T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui seeks to work with probability in an enormous way as it charts not only the relative positions of your geo-coodrinaties, but also the aura of faith you have surrounding you at any given moment coupled with any sorcererous ingenuity you might happen to have on your person, at your disposal, or otherwise up your sleeve. During your encounter with the magickal GPS that the target-maker stands as using against the hapless end-user it seems as though a repertoire begins being built between Truman and his production team almost unconsciously. This may sound like paranoid rhetoric, but much of what makes up superstition these days amounts to a larger than average portion of the "woo" that allows change to cause in conformity with will as the good ol' man hath stated it.
The pinpointing of one's 'destiny' as it were along the probability tetrad confines it to a very complex and unstable matrix. Basically, you can align your "Time" with whatever astrological, lunar, or seasonal current you please as it may increase the chances of success. You may "Place" the target pattern in whatever coordinates you so wish so as to give it an extra push along its probability line. Hell, let the thing go off on Glastonbury and Avebury to allow the stonehenge to push the probability line past its mark into the realms of actuated desire. Add your own "Faith" into the mix and blow a hole into the material of space-time itself with your own T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui module.
T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui
What you see above is the full sigil circle needed to use T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui to align your correspondences in Time/Place/Faith when firing a sigil. Print it out, draw it up, fill it up with symbols that have meaning to you. Personalize it in whatever way seems right.
Example of printed design:
Picture of a spartan one made from circles of cardboard, set to "off" position:
The symbol used for time. Referring to the timing of your sigil's release. T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui places your sigil appropriately in time, so you do not have to consider these correspondences.
The symbol used for place. Referring to geographical location of the release. T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui seeks out magical hotspots to fire your sigil through.
The symbol used for faith. Referring to whatever beliefs the operator has about how things must be presented to the universe at large, what language and what tone. T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui formats your message in the way You think it should be.
The Tri-Alpha. This is the c onnection to the correspondence list T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui uses, it refers to a large well of correspondences and languages from which he draws the proper alignments for each operation.
Ritual Body
This rituals intent is to "fire up" an individual iteration of T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui, a servitor with the sole purpose of fitting any gnostically fired sigil optimally within Time/Place/Faith Correspondences of the operator. Releasing the sigil at the optimal intersection of correspondences regardless of when/where/how it was fired.
Open with whatever you usually do to attune yourself to an operation, selecting one of the more "involved" versions is advisable. Colors in parenthesis are suggestion, switch if they don't fit.
Focus on the symbol. Visualize time data flowing between the symbol and the Tri-Alpha. Maintain until the stream stabilizes and fills the inner ring in an appropriate color. (Blue).
Focus on the symbol. Visualize the geographical data flowing between the symbol and the Tri-Alpha until the stream stabilizes and fills the middle ring with an appropriate color(Green).
Focus on the symbol. Visualize faith-data flowing between the symbol and the Tri-Alpha until the stream stabilizes and fills the outer ring with an appropriate color(Red).
With the circles live visualize T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui filling with purpose and power, chant his name, feel the desire he feels to solve your correspondences to the best possible solution. Keep it up until the sigil shines brightly and you start wanting to fill the center with something. Don't.
Instead close the ritual abruptly, ground yourself as you see fit, and leave.
T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui is ready the next day, though waiting a few days just to dwell on the desire to fill that center circle the first time might be considered.
To use him after the first ritual place the sigil you are firing in the center of the design, charge it as normal, and fire it straight into the center circle. Saying "Thanks T-Crely Sov P'ndagbui" when done. The sigil will be released when "the stars are right" and with the proper formulations when concerning whatever faith the operator has.
© Lodge Of Loki.
P.S. another graphic representation