This is the official Psychonautical Oasis for the all caps CHAOS.MAGICK.1 Farcebook forum



And now some arts & crafts, magery and mischief, and excellence in entertainment from our all caps chaomeme-bearers and their affiliates :










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  The rules of our FB group are simple: don't be a dick/cunt to the other members. Show civility to your fellow human beings.

  We do not tolerate trolls, however, this is more of a courtesy than an actual rule. If you bother other members or the Administrative Aggregate incessantly we will remove you from the group without notice. We ask that you attempt to mind your signal to noise ratio, although, we do not seek to suck all the fun out of the forum. So, do enjoy yourself, first and foremost.

          The other four rules are easy to follow:

  1. No commercial advertising. You MAY shill your latest magical book or tarot deck, but not Ray Bans or Couture
  2. Do not block the Administrative Aggregate plain and simple,
  3. we do NOT allow hatespeech of any kind. Talk that anti-semitic or racist shit in here and you'll be fed to Grabnor
  4. No copyrighted material exchanged on our forum. Do that stuff in private.

          Fair warning: We are NOT a delightful group of armchair occultists who fake the funk, practicing the art of rhetorical adversarialism. Instead we are an active conglomerate of working chaotes who participate in daily, weekly, monthly, and/or seasonal rites. As well as being artists of all medium who tend to share our crafts with the community. These are our primary functions in this elitist bulwark disguised as a discussion group.

Projects that the Admins themselves are either involved in or support in some way:




The Administrative Aggregate of CHAOS.MAGICK.1 © 2068