XV - the Devil
( Saturn at his dark side )

Zodiac: Capricorn (ruled by Saturn - XXI. the Universe)

Tree of life: From Tiphareth to Hod
Element: Earth (Cold and Dry - Melancholy)

Number: 15 as the number of the full moon, the cross sum of 15 is 6
Reducing the long story of the Devil to its roots, there was an archangel called Lucifer (lightbringer) who said 'I'm born to be free - I don't serve!'
Later on there was a despotic religion that annihilated everything else, destroyed age old cultures and beliefs, and suppressed natural wisdom and science. Then, the world was provided with perverted rags like Dante's 'Divine Comedy', while everything scientific landed in the fire. But for all the 'evil' there was a perfect scapegoat - the devil.
In the Tree of Life the Devil goes from consciousness and harmony to intellect and logic - against all dogma, never caring for rules, freely uncompromising and independent. There are no restrictions, no limitations, nothing is forbidden. The Devil is aware of the darkness, he knows all the shadows and will go on researching even at a high price.
In a positive aspect, the Devil tells us to go ahead with whatever we want, even when the results won't be comfortable. Never forget that half of the great scientists in history ended up on a scaffold or were accused of 'heresy'.
Therefore, the negative aspect of the card can mean loneliness, misunderstanding, or that someone is outcast and damned. On the other hand of course, it could mean that applying a little restriction here and there wouldn't have been the worst solution.
By the way, I don't mean that you should see the Devil as a person, or take the plain image of someone with horns and hoof seriously. The little paragraph above is just to help you to see and use the powerful potential of trump XV in its intended manner. Baudelaire once wrote that: "the devil's best trick was to convince us he doesn't exist". It could certainly be said that the devil has done a good job when we recognize that there actually isn't one.
Drive: The freedom of spirit, independence of mind, anarchy of science
Light: Independence, wilfulness, never accepting dogma, never bowing the head - 'Non serviam': I don't serve!
Shadow: Darkness, loneliness, being misunderstood and an outcast
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Blind impulse. Irresistibly strong. Unscrupulous. Ambition. Temptation. Obsession. Secret plan. Hard work. Endurance. Discontent. Materialism. Fate.
The Devil is here represented in the traditional form of the Goat. The cult of the Goat represents the impulse to reckless creation without any regard for result. Behind the Goat stands the Tree of Life, which pierces the Heavens in a medley of fantastic forms, recalling the markings on the planet Mars, always associated with the fiery material energy of creation. In the transparent roots the sap is seen, seething and leaping in every direction. The ring at the top is one of the rings of Saturn or Set, the Ass-headed god of the Egyptians. The spiral shape of the horns is an allusion to the highest and most remote things. Zoroaster defines God as "having a spiral force."
Capricornus. Ain. As this card is governed by Capricornus, we have the traditional goat. On his forehead is the Eye of God, his curved horns represent the spiral force in nature, that is wanton creation, and his abandonment is emphasized by the bachanalian bunch of grapes. Beneath him are his votaries in two dividing cells, stressing the doctrine that all sin is division. The background is designed from the marking on the planet Mars. The Goat is supported on the Caduceus. At the top of the Tree of Life at the back of the card is the ring of Saturn.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
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