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Give Up the Grip for Our D.o.P.E.

  Reckless Acts of Secular Chaoism

Z(enseider)Z very own web-based Department of Peripheral Epiphenomena desperately needs your help to appropriate funding for its Secular Chaoist outreach proposal.

Z(enseider)Z Department of Peripheral Epiphenomenon intends to use your donations to facilitate:

  • upgrading our website on several fronts including improved network security, increased email storage, and additional FTP accounts.

  • adviriitizing campaigns on our kNewZlog at zenseiderz via WordPress

  • writing and compiling material for our Substack which we hope to use as an repository of science fiction, experimental magickal ritual, and xenopredation horror


  • compiling the first installment of our proposed Memetic Journal of Nescience and Dissection

  • capturing the next abysmally causative Z(enseider)Z full-length effort due out in 2038 e.v.

  • expanding our research in the field of Zeesemiotics, the psi-sociological aspects of Zeememe Clusterphilia, and its effects on non-Zee meme-aliens

  • constructing our Gematria of Nothing research tribute (aka Liber Infernus Enumera) which we envision as a user-friendly English Qabalastic calculator and database slash dictionary of enumerations dealing with the Speculative Ma'athematics of our phenomenological Khaobala

  • elevating the product quality of Czarina Zelathune's Attire & Apparel line of clothing (shirts, hoodies, hats, etc.) and homegoods (coffee mugs, throw pillows, etc.) as well as our infamous sigil logo stickers perfect for glamour-bombing your locale

  • recording a monthly or bi-monthly occultural podcast that deals with the hypervariable domains of our practitioner’s vocations such as:
  • Bare Hands Magick, Gnosis and Intent, and Proprietary Acausality
  • Psychometric Bioleaching, Broadband Vampirism, and Xenopredation
  • Psycho-Energetic Meridian Targeting Stealth Execution Objectives
  • Anti-Social Mania Platform Conflict and Sock-Puppet User Impostors
  • Bait & Tackle, Trollslaying, Catch & Release, Reputation Zeeconomy
  • The Sordid Posturing of Memecult Marauding and Mock Murder
  • Sacred Syllables, Intoning Mantras while Focalizing Awareness
  • Data-Driven Aural Impedance and Numerological Serial Compositions
  • Gnosis in the Mosh Pit and the Psychogeography of Musick Venues
  • Advanced Semantics, Anontological Conditioning, and V-Prime
  • Faith Cracking, Paradigmatic Polymaths, and Modular Magicking
  • The Great Slack, False Fate, Crystallization of Theriomorphosis
  • Thee Device, the K.E.R., and the machinations of Seiderkin
  • Radicalized Illumination, Hallucinogenic Revelatory Enlightenment
  • Psychonautical Trip Reporting by the new Chemognostic Conclave
  • Meme O' Zeeism, Reformist Infekiteism, and Forbidden Sex Magick
  • The Supreme Ma’athematics of the Gematria of Nothing
  • Telesmatic Collagework, Poppetry or Dollcraft, and Sewing Sorcery
  • Medicinal Supersaturation, Effectual Hexcraft, and Hyperstition
  • Naturally-Occurring Poison and Animalian Venom Extraction
  • Honoring the Dead, Collecting Bones, and Other Odds and Ends
  • Exo-Toxic Protocol for Devaluing and Repurposing a Memeplex
  • Chaostafarianism, Renegade Dadaism, and Hyperabsurdism
  • Neapolitan Stregheria, Diasporic Yazidism, and Apocryphal Gnosticism
  • Ignostic Satanism, Dyothelemic Setianism, and Personal Sovereignty
  • Thozopithean Asyntactics, 369L, and Ultra-Terrestrial Evocations
  • The Final Enchantment, Extreme Unction, and Psychopompic Kismet
  • The Elective Oath and Ritual Observances of Chaos Monasticism
  • Aidan Wachter’s trilogy: Six Ways, Weaving Fate, and Changeling
  • Pseudo-Kenobic Cans, Opportune Offerings, Sweet/Sour Jarspells
  • Physio-Gnosis: Eckstasis, Katalepsis, Parenthesis, and Narcolepsis
  • Reverse Divination: sigilize a spread tracing tarot cards on the ToL
  • Shamanic Journeys vs. OOBE, Astral Travel, Dreams, Body of Light
  • ensuring the future of esotechnological toys weaponized in the Original Zenseider psionic and radionic egregore projects which are aimed at demolishing the heteronormative dominance of patriarchal rule by installing agent saboteurs from our select minority of psychedelic illuminates among the shuffling masses to deprogram and decondition them

  • adding managerial human-power (such as time, logic, and attention to detail) for the Administrative Aggregate of the allcaps CHAOSMAGICK FB group (including a virtual habitat for the servitor known as T'Crely Sov Pndagbui originally concocted by Svein H. Skavern an ex-admin)

  • overseeing the establishment of our Temple kNOwthing venture as a bed and breakfast that acts as a live music venue and cooperative boarding house slash bondage and discipline dungeon where we accommodate visiting aspirants and adepts alike with whatever creature comforts will make them feel at ease in our full-service ceremonial partnership project.

  • undergoing a rigorous evaluation of the memes and meme-bearers involved in Z(enseider)Z that will uncover any lingering faulty machismo that some may have been holding onto for fear of losing their identities.

  • detailing the accounts of the so-called 'predacious personae' (as many of the dildo-faced Dunning-Kruger case study rejects in Cuntservative talk radio have dubbed them) or more accurately those involved in Sadosexual Thanatology, Heterodox Necrosorcery, and Verbal Ontological Terrorism as they pertain to our collective aeonic maturation in this galaxy with Z(enseider)Z espousing narratives which deal with the hyper-neotenous, energetically-omnivorous, non-binary, psybersymbiote legions and their sabotage of the heteropatriarchal surveillance-based ethnostate.

  • "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
    — Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
    — Martin Luther King Jr., Baptist minister and civil rights activist

    "The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens."
    — Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the United States"

    "There is enough in the world for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed."
    — Frank Buchman, Protestant evangelist"

    "As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest."
    — Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa"

    "“Nothing that you have not given away will ever really be yours."
    — C.S. Lewis, author and Christian apologist

    We're allowing the public a view at how we're engaged in overgiving the Great Slack by boldly following our False Fate, and living in the same light as the virtues of the Theriomorphosis process.

    We want to make art and in wanting to do so we must also profit from it. It's a symbiotic gesture that takes advantage of some cannibalistic mannerisms.

      keeping all ya’lls in the kNOw

    For the Free Subscriber, you will get an epic romp through our home-spun memes, alliteration poetry, mind-enhancing musick, and new branding emblems.

    However, your Paid Subscription will benefit our collective in ways you could not imagine like blessing us with the capacity to thrive in this expense-filled economy and helping to enable the colloquial equinamity of our digital hivemind to evolve towards an Ideal Magickal Tribe.

    Your Paid Subscription also helps us to deliver you with:

  • future iterations of unadulterated Zentertainment
  • one-eyed paradigmal piracy with a polycarbonate peg-leg
  • esotechnological guerrilla semioticians
  • profit from placebo prophecy via selective mass hysteria
  • insurgent glamour-bombing with esoteric graffiti sigils
  • ever-expanding catalogs of rugged ghetto-ass spirits like the Lwa
  • renegade spirituality from the hard knocks of street smarts
  •   a conjugal cataclysm allover your face

    Please refer to our What The Fuck?! page for further extrapolation as to who we are, what we do, and how we get away with it in the vaguest language humanly possible.

      Fuck Their Cult! Join Our Faction

    Please Donate here to lend a helping hand to those in need.




      Fuck The User Anonymity Protocol Zeeprogramming Qua Fuh? About z0s  




    Z(enseider)Z © 2038

    All Rites Occluded