X - Fortune
( Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - the masters of Karma )

Zodiac: Jupiter (rules Sagittarius - XIV. Art)

Tree of life: The axis Chesed - Netzach
Element: Water (Cold and Wet - Phlegmatic)

Number: 10 as symbol for perfection, the cross sum is 1 (Magus)
The Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of destiny and destination, of good luck and bad luck, of the ups and downs of life and fate. Everything is in motion, turning and floating, constantly changing, accidental and uncontrollable.
The trump also represents the need to be careful, to realize and recognize the vagaries of life, to accept the fact that fate is nothing what we could have done, but the result of what we already did. Today is the result of the past, future will be the sum of past and today, and no matter how accurately we plan, the Wheel of Fortune will mix up light and shadow.
Whether the Wheel of Fortune is positive or negative is not a matter of happenstance or events in the first place; but rather of the way we will deal with the results, arrange our lives with the unchangeable and work on what we might be able to change - and of course of our ability to realize facts.
Drive: Eternal motion, changing, restarting, accepting of fate
Light: Unexpected changing, fortune, realization of luck
Shadow: Fatalism, a changing to the worse
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Change of fortune, generally good. Destiny.
By the attribution of this card to the planet Jupiter, it is made to represent the Universe in its aspect of continual change. The appearance of celestial phenomena emphasizes this. In the middle is the ten-spoked wheel, the accepted symbol of Fortune. The three figures attached to the wheel symbolize the three forms of energy, expressed in the Hindu System by the term Guna. At the top sits the Sphinx, typifying intelligence and balance (Sativas); Hermanubis, in the semblance of an ape, The restlessness of brilliant, unstable reason (Rajas); and at the bottom, almost falling from the wheel, is the reptile-headed Typhon (Tamas), the symbol of destruction, sluggishness, and ignorance. The alchemical attributes of the Gunas are Sulphur, Mercury, and Salt.
Jupiter. Kaph. On the Wheel of Fortune at the top is the Sphinx meaning intelligence and balance (Hindoo=Sattvas). On the left is Hermanubis the Ape who is unstable brilliant reason (Hindoo=Rajas). At the bottom of the wheel is Typhon who expresses ignorance and sluggishness (Hindoo=Tamas). Here we have the implication to be found on all these cards of possible regeneration in all circumstances, for Typhon holds the Ankh of salvation with one hand and in the other the hook with which he snatches the soul. The eclipse of stars at the top of the card generates in forked lines the circle of the wheel.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
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Coming Soon! --- ( source: Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth )
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