Introductory review of the GoN's origins
The Gematria of Nothing, or GoN, is a constructed English Qabalistic cipher concocted in 1995 by a group in Seattle that later became known as the Kabaal of M.A.A.T.
The GoN first made itself known through various secret iterations and utterances in the opening and closing of Satanic sex magick rituals (including bibliomantic readings of Liber AL vel Legis) led by the Kabaal of M.A.A.T. during auspicious astrological transits and upon the providence of specific lunar occurrences.
Their rituals were performed to entice the muses' affections and inaugurate the two primary ciphers of the GoN into the group's working syllabus. Those two systems are known as The Ma'atian Atu (or GoN-I) and The Atu of Zos Kia (or GoN-II), which were later followed by the ternary GoN-ALW (or GoN-III) cipher.
Unsatisfied with the UK's prevailing New Aeon English Qaballa (NAEQ) of 1976, the Kabaal of M.A.A.T. were trying to crack the hidden cipher encrypted in Liber AL vel Legis. So, the group were performing rituals to elicit insights, catalyze their visions, and sip from one another's unique wellsprings of preterhuman intelligence (i.e., personal genius).
The GoN was the brainchild of grand architects A'ash Kenaz and Infek bin Laden, although it was A'ash who first suggested the cipher use negative numbers and a value for zero. Infek's idea was to split the cipher down the middle (in half), which lends to the numbers having a "new sexuality," something he often referenced in his writing.
However, only Infek, author of and the self-professed foremost Qabalist via the GoN, can claim responsibility for advancing the research and application of this English Qabalistic cipher to its most interesting yet confounding degree.
He should also receive his due credit for formulating much of the GoN's mystical minutia including mathematical theories, implementations of summoning numeric tutelary spirits, practical ritual observances, invocatory inflections, and freeform divinations.
Even as a child, Infek somehow knew that 666 = 0, an obscure contrivance that the GoN would later prove him a veracious diver. As most Digital Qlippoth Enthusiasts know, 666 spelled out phonetically as SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX = 0 in the GoN-I system.
Therefore, Infek had fulfilled a childhood prophecy to emancipate the GoN's first received or psychically channeled magickal formula.
More recently, the Z(enseider)Z GoN tribute R&D personnel discovered a way to empower the formula of 666 = 0 by identifying a linguistic quirk in the phonetic resolvancy of the integer -23. When we think of the number 23 it will often imply nascency, coincidence and synchronicity. It is also like a Discordian alarm that signals a threat level proximity warning with regard to the Illuminati's Greyface mind control agenda.
An offering of hereditary comparison
We, the few Foolish Devotees of the GoN, find a great deal of complex meaning within the confines of the GoN-I system as we cherish the numeric concurrence found as native to the low Bell's Curve of the Ma'atian Atu. It gives you a daily "Aha!" moment if you play with a calculator for a few minutes. Its trajectory allows for a specific range of numbers that populate matching enumerations more frequently than other ciphers with less narrow ranges of numerical values, such as ones that don't use negative numbers and a value for zero.
We cherish the memory of the Archetypal Theriomorph who is found imbued within the GoN shouting metaphysical rhetoric at us from a vibrant and dynamic sector of the afterlife through the sequences of numbers, words, and phrases in our records.
One of the most important discoveries ever elucidated by Infek bin Laden remains his proof regarding the GoN's foray into genetic variation:
"A nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in the cell is capable of self-replication and synthesis of RNA. DNA consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix and joined by hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine. The sequence of nucleotides determines individual hereditary characteristics."
Total = 79
A new sexuality in alphanumeric form
The enumerated GoN cipher is exceptional due to its utilization of both positive and negative integers (including a value for zero) to form a unique array of binary correspondences, which Infek had deemed a 'new sexuality' through the erotognostic hierogamy of numbers. Although many offshoots have begun being popularized, the Gematria of Nothing stands out as one of the first ciphers known to exploit values upon the dual axis of zero.
The English Rose Qabala, about a decade before the GoN is unique for having played on the prioritizing of numbers arranged beyond zero into the veil of negative integers.
As very few have bothered to figure out on their own, each numeral in the cipher remains phonetically recursive where almost all numbers of the alphanumeric cipher resolve back to zero with stark few exceptions, each of which pose themselves worthy of commentary and closer examination.
The GoN has produced its first novel tetragrammaton with the letters A, P, T, and Z as the numbers those letters refer to effectuate to numbers other than zero when spelled out phonetically. There are many other examples of numbers which, when spelled out phonetically, equal numerals other than zero, but A, P, T, and Z (e.g., 13, -2, -6, and -12) are the only ones within the GoN-I cipher to perform this feat.
- A = 13 = 13
- P = -2 = 13
- T = -6 = 19 = 26 = -33 = 27 = -18 = 68 = -6
Negative-Six = 19, Nineteen = 26, Twenty-Six = 33, Negative Thirty-Three = 27, Twenty-Seven = -18, Negative Eighteen = 68, Sixty-Eight = -6
- Z = -12 = 26 = -33 = 27 = -18 = 68 = -6
Negative Twelve = 26, Twenty Six = -33, Negative Thirty-Three = 27, Twenty-Seven = -18, Negative Eighteen = 68, Sixty-Eight = -6
Our GoN tribute R&D initiative work diligently in several time zones to ensure Anti-Social Mania platforms get bombarded with high caliber GoN enumerations.
Our research into the GoN led us down a rabbithole of multimedia projects such as serialized musick, archetypal tarot, mixed virtual/analog art, English khaobala, spirit catalogs, information model access, and frequency-inducing brainwave entrainment.
We have had innovations in many different mediums pop up all around us.
For example, one of our meme-bearers, Luke Andrews, devised a scheme where he laid out the GoN cipher onto chromatic scale notation and uses this blueprint to innovate serialized musickal compositions. And, if memory serves us correctly, Infek once said in a prophetic tone that the GoN would one day be set to musick.
Luke (and Z(enseider)Z have each) fulfilled this prophecy to its fullest, and then some. Luke's work with this approach has not yet reached its ultimate manifestation. He re-vamps his theories with the advent of new information on a regular basis, but keeps firm to his original scheme as a working magickal map from which to promulgate desire.
Luke has a simple but highly effective formula for his aural sorcery:
"Intent + Vibration = Manifestation"
Luke serenades us with a 10-track LP of guitar-driven aural excrescences from August 2014 called The Numerical Egregores while Z(enseider)Z were close behind with their off-kilter noise and minimal 10-track LP of synchromystical maelstroms from September 2014 called Various Digital Qlippoth both of which were self-produced.
Advents from the Khaobalah Insurgency
For some sense of theory concerning the GoN as a proper Qabalah, we've adapted Peter J. Carroll's Tree of Life from Liber NOX. We used the GoN-I cipher to create a system of correspondences that could not fit into a traditional Tree of Life. Carroll's tree contains 14 spheres with a four-way split in Malkuth instead of the traditional 10; therefore, it fits the GoN-I cipher like a proverbial glove. We consider the Tree of kNOw-thing paramount to the current study and application of the Gematria of Nothing.
The adapted Tree of kNOwthing represents, at least in principle, the same auras that Carroll had laid out during his work with the Alphabet of Desire. Yet, we have replaced the simple one-word ideals with alphanumeric polarities and planetary glyphs. In Carroll's scheme, all roads lead to Tiphareth, symbolized by "Laughter," the only emotion that is its opposite. Crying, Carroll says, is an inferior form of laughter.
We would put one's lachrymal gnosis into a sphere like the Venusian green aura representing love, peace, pleasure, attraction, and empathy.
Within Kia (e.g., Kether), we have N=0 as it is the core valuation upon which the whole cipher rests and in the depths of what would symbolize Malkuth (actually, what Carroll calls "Pleasure" as part of his four-way split in Malkuth) we have A=13. Now, if N=0 represents the core of the cipher, then A=13 assuredly represents its apotheosis.
These two alphanumeric equations rest at the very top and bottom of the tree as they're the only two correspondences with no contrasting principle. Every other sphere contains an antithesis of each number within the cipher, but not 0 and 13. They each stand alone. They are each other's antithesis if anything. Although, it is much easier to look at the diagram in the figure provided below than to write out explanations for each of the spheres. That is a job for another piece of writing.

As far as the crude rendering of these spheres, they can be broken down into a series of 10 pseudo-polarities numbered 0 through 9, structured by the neither-neither duality of harmony and antagonism, which we will offer in the most basic dichotomies:
Enumeration Polarities |
Archetypal Dichotomies |
0 = Synchronicity/Will | Dilettante/Scholar
1 = Transition/Mutation | Nascent Caterpillar/Mature Butterfly
2 = Visitation/Transmission | Sacrificial Martyr/Creature of Nightmare
3 = Adversity/Dissolution | Synthesis/Inertia
4 = Business/Slavery | Duty-Quest-Task/Pact-Oath-Vow
5 = Therapy/Neutrality | Treasure Map/Endless Maze
6 = Vitality/Paralysis | Divine Twins/Infernal Duel (Dual or Duet)
7 = Consciousness/Psychosis | Lawful Maiden/Chaotic Temptress
8 = Reality/Horror | Scientist/Serial Killer
9 = Success/Loss | Chaste Bride/Queen of Darkness
As you may notice, the polarities and dichotomies each take contradictory yet novel fictions and pair them up, but not as diametric opposites. Rather, they are concepts or qualities that could be mistaken for one another if perception were distorted. It's a metric that attempts to show the extremes to which our minds are sometimes pushed to believe in the images they represent. The images are not factual; they are the masks worn by these rouge entities from a remote dimension that vibrate at some auxiliary oscillation, which we are only dimly aware of from whence these thoughtforms derive.
So, if you think it's silly twaddle. It is! You're right! It is meant to distract us from the fact that they are sapient beings, causing us to hallucinate their existence in our minds, creating a projection that confirms everyone else's belief in their existence. It seems they're trying to sabotage our happiness and through supremacy (via money, probability, etc.) they subjugate our desires by causing disruptions or lack in our lives when certain conditions aren't being met.
A quote from the GoN-L archives
Infek details his experiences with the Digital Qlippoth and Numeric Egregore.
I have recently been preoccupied with what may be described as legion of 'Digital Qlippoth'. This manifests as a tendency to become driven and or mislead by numeric correspondences via the exhilarating engine of a hyper-inflationary Choronzon-fueled ego.
One reoccurring phenomena I have observed deals with the frequency with which certain 'Numeric Egregores' repeat themselves.
An example is thus:
I will often enumerate the value of a word........ usually in my head, but sometimes with a calculator if I am working with one and upon finding the value of the word, I proceed to choose another word, or even a series of words with the same values.
Before writing this, as an experiment, I chose the word:
hate = 22 via GoN
then I let my mind go blank and picked the next word that came to my mind:
labor = 22 via GoN
Praise Aiwass, it really worked............
(hate + labor - that should tell us something right there!)
What are the chances of my 'coincidentally' choosing the second word with the same value as the first ...?
The second correspondence; "labor = 22", which to my consciousness knowledge I have never enumerated via GoN or any other system prior to moments ago, tells me that the number 22 is expressing itself through my mind somehow.
But How?
My suspicions include the possibility that my mind knows the values of _all_ the words even though that knowledge may be obscured beneath the level of my awareness.
Another less probable idea is that I have a 'praeterhuman intelligence' whispering in my head all the time. (One of these or similar "Oijia" theories just might explain the spontaneous "discovery" of GoN as well as the writing of Liber A.L.)
Can I consistently repeat this feat on demand? Not yet!
It tends to happen when I am _not_ concentrating on anything in particular and just let the numbers and letters flow through my head like so many alpha-numeric koans. One number appears to stand out for some reason and then other numbers seem to "attract" or "accumulate" to the first number.... I would logically assume this experience was purely subjective based on a selective focus of awareness.
This effect appears to occur even when doing comparative studies with different systems..... even systems where I do not consciously know all the values or order of the letters ! For some time now, I have been going on the theory that "this isn't really occurring at the frequency I imagine" but evidence continues to mount that would appear to contradict that idea.
Another example of Digital Qlippoth run amok occurs when I get unusually psyched about certain correspondences that I enumerate and begin to get overly excited with the implications ...
They are invariably incorrect; usually the result of a hasty mental miscalculation, on paper, or by some omission and/or spelling error.
An embarrassing example would be the enumeration of Liber Oz via GoN.
The first time I added it up real fast in my head to a total of 1011. That was interesting enough to spur me on towards a second evaluation. The next time I totaled the value of the lines on paper using a GoN calculator, I came up with 1101, which I thought was really interesting, especially considering the value of the title "Liber OZ" itself enumerated to 11.
Then I realized on the third check that I had actually forgotten to add the sentence: "There is no god but man" which equals 42 and changes the total value of Liber OZ that I had enumerated to 1153. I had seriously tried to do it correctly by the second attempt, but somehow I "tricked" myself, or my mind was tricked, into omitting the value that would eventually drive me on towards ascertaining what I now am sure is the "correct" total which enumerates to the GoN equivalent of Seven Hundred and Eighteen.
The moment of the realization of the error may be temporarily devastating to the cyclonic forces of a Choronzon-Possessed Ego, and yet ultimately, as in many cases via use of the GoN, it often leads to what would appear to be even more 'sublime' challenges and ideally even more interesting discoveries!
The use of the GoN to interface with these Numeric Egregore have, in my opinion, greatly increased my awareness and sensitivity to the resonance of these most unusual Digital Qlippothic attractors.
In many gradation-centered schools of magic, it is remarked that the spirits will initiate one into a given realm of knowledge. Without an aspirant asking, this does sometimes happen. Possibly, these rogue intelligences were introducing Infek to hidden mechanisms of his mind and how those faculties interact with the numeric system.
We opine that numbers exist independently of humankind's recognition and use of them. They are semi-sentient bits of intelligence with an agenda that may go beyond mere survival, but we should learn what that agenda entails. There are far less important things with which to occupy one's time.
It seems even our mistakes may lead to fascinating revelations that spark larger questions about the mysteries of human existence. The concept of the Numeric Egregore, as described by the GoN's premiere Qabalist, suggests the existence of scraps of intelligence that lie beyond our conscious awareness. These entities could occur outside our consensus reality, challenging our understanding of the natural world.

Mad P'z & OV,
Sib. Khytra-ajz'L Vuulghis 582
P.S. special thanx to Fra. Donald of the Bumbling Animist's copyediting house for his patience working on the original text with us. We bet you'd barely recognize the piece now, old friend.