XVIII - the Moon
( Moon in Scorpio as the dark knowledge of the depths of soul )

Zodiac: Pisces (ruled by Neptune - XII. the Hanged Man)

Tree of life: The connection from Netzach to Malkuth
Element: Water (Cold and Wet - Phlegmatic)

Number: 18 as the return of the animal (turnus of sun- and moon eclipse) cross sum is the 9
The Moon will lead us into the blackest depths of our soul, into the world of the subconscious, where there are no more words, just images and notions. It represents a journey into the darkest night, a look behind our own face.
The Moon isn't the most comfortable trump - though everybody likes to equate it with the mysteries, rarely someone really enjoys the look into their own abyss, where sometimes the unvarnished truth is not too pleasant.
Embarrassingly enough, the Moon tends to show us what we generally ignore, refuse to see, or even deny altogether. But the step has to be taken, for without facing up to darkness, we will never see the light.
Unlike most trumps, the Moon has no real negative aspect, but it implies a serious danger. The journey into night could be too much when we're not prepared and we might get lost in our own shadow.
Drive: Entering the underworld, exploring the depths of soul, confrontation with the dark side
Light: Intuitiveness, wisdom, maturity, deepest self-realization
Shadow: Illusion, hysteria, fear, rejection of reality
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Illusion. Deception. Bewilderment. Falsehood. Voluntary change. Hysteria. Madness.
This card represents the state of impure horror, hidden darkness which must be passed through before light can be reborn, The Moon is therefore, the most universal of the planets, partaking at once of the highest and the lowest. At the bottom of the card moves the Sacred Beetle, bearing the Sun through the darkness of night. Above is the evil landscape of the Moon. A stream, or path of Serum, tinged with blood, flows between two barren mountains. On the hills are dark sinister towers. On the threshold stands the jackal-headed god, Anubis, in double form; at his feet are the jackals waiting to devour those who have fallen by the way.
Pisces. Koph. This is the most sinister card. Through sorcery and witchcraft it is possible to get an understanding of the universe, but the path is dangerous. On each side of the picture are dark fortresses, the Anubis the gods of death are ready to seize the soul of the aspirant and jackals wait to devour those who have fallen by the way. The Sun is held by the Scarabeus Sacer under the water.
The design is planned on the movement of the tide whose ebb and flow is governed by the Moon.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
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