XII - Hanged Man (or Dying God)
( Uranus as neutralization and inversion, Neptune as spirit of sacrifice, the 12th house as a symbol for metamorphosis through isolation and knowledge )

Zodiac: Neptune (rules Pisces - XVIII. the Moon)

Tree of life: From Geburah to Hod
Element: Water (Cold and Wet - Phlegmatic)

Number: 12 - the perfect number, symbol of the zodiac, 3 x 4
The Hanged Man is a symbol for the turning points in life, showing up a need to stop and assess a situation. We're hanging in the air until we find a new view of the things around us, a proper way to rearrange or restart.
But the Hanged Man is a 'silent' card - there's no pressing need for change. No big change is waltzing towards us - we can peacefully keep on hanging and complaining. The Hanged Man just shows that we're just 'hanging', he requires a new viewpoint, and sometimes a lot of patience.
In its positive aspect, the card shows the need for a time of consideration, the forced relaxation gives the opportunity to relax and reflect, to sort thoughts and ideas and find a new way to cope with a situation.
Drive: Devotion, acceptance of fate, maturity
Light: Overcoming the ego, changing life, a new sight of the world
Shadow: Standstill, rejection, loss of perspective
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Redemption through sacrifice. New perspectives. Punishment. Loss. Defeat. Failure. Suffering.
Drowning or Dying God. The posture of the drowned or hanged man is of the greatest significance. The legs are crossed so that the right leg forms a right angle with the left leg, and the arms are stretched out at an angle of sixty degrees, so as to form an equilateral triangle. This gives the symbol of the triangle surmounted by a cross, which represents the descent of the light into darkness in order to redeem it. The whole idea of sacrifice is a misconception of nature, and the element of water to which the card is attributed is the element of illusion.
Water. Mem. This figure is Osiris or Christ and shows redemption through suffering. He is drowned in the waters of affliction, the attitude is traditional and involves a right angle and a triangle. His foot is bound to the Ankh of Immortality by the serpent of life. The complete symbol is a triangle and a cross.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
Uncle Al's extended commentaries on the Major Arcana
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