XI - Lust (so called: "the Passion" by whom I'd love to know)
( Venus in Leo - the creative development of passion leads to enjoyment and fulfilness )
Zodiac: Leo (ruled by Sol - XIX. the Sun)

Tree of life: The connection between Chesed and Geburah
Element: Fire (Hot and Dry - Choleric)

Number: 11 as perfect combination of 1 and 2 (the cross sum of 11 is 2)
The Passion is the step into the second decade of the Major Arcana, the point where the journey into the inner depth begins. In other decks, this trump is called 'The Power', a symbol for the mastery of our own animal side. Crowley named the card 'Lust' - and most people don't really think of mastering their inner animal, but enjoy it full tilt...
In a combination of both, the animal side shouldn't be 'mastered' in the meaning of 'suppressed', nor should it be let out to 'romp around'. It should not be ignored, but accepted as a natural part of oneself. In that manner, one will not only be able to profit from its instinctive natural power, but also to save the power needed to 'master' it.
The Passion implies vitality, energy and power. The card tells us to use these riches. In most aspects of life, an endeavor will have much more success when passion is put into it.
Drive: Energy, passion, charisma, joy of life
Light: Power, vitality, unconditional devotion
Shadow: Weakness, in-satisfaction, depression
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Courage. Strength. Energy. Use of magical power. Control of the life force. Great love affair.
This card was formally called Strength. It implies, however, not only strength, but joy in strength exercised. The seven heads of the lion are respectively, that of an angel, saint, poet, adulteress, warrior, satyr, and lion-serpent. The central figure is the woman, who has surrendered herself to all the forces of creation and who rides astride of the Beast. In her left hand she holds the reins, as representing the passion which unites them, and in her right she holds aloft the Cup aflame with love and death. In this Cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon. In the background are the bloodless figures of the saints on whom this mirage travails, for their whole life has been absorbed into the Holy Grail.
Leo. Teth. This card was called Strength. It means joy in desire. The lion has seven heads, an angel, a saint, a poet, a warrior, a bacchante. a satyr and a lion-serpent. The woman has given herself to the forces of life. She holds the Cup or impregnated womb. The horns surrounding it represent the male element. The figures under the feet of the lion are the martyrs to whom this path towards Union is an empty dream. The reins which are held by the woman are the passion which unites her to the Beast.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
Uncle Al's extended commentaries on the Major Arcana
Coming Soon! --- ( source: Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth )
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