XX - the Aeon
( Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius as a symbol of liberation and redemption )

Zodiac: Pluto (rules Scorpio - XIII. Death)

Tree of life: From Malkuth to Hod
Element: Fire (Hot and Dry - Choleric)

Number: 20 as 10 x 2 with the cross sum 2, the revelation of destiny
The Aeon is the trump of time and the changes dictated by the times, it addresses finality and destruction as well as liberation, hope and redemption.
The Aeon is the symbol for the Rise of Phoenix, it stands for a time of insight, the true understanding of the circle of life, of growing and fading. The card tells us that we should leave our 'frog perspective' and watch the things from a higher level, that the time has come to face the new, that we need a good overview to build our 'Utopia'.
In older decks the Aeon is called 'Judgment', dealing with resurrection and redemption. The limitation of this view is the involuntary association to a 'court of law', to the Christian concept of a 'Resurrection' where the pious may rise and the rest must burn.
Although trump XX indeed does imply a judgement, it wouldn't be appropriate to restrict this meaning with such a superstitious simplification.
Drive: Birth, renewal, transformation, the realization of Utopia
Light: Knowledge of coherences, widened perception and the liberation of hidden abilities
Shadow: Wrong indentification, self-deception
( source: www.corax.com/tarot/cards )
Closure. Resolution. Definitive action.
or THE ANGEL, or THE LAST JUDGMENT. The card is girt about with the body of Nuit, the star goddess, representing unlimited possibility. She surrounds the globe of fire, her mate, Hadit, standing for eternal energy. In the middle sits their child, Horus, also a solar deity, who is the incarnation of the New Aeon. The left hand, extended and empty, reminds us that the God has destroyed the old Universe, but is, as yet, too young to form its successor. At the bottom of the card appears the Hebrew letter, Shin, that is attributed to this card. The three Yods are occupied by three human figures arising to partake of the Essence of the New Aeon.
or ANGEL or LAST JUDGMENT. Fire. Shin. In the centre of the card is the child Horus, who is the incarnation of the New Age. His left hand is open, signifying that the old universe has been destroyed and he is too young to formulate a new one. He is surrounded by the figure of Nuit, the Star goddess, and beneath him is the winged point Hadit.
( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )
Uncle Al's extended commentaries on the Major Arcana
Coming Soon! --- ( source: Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth )
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