Seidreiki Sadhana V2.0

I generally open with my Ba Gua Zhang Circle/Dance of Yu hybrid (also available on the AX site)  and the SSS Astral Temple-visualizing the Trigrams as patterns on the Oroboros's scales.

Light shaking to induce trance and get NRG moving. 36 rounds of alternate Nostril Pranayama while building up visualization of three pillars around Sushumna- red- left, sapphire- right, clear- front with a whirling triskelion connecting them (used to enhance NRG flow).  Those with experience in Reiki may with to use the Cho Ku Rei to further facilitate the flow.


(One could use the appropriate Chakra Mandalas as visualizations here if one wished. Another possibility perhaps worthy of experimentation- visualize the Centres as Alxemical flasks like those in Splendour Solis))

10 intonations and breaths per center accompany the Mudras/movements.

Muladhara- Tattva- Prithivi (yellow cube), Mudra- Hands together, fingers interlaced, Index fingers extended and together, inhale-intone "Lam", tighten lower abdomen on exhale, and flex lower spine forward. Visualize golden serpent awakening at  Muladhara.

 From this point forward bring serpent to each center as you go.

Next center- Sacral Pump (Taoist Chang Chiang) black sphere, tailbone area- , Mudra- as previous but with middle fingers extended and wrapped around index fingers, inhale- intone "I",  breath- exhale while forcefully contracting belly to expel air.

Next- (Taoist Ming Men)  purple, back area between kidneys- Mudra- hands clasped- fingers knitted together,  intone "e", breath- inhale- turn head to left, exhale- turn head to right.

Next-  (Taoist Chi Chung) blue sphere, back- opposite solar plexus- Mudra- fingers knit, ring and little fingers extended, intone "a", breath- inhale through nose, exhale through mouth.

Next- (Taoist Gia Pe) yellow sphere,  back, opposite heart, Mudra- double cornu (index and little fingers extended, other fingers knit), intone "o", breath- quick breaths through nose without pause between breaths.

Next- (Taoist Ta Chui) violet sphere, back- base of neck, Mudra- hands together, fingers curled inward touching palms, intone "u", breath- exhale compressing chest to forcibly expel air.

Next- Cranial Pump (Taoist Yiu Gen)  grey sphere,  base of skull, Mudra- left index finger pointing upward, right fingers encircling it, right thumb pressing on left thumbnail, intone "y" (long "I"), breath- inhale four count, hold four count, exhale four count, pause four count.

Sahasrara (Crown)- golden flower- Mudra- fingers outspread, palms out,  tips of index together tips of thumbs together,  normal breaths, no intone

Ajna- 3rd eye, sphere with wings, fingers in bear grip at throat level, squeeze breath up thru body like a toothpaste tube from
Muladhara to Ajna, intone "om"

Vishuddha (throat) (Taoist Hsuan Chi) - Black Egg, hands on knees, elbows straight, flex upper spine to create tension in lower throat, intone "Ham"

Anahata (heart)- (Taoist Shan Chung)  blue 6-pointed star made of two interlocking pyramids) fingers in bear grip at heart level, pivot elbows up and down seesaw-like, intone "Yam"

Manipura (solar plexus) (Taoist Chung Wan) - red pyramid- hands grip opposite shoulders, thru left- inhale, right, exhale- intone "Ram"

Svadisthana (genital) Caudron of Chi- pivot hips forward, intone "Vam"

Return to Muladhara, draw serpent up through Sushumna (central channel thru axis of body) up to point above crown- brilliant
white/colourless sphere- no intonation.

Aura - Mudra- left hand fist, right hand clasping it.  Shower NRG down from top centre over body.

Caduceus- inhale- bring up red NRG from right foot, white NRG from left, both encircle sides of body three times and meet at Ajna (winged globe at top of Caduceus)- repeat 10 times.

Orbit- NRG up back of legs to Muladhara, up back centers, splitting at base of neck- two going down backs of arms, one continues along centers- meeting again as NRG goes up from of arms to rejoin at Vishuddha- continue down to Muladhara to split and go down fronts of legs.  Repeat 10 times.

Dantien levels- 10 breaths each- inhale in to level, exhale visualize level brightening- upper- sphere- base- top of Anahata top- top Centre, next- upper torso, next- lower torso to tops of knees, last- top of knees to ground level. I've experimented with visualizing the Chakras merging to form the Dantiens- top- Sahasrara and Ajna, middle- Vishuddha to Manipura merging in Anahata, bottom- Muladhara and Svadisthana.

Note: I did this before I became aware of a Tibetan 5- Chakra/Element system that essentially combined Sahasrara and Ajna as well as Svadisthana and Muladhara.

Bring /inhale- white NRG up Sushumna to top Centre and rain down red NRG on exhale.

Balancing Elemental.  Visualize 4 spheres at cardinal points around body  (4 Elements- red- fire, blue- water, green-air, yellow- earth) at Ajna level, twirl, bring down to ground level then up to top Centre and back to Ajna.

Visualize body as unified Chakra- merging Dantiens in to each other at middle Dantian- 10 breaths- exhale bright pulse of light.

Breathe NRG in to organs- compress area of organ to pack NRG in- accompany with Reiki sigils- Heart- Fire, intone "Haw", Sigil- Dai Ko Myo, Lungs- Spirit- intone "Sss", Sigil- Raku, Liver-Air- intone "Ssh", Sigil- Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Spleen- Earth, intone "Who" Sigil- Cho Ku Rei, Kidneys- Water, Intone "Woo" Sigil- Se Hei Ki.

Spiral in NRG and condense in Hara point (center of gravity),  send down legs in to earth, bring back up with earth NRG thru feet  to perineum and back to Hara

(In my Work I've taken to including a stage involving Working with one Chakra a week, starting at Muladhara and progressing thru the Chakras in ascending order and repeating when I get to the end. After I finish drawing and compressing NRG to the organs, I do the same with the Chakra.  I assume a Hatha Yoga posture related to the Chakra in question at the onset of the breathe-NRG-in-to-organs stage and maintain it until Evokation of the Animals and Buddhas stage.  I use Cobra/Bhujangasana for Muladhara, Fish/Matsyasana for Svadisthana, Tree/Vrksasana for Manipura, Bridge/Setu Bhandasana for Anahata,  Shoulder Stand/Sarvangasana for Vishuddha, Thunderbolt/Vajrasana for Ajna and Corpse/Shavasana for Sahasrara)

Fusion of 5 Elements -
this involves visualizing diamonds with the Circle of Later Heaven image on the head  implanted in the body at the navel, kidneys and base of spine. NRG is again breathed from the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and spleen. This energy is then directed to the front diamond. Energy is then drawn from the armpits and hips to the side diamonds, then from the base of spine, mid-back and back kidney points to the back diamond. Energy is then drawn from the stars (more apropos- Astrological planets, Dig Dipper and North Star) and earth thru the top and base of the Sushumna.  This is all then focused into a cauldron-structure at the Hara point and condensed in to a pearl.

(Note: I add an extra stage here based on the refining of Jing/Chi and Shen. It involves "Reversing the position of Yin and Yang in the Body"- essentially drawing the Fire and Air from Heart and Liver to the lower Dantien (itself visualized as a cauldron or AlXemical vessel), the Earth from the spleen to the Dantien itself and the Spirit and Water from the lungs and kidneys in to the Dantien, using the heat to "steam"/refine the raised NRG allowing it to permeate the body (in particular the bones, and the  lymphatic and nervous systems)

Evoke guardian animals and Dyani Buddhas- Yellow Earth Phoenix and Ratnasambhava in front, Green Air Dragon and Amoghasiddhi at left, Red Fire Pheasant  and Amitabha,  Blue Water Turtle and Deer with Askobhya to right, White Spirit Tiger and Vairochana above.  Locate Kleshas in body- visualize as diseased elements of the Elemental Organs, mime ripping them  out of body and throwing to animals to eat, then  assume Mudra and intone Bijamantra for each Dhyani Buddha and picture Buddha sending NRG to you representing virtues - in order, with Taoist virtues corresponding to the Five Elements
included in parentheses- Aversion/Anger exchanged for Perfected Action(Kindness), Attachment/Worry for Equality (Fairness/Openness), Ego/Fear for Mirrorlike Wisdom (Gentleness), Ignorance/Hatred for Discriminating Wisdom (Love/Joy), Clinging to Life/Sadness for Dharmakaya/Wisdom Body (Righteousness/Courage). If you find any of the virtues objectionable (I didn't make them up but  personally find them rather handy) you may feel free to replace or re-interpret them
as you Will.

Mudras and Mantras- Amoghasiddhi - Mudra- Warding- Abhyamudra hand up, palm out ("Stop" gesture), Mantra- "ah", Ratnasambhava  - Mudra- Giving- Vardamudra hand down diagonal, palm up, mantra- "Tram", Amitabha Mudra- Meditation- Dhyanamudra- hands at lap- right over left, Mantra- "Hrih",  Askobhya- Mudra- earth touching- Bhumiparshamudra- hand palm down, fingertips touching ground, mantra- "Hum", Vairochana Mudra- turning law wheel- Dharmachakra Mudra- double "OK" sign at heart level, mantra- "Om"

Following this I visualize Shaktis for each Buddha joining them in Yab-Yum (in other words riding them)- whirling around me to merge at a point over my head, mixed sexual fluids, Amrita and menstrual blood dripping down in to Sushumna.

After that a variation on the Ninth Night Working- circulating NRG from 8th to right hand, Svadisthana and to left hand back to 8th, then from Sahasrara to right elbow to Manipura to left elbow to Sahasrara, Anahata, kidney points and Svadisthana then a diamond with Manipura at apex and Svadisthana at bottom.  This helps to tune in and increase receptivity for the final part

Next- 28 breaths, no pause between breaths, first- visualize inverted black pyramid- base just above navel, point below feet, 2nd-red pyramid- base above navel, point above head, 3rd- black pyramid rotates counterclockwise, red clockwise, 3rdth to 7th- hands in Mudra - circle formed with thumb and index finger, other fingers outstretched (in other works an "OK" sign"- each breath move thumb to next finger, returning at index, 8th- draw NRG up from earth to Manipura,  9th thru 13th- gradually brighten and expand NRG to sphere encompassing body, 14th- sphere from Manipura to Anahata, 15th to 23rd- maintain visualization, 24th turn pyramids to black diamond with points at where pyramids points were and red dodecahedron
encompassing body,  25th to 27th, maintain, 28th  draw NRG from earth to Anahata and shoot out as red beam to lock shapes in place.  This provides an auric shield /NRG field fortification that I'm told will last for 48 hours.

Finale- draw gold Yang NRG from above to ground level, silver Yin NRG from earth upwards, then reverse- silver down, gold back up, spiral and collect excess NRG at Hara, send in to bones and compress to pack in, intone "He" to rebalance all systems.  Hands at lap, right over left, raise to above head reciting "Pax, Liscentia, Felix", at head, part hands and bring back down intoning "Om"  when hands reach ground level,  abruptly bring up and cross at heart intoning "Ha".

[anti-copyrite] AutonomatriX
Corpus Fecundi Index