Servitor/Ally work: Styles, types, limitations and Results
This document is designed to reference some questions brought forward by our Duck Brother regarding experiences with causing "change" via servitor creation and use, as well as perceived limitations surrounding the process. As is tradition, I include the following disclaimer (because many still insist on taking anecdotal reports as some manner of objective truth… despite consistent reinforcements to the contrary…):
"The experiences outlined here are the subjective reporting of highly personal experience and observations regarding said personal experiences. Nothing reported here is to be taken as any form of gospel truth, process recommendation or assertions of objective reality. Any similarity to persons or spirits, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and unintentional."
Let us work from the assumption that we all have a least a cursory understanding of the rough definition of the idea of a "servitor", their basic intention and some basic modes of generation and charging (gnosis). If you are not familiar with the basic concepts behind these terms, I will point you back in the direction of the files and Bibliography sections here, as there already exists lots of strong literature on the topic that will give you the conceptual framework you need to get started.
Before I get into some anecdotal specifics, I want to side bar for a minute to discuss the often wildly scattered notion surrounding the "ethics" of a servitor or the treatment of intangible allies. I have read quite a few comments and quips from people who believe (or at least make the claim) that is in some manner "immoral" to work with a servitor under the impression that it is somehow unreasonable to draft energy with some manner of "consciousness", and then have it perform tasks while the practitioner kicks back with their feet up (please, please note that I am paraphrasing here… but you should get the gist). While I understand this notion (and apply it in SOME cases… for reasons that will become obvious), I believe it misses some fundamental aspects related to BASIC servitor generation:
In a most basic, stripped-down sense, a Servitor does not exist without some manner of stimulus to "react" to. These stimuli ARE the task load drafted to it and the parameters for completing the task. From a generative standpoint, without making it clear that you desire some additional sense of autonomy or independence for the servitor/ally, it quite literally does not exist outside of its task. It has no other purpose for being. Consequently, it stands to reason that It is not somehow "bothered" by its task load, because its task load IS its existence. This can be a "one-off" existence or a repeating task cycle, but it is important to note that in this simple formation (as long as you’ve been careful) no other sense of "being" should even be present. At this stage it is entirely on you to determine your comfort level and ethical concerns… but it is MY belief that you can rest easy on your single-cell servitor not planning on staging a mutiny.
Now… it is widely considered that sometimes, somehow, via whatever your preferred theory is, servitors may begin to develop some measure of autonomy or independence. Maybe they were created that way, or at least with the capacity to do so, maybe they "evolve" over time, or maybe (and this is the real noodle baker) they were never really "yours" to begin with… At this point my approach echoes a quote made by Mr. Svein H. (The Norwegian Breeze):
"Those that evolve to noticeable autonomy Always get to go their own merry way should they choose to."
I think this approach, at least for me, has yielded more impressive results and much deeper bonds with allies that have developed into some form of true partnership, then simply insisting on asserting an authority that arguably doesn’t exist. Those with a stronger inclination towards Goetic magick may feel differently and may experience different results (due to the rather commanding relationship inherent in tasking a "demon" with work), but I find it quite common for many long-term Chaotes to describe their servitor/ally relationships as symbiotic in nature rather than authoritarian. This, again, helps to mitigate the concerns surrounding ethics as the notion of simply "commanding" a consciousness to act as you see fit tends to cease existing.
Right then, some examinations of personal Servitors/Allies. This is a sampling of a handful of different allies, of varying levels of complexity, for a variety of purposes. Described for the purposes of covering a wide range of interactive capacity regarding the subject:
DAUSRYT: Simple, task based, repeating.
This servitor was my first experiment with the idea and was modelled off an example from the old ChaosMatrix files. A repeat author by the name of Fireclown described a simple servitor designed to rout out obscure book titles and make them available to him. I have always been a collector of eclectic and obscure music and I like to build a physical library. Using Fireclown’s idea above, I built the servitor to sniff out unusual or hard to find music and make it available for when I frequented new/used music stores I happen across.
At this time, I can't even recall what the original charge method or rite was used to generate it, but in the end the sigil for this servitor was drafted onto a cd and stored in among my collection. Periodically, I would chant the name while listening to things I had found at various stores as a continued chage.
Some years later DAUSRYT largely fell to disuse. Probably about the time I learned to use discogs. Although I still frequent music shops when I can.
This is/was primarily a "probability skewing" servitor and may have evolved in some capacity to aid in availability of desired music online, but i engage with it considerably less in any conscious fashion.
INVERDASTOL: Semi-Autonomous, public-use, abstract task orientation, "Entity", unexpected result.
Long time hangarounds to the CM1 blabber box may be familiar with this name. The ritual used in generation is available already so I won't detail it here, but to summarize the purpose of INVERDASTOL: it is designed to aid in the catalyzation and awareness of Lucid Dream/Astral states. A handful of agents in the group worked the beginnings of the experiment with me, each working their own personal attempts to engage with INVERDASTOL and were excellent enough to report out their results on the original thread. Eventually, it may be beneficial for me to compile that experiment into a consistent document.
Most DID report success and surprisingly consistent reports regarding the interactions. Strong, vivid dream states often accompanied interactions with a "feminine" entity who displayed caring and occasionally coy behaviour. In my experience, she was often attempting to draw me into realizing the dream state through progressively more unusual situations until I became "aware". Several others were able to report out conversations, meetings with a similar construct. The initial experiments ran nightly over a period of approximately ten days and I still call INVERDASTOL periodically with a consistent success rate. Lucid dreaming and vivid dream state recall has been notably and consistently improved.
Minimal/nearly no measurable success has been experienced in catalyzing a "from conscious" astral projection with use of this construct. Possible ease of seperation, but nothing "wow" inducing.
Contrary to the basic DAUSRYT servitor above, INVERDASTOL established herself as having taken on a strong, seemingly autonomous identity almost immediately. The interactions are complex and involved and I do not take a position of "authority" with her whatsoever. She is free to move about as desired, hopefully working with others as well. I was not certain of the potential efficacy of the construct in a public forum and the shared success of the experimenters made for a surprising result. Shared dream hallucination or not, she performed. On the flip side; she worked only via one of the two goals initially intended. As is customary with successful allies, INVERDASTOL was given base in an image and hangs on my bedroom wall:
DRECZRN: Entity, retroactive generation (?), complex, abstract purpose, autonomous, Full Ally.
I do not entirely understand how to articulate the creation OR consistent interactive basis of DRECZRN. It evolved during a period in which I was working a variety of angles with a goal of mitigating the unwanted effects of depression, and exercising some measure of "control" over the functionality of the state for broader purposes.
DRECZRN made itself "realized" over time. Based off of an image I had been building during depressive states, and drawing on repeated imagery that had been repeating itself during artistic endeavours, the final "base" image for this construct first appeared as the Knight of Wands tarot card submission for another CM group. It became properly "charged" sometime later during a sudden and intense "purging" session during this ongoing depression related work.
After which DRECZRN established itself as something of a storing ground that could be "fed" with undesirable psychological states and psychic trappings. It seems to prefer being handled physically when needed. It has developed (or always had) a presence "external" to its base.
Of an additionally puzzling nature; although becoming apparent "first", continued interaction has shown it to be the "second" of a group of three entities of what seem to be a similar nature, but displaying different functions. They seem to be "brothers".
DREZCRN represents a particularly bizarre construct because I'm not entirely certain how to go about defining it and have just stopped trying for the most part. Certainly, it is related to magickal workings I was undertaking and serves a purpose I had been seeking. That said, I can't truly tether its genesis to a particular event and it was never specifically called upon.
I haven't received any indication that it provides much presence in any "public" way. It exhibits no spiritual affiliation with any particular entity group I can think of, although I have been told the brothers bear a passing resemblance to Cernunnos. I have never done focused work with Cernunnos however.
This construct is interacted with in a manner similar to a partnership. It is free to do go about its business when desired. Its base generally remains on my altar. It can be invoked... but I do not recommend this in any sense. Results with this construct are equally as nebulous in attempted definition. The complications related to depression have been greatly reduced in frequency, and duration and they are often "driven out" with a few repeated sessions feeding him. I find I am rarely subject to the despondancy and confusion I would routinely find myself in. On the flip side; I find my capacity to feel most "deep" emotions rather significantly reduced. This is beneficial to me, but quite likely IS NOT to many, many other practitioners. I have no reason to believe interaction with this construct would be effective or even probable for others. Other limitations unknown. Entity also seems to display defensive and banishing capacities and may have use in an offensive fashion.
DREXURHA: Entity, abstract interactive basis, autonomous, Full Ally
DREXURHA has established itself as the "primary" of the three brothers despite actually become realized "second". Like the above example, the visual base built itself from cohesively drawing together elements of repeating imagery that had been present in doodles/artwork, as well as dream experiences, over an indeterminant period of time.
Construct often seems to have a strong "presence" that sometimes seems visual (in some internal way).
Construct primarily worked with regarding matters of improved thinking, rationality, knowledge and Nondualistic thinking.
Construct often seems to be sitting and observing. Has exhibited a humourous and patronly aura during dream interactions, often seeming to chuckle pleasantly if I find myself wound up about something. Sometimes "speaks", primarily during altered states/dreams in a way that feels like several droning voices at once.
Construct is protective.
Construct seems to exhibit comfort (and a degree of pride) related to his (and the brothers') affiliation to no pantheon or exo-poilitical system.
Construct once described accurately by a close IRL ally who had never seen the image but claimed the entity could be seen in my shadow during a personal meeting.
DREXURHA's image base hangs above my altar and is regularly interacted with in some passing capacity. As above, I have no reason to suspect this entity is of any use to anybody else.
I have no mechanism to describe direct results other than what has been a marked development and dedication to my own various practices. It clearly displays many externalized traits I value in my own development and can consequently be theorized to simply be an extension of those traits. The sensation of "otherness" however makes the interactions consistently interesting for me. Limitations unknown. Focused, specific uses, also unknown.
My intention with this document to try to summarize a bit of a spectrum of various ways Servitors and Allies may be generated, tasked, or otherwise interacted with. Nothing covered here is by any means meant to be a declaration of essential processes or outcomes, I have just always found that the details of magickal experience are often most easily communicated (at least for me) via personal anecdotes. It is my experience that they help to provide context as well as give an indication of the thought processes or reasoning surrounding how we choose to rationalize and articulate experiences that tend to vary wildly in their subjuctive presentations from agent to agent.
With regards to Frater Donald's initial post; I hoped to choose several different iterations of what may have initially be intended as "servitors" to illustrate some varying levels of complexity (in both task/function, and presence) and how these various iterations may create differences in result, treatment and degrees of partnership. By providing these few variations we are able to have a look at how I might assess their influence or limitations in their capabilities. Other practitioners may experience an entirely different set of result when working with their own Ally base.
The latter two are particularly interesting examples for me personally, as they represent constructs that seem to sit somewhere between a generated ally and something of "otherness". The ways in which I choose to define them internally seem to move through a consistent evolution as well, which make for an engaging work on an ongoing basis. I also hoped to reflect on the idea prevelant in the thread comments regarding Servitors and the conceptual evolution to "Allies/Partners". These examples help to illustrate that arc within my own narrative.
Outside of what is described here, I can make no claims to the "universal" limitations or capabilities of a servitor base.
Have fun out there.
by Alex Boyd