XIII - Death
( Saturn in house 8 - the planet of the border, the separation and the farewell in the House of 'Death and Rebirth' )

Zodiac: Scorpio (ruled by Pluto - XX. the Aeon)

Tree of life: The axis Tiphareth - Netzach
Element: Water (Cold and Wet - Phlegmatic)

Number: 13 as the number destroying the perfection of the 12
There hardly is a card provoking so many 'oops' in a reading - never forget that the Death is meant as an archetype, a symbol. Death represents the neverending circle of death and rebirth as the precondition for new life and creation, for life is permanently changing, hello and good-bye, leaving and arriving.
Death will show that something has ended and something will begin, and doesn't care if the end is painful and the new beginning welcomed or vice versa. The card implies the need to let something go, and requires the understanding of the circles of life.
The negative aspect of the card could plainly mean that we want to keep what we have to give up, that no change is welcomed. In most cases it is just a refusal to understand and accept. It can mean we are scared of loss and also afraid to restart.
Drive: Death and Rebirth, end and begin, transformation and metamorphosis, inner wisdom, consequence
Light: Make place for something new, get rid of old loads and achieve new spaces
Shadow: Fear, loss
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Transformation. Change, voluntary or involuntary, perhaps sudden and unexpected. Illusory death. Release through destruction.
The alchemical sense of Death is not so much destruction as change. Thus we have, in this card, the Scorpion, representing primitive energy always ready to commit suicide (according to the legend) when heavily beset, but prepared to undergo any transformation which will permit its continued existence in a different form. Thus potassium, thrown upon water, becomes ignited and accepts the embrace of the hydroxyl radicle. The fish and serpent, here represented, have been objects of worship in cults which taught the doctrines of resurrection or re-incarnation.
The central figure is executing the Dance of Death (skeleton and scythe are both Saturnian figures), and on his head he wears the crown of Osiris. The influence of Saturn is expressed in the negative aspect of Death as representing those essential forms which are not destroyed by the ordinary changes of nature; the positive and creative side is seen in the sweep of the scythe, which calls into being bubbles, symbolizing new lives.
The highest aspect of the card is the Eagle, which represents exaltation above solid matter.
Scorpio. Nun. This card means redemption through putrefaction, the seed in the ground decays, but rises again to new life. Death, crowned with the headdress of Osiris, is raising from his scythe the reincarnating bubbles of life. Behind him is the eagle, symbol of immortality, and below him are the embryonic amoeba.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
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