III - the Empress
( Venus in Taurus, standing for fertility and growth, the earth rules the Taurus )

Zodiac: Venus

Tree of life: The axis between Chokmah and Binah
Element: Earth (Cold and Dry - Melancholy or Black Bile)

Number: 3 as the combination of the contrasts to a unity (synthesis, harmony)
The Empress is the friendlier, more approachable aspect of the female archetype. She stands for maternity, love and mercy; at the same time she's a symbol for sexuality and emotion. She is pure feeling, absolutely unintellectual, but basically life. The Empress is the Great Mother, representing the beginning of all life. She is the power of nature, causing change, renewal, major plans.
The Empress also stands for passion, a phase in which we cope life on an emotional and joyful basis, rather than on the thoughtful. This could mean great satisfaction, but in a improper context, when actually more analysis is needed. The Empress can also stand for a reflective, emotional attitude, refusing to accept reality. It also could stand for a person who is greedy for joy and abundance when actually just more self-control is needed.
Drive: Devotion and maternity, Mother Nature, creating something new in connection of both inside and outside
Light: Maternity, love, trust, fulfillness, the joy of great abundance
Shadow: Greed, envy, jealousy, laziness
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Love. Beauty. Happiness. Success. Fruitfulness. Good fortune. Graciousness. Elegance. Gentleness. Disspation. Promiscuity. Idleness. Sensuality.
She is seated in traditional posture. This posture represents salt, the inactive principle of nature. The lotus typifies the feminine or passive power. The Bees on the robe may be compared with the Fleur de Lys, suggesting the French origin of the symbol; the belt is the Zodiac. The Pelican may be identified with the Great Mother and her offspring. It represents the continuity of life and inheritance of blood uniting all forms of nature. The White Eagle typifies Alchemical Salt, and the White Tincture, of the nature of silver.
Venus. Daleth. The Empress is seated in the traditional posture symbolizing alchemical Salt. This is woman in her all-embracing receptivity, incarnate womanhood, holding the lotus, wearing the belt of the Zodiac, surrounded by her Venus birds, the pelican of self-surrender and the heraldic white eagle of salt.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
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