna (rules Cancer - VII. the Chariot)

Tree of life: The connection between Kether and Tiphareth
Element: Water (Cold and Wet - Phlegmatic)

Number: 2 as the symbol of duality (female)
The High Priestess represents the deeper, more subtile aspect of the female archetype - the darkness, the mystery, psychic power, the might of the moon to enlighten the subconscious. The High Priestess is silcence, passivity, containing a power of her own. Only when retiring from the world, can we allow our subconscious to rise, listen to our inner voice and recognize our spiritual power.
Most people never rest like this, as our society supports the total surpression of the subconscious, but without it we will never understand ourselves. The High Priestess is inner wisdom at its deepest, a wisdom that cannot be expressed in rational terms. Trying so, we would already falsify and restrict it.
As a symbol for deeper knowledge, the card can express a feeling of darkness, which might also be a feeling of fear, but also a feeling of beauty. We know there is more inside than we can see.
In a negative aspect, the High Priestess could stand for passivity at the wrong time, leading to weakness and a fear of life. It could mean that a person is very sensitive but unable to touch their feelings or just live with their feelings.
Drive: The desire to find the inner sources, the own springs
Light: Being one with the beginning of all, aware of the wisdom from the subconscious, intuitive knowledge, patience
Shadow: Dreaming, changing moods, doubts, ignoring of reality
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Pure, exalted, and gracious influence enters the matter, bringing change, alternation, increase and decrease, fluctuation. Exuberance should be tempered and careful balance maintained.
She is Isis, the eternal virgin, and again she is Artemis. It is for this reason she is clothed in the luminous veil of light, light being viewed not as the manifestation, but as the veil, of the spirit.
The Moon. Gimel. She is a spiritual Isis and a virgin Artemis. With her veil of light, she is weaving the crystals and fruits of the Earth. She carries the huntress’ bow and the musical sistrum.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
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Coming Soon! --- ( source: Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth )
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