VII - the Chariot
( Mars in connection with Sun or Mercury; Mars as symbol of enforcement combines with Sun as symbol for will or Mercury as the symbol of the way )

Zodiac: Cancer (ruled by Luna - II. the High Priestess)
Tree of life: The way from Binah to Geburah
Element: Water (Cold and Wet - Phlegmatic)
Number: 7 as the number of earthly (4) and divine (3) harmony, destiny, motion.
The Chariot stands for combined powers, ready to move forward. It represents the dynamic principle and the human will to proceed, the ability to use the powers of life and keep the outer and inner balance.
The Chariot shows a strong will, a strong personality, and at its best, victory and success. But it also is a symbol for controversial power, for contradictions that are not solved, but just controlled. In this, the trump also warns of overestimation and recklessness. With every new venture or beginning one should check carefully whether the desired goal is compatible with one's life and inner self.
Additionally, the Chariot is a symbol for the armor we build up when moving forward in the process of self-assertion. It also alludes to the danger that we might mix this armour with our actual personality.
So a negative aspect of the Chariot might involve understanding that the way of armed power isn't always the right one, that the controversial power inside may to be reconciled with one other, and not just controlled and suppressed.
Drive: The will to conquer, courage, victory
Light: The awakening of powers, the way ahead, searching and finding one's place in life
Shadow: Megalomania, insensitivity, running against walls
( source: )
Triumph. Victory. Hope. Obedience. Faithfulness. Health. Success though sometimes not enduring. Abrupt departure from traditional ideas.
The four Sphinxes on this card, drawing the chariot, are the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle, and the Man, the whole representing the sixteen sub-elements. The function of the Charioteer is to bear the Holy Grail, in the centre of which is radiant blood, symbolising the presence of Light in Darkness.
Cancer. Cheth. Held by the charioteer is the Cup of Indian, Egyptian and Arthurian tradition and it contains the blood of voluntary sacrifice. The charioteer (spirit) is seated in the chariot of the body and is drawn by sphinxes, who represent the sixteen sub-elements of the emotions.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
Coming Soon! --- ( source: Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth )
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