IX - Virgo
( Saturn, keeper of the gate, or Saturn in Aquarius standing for the search for wisdom and independence maintained )

Zodiac: Virgo (ruled by Mercury - I. the Magus)

Tree of life: From Chesed to Tiphareth
Element: Earth (Cold and Dry - Melancholy or Black Bile)

Number: 9 as the number going back into itself (3 x 3)
The Hermit represents retirement from the outside world, introversion into the inner self, listening to the inner voice and caring for the inner self. He requires retreat from any 'high life' and loud company, and stands for a time of self-reflection and self-realization.
For most people, the silent loneliness of the Hermit appears unattractive, but behind the Hermit is the wisdom of the High Priestess. You cannot listen to your inner voices while having a party.
In its negative aspect, the Hermit could mean being afraid of others or of life. When the retreat turns out to be a runaway, the loneliness can turn into a jail.
Drive: Retiring from life, retreat from the masses, looking into one's self, introversion
Light: Wisdom, realization, mental maturity, the inner light
Shadow: Numbness, loneliness, bitterness
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Illumination from within. Divine inspiration. Wisdom. Circumspection. Retirement.
The letter, to which this card is attributed, is the letter Yod, the foundation of all the other letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. The symbolism is that of the Creator of Life and his representative is the Spermatozoon. For that reason the card is called the Hermit. In the same order of ideas the Hermit holds the lamp whose centre is the Sun. The Egg, surrounded by the coils of a snake, typifies the Universe, while the snake signifies the fluidic essence of light, which is the life of the Universe.
In this card are traces of the legend of Persephone. The serpent Wand, here seen growing out of the Abyss, is the Wand of Mercury, the guide of the soul through the lower regions.
The letter Yod means "a hand," and the hand is the centre of the design.
Virgo. Yod. Here we have, in the hand of the Hermit, the Lamp or Sacred Wisdom. It contains the Sun which is hidden beneath the surrounding darkness to fructify the earth. The Hermit is looking at the Egg (Universe) which is surrounded by the snake, a symbol of life. The hounds of hell endeavor to snatch the sacred light and the little Homunculus. The wheat is in the masonic tradition.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
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Coming Soon! --- ( source: Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth )
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